The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 485: 485

According to the information provided by Zhang Hu, according to Vincent's habit, he usually goes to the biggest underground casino in Tiancheng at this time point.

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Chen Ge, on the other hand, went straight there.

At first, Chen Ge just sat at a gambling table.

Of course, after winning more than ten games in a row.

It is the attention of the banker.

When Chen Ge doesn't pay attention.

One of the men sneaked into the office.

"Senge, there's a corner out there. He won a lot of money, and he also brought a lot of subordinates. It seems that he is not a good opponent!"

He said to the man who was sitting on the boss's chair, playing with a Japanese samurai sword.

This big man, from the top of his head to his forehead, has a very clear scar, which looks particularly penetrating.

And he is Vincent, the boss here.


The polished Japanese samurai's sword was cut off, and a jade seat in front of him broke.

This guy was scared.


He blew the blade.

"Is it a corner? Since you are No. 1, you should understand the rules of Vincent here. OK, I'll go out and have a look

Said Vincent with a sneer.

And outside, it was very noisy.

But when Vincent came out with his men.

The whole scene, a moment of silence.


They all cried out in unison.

Vincent with people, went directly to Chen Ge.

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"Who should I be? It turns out that I'm just a yellow boy. Why? Don't understand SENGO's rules here? We won dozens of them in a row, so we can't spit it out? "

Said Vincent.

"The rules, I really don't understand. I'm new here. Please forgive me."

"If you don't know what to say, you can learn it. Otherwise, we'll play two games, but I don't know if you dare to gamble?"

Vincent said with a gloomy smile.

"Tell me, what are you going to bet on?"

When Chen Ge talks, he also looks Vincent up and down. In addition to his fierce face, Chen Ge can't see what strong breath he has.

Unlike the previous Mo Jian and others, their strength is put aside, but Chen Ge can at least see some martial spirit in them.

If Vincent is really strong, how can he not?

And Vincent said, "gamble

This remark shocked the whole audience.

Shen Wanshan and others also looked at each other.

"Good! I'd like to accompany you! "

Chen Ge nodded.

However, the single round of this gambling technology, even if Vincent is a veteran, how can Chen GE's opponent.

In just one round, Vincent was defeated.

"Mr. Wen, be humble. I won!"

Chen Ge shook his head and said with a smile.

Vincent, on the other hand, touched his watch.

All of a sudden, a lot of people around me moved.

One after another, they took out the guys and aimed at Chen Ge.

"Brother, you really have two skills, but unfortunately, I'm afraid you can't take away my life, but it's your life. You can deposit it with me first."

Vincent stood up and sneered, "do it!"

However, Chen GE's figure flickered.

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In an instant, it came to Vincent.

It's even more eye-catching and quick witted. It pinches Vincent's neck.

The rest of them were thinking about moving, and they were afraid to move.

But Chen singer slightly force, directly lifted up Vincent.

"If you don't want to die, let all your men get out of here!"

Chen Ge said fiercely.

"Go away! Get out of here! Brother, you Don't mess around, you know, this is my territory

Vincent quickly waved his hand and let all of his men go.

"Then what you said does not count, but you lost your life to me!"

Chen gedao.

"No! Don't be a friend. Spare me a life. I can give you whatever you want

Vincent begged for mercy.

"It's very simple. It's a life lost. Some time ago, did you capture a man whose name is Zhang long, whose nickname is Tianlong. Where is he locked up?"

Chen Ge asked.

"So you came to save him, brother He's in my hand. I'll let him go. You must keep your promise and let me go

Vincent said quickly.

"Don't talk nonsense, hand over the people quickly!"

Chen Ge added strength.

"He He's in the basement of the underground gambling house. If you want to rescue him, you can do it now. I'll tell my men to let him go directly! "

And this Vincent is happy.

Soon, Shen Wanshan rescued Tianlong, who was in a severe coma and was covered with scars.Bang!

Chen Ge looked at Tianlong's miserable appearance. In a rage, he kicked Vincent to fly. Vincent vomited blood and was terrified.

And Shen Wanshan, they all look silly.

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How could such a strong Vincent be worthless in front of his husband? It's not scientific!

"Take him and let him escort us all the way out!"

Chen Ge carried the dragon on his back, and now he pressed Vincent. All of them drove away directly.

"I'm just a cheap life. Don't kill me!"

And to a deserted river.

Vincent went straight to his knees.

"Well, I can't believe that Vincent, who is famous in Tiancheng, looks like this!"

"Yes, damn it. So many people are scared to hear his name. It turns out to be a bear!"

Shen Wanshan and others smile bitterly.

Chen Ge stares at him coldly and says, "you answer me a question honestly. Where is the real Vincent? Who are you from Vincent? "

As soon as this statement was made, Shen Wanshan and other talents were all stunned.

"Excuse me, sir. My name is Wenlin. Vincent is my brother-in-law. He went out a week ago. I just took advantage of his absence to help see the court. Sir, spare your life. If you want to find someone to avenge, you should look for my brother Vincent!"

The man cried.

"What? So he's not Vincent? "

The crowd was stunned.

And Sir, I'm afraid I've seen that in the early days.

"Son of a bitch, you're playing with us. Where's Vincent? Where is he? "

Shen Wanshan seized him.

"He just told me that he would take someone to find something and come back later. I don't know anything else."

Wen Lin cried.

"We've taken them away. We'll dirty our hands by killing you. Get out of here!"

Looking at Wen Lin, Chen Ge said coldly.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you!"

Vincent ran away in a hurry.

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"This bear..."

Shen Wanshan swears and swears. At the moment, he also goes back directly with Chen Ge.

"Damn it, I've been a hero in Wenlin all my life. It's really bad luck that I fell on the head of a yellow boy today. However, this man is really cruel, which is no less than his second brother! It seems that we have to let my brother come back and abolish this boy! "

Wen Lin rubbed his throat and scolded as he ran.


Face to face, it is to bump into a person.

At present, the direct fall of seven meat and eight vegetables.

"Damn it, no eyes!"

Wen Lin angrily scolded.

However, the next moment, he will not scold.

Because standing in front of Wenlin was a man in black with only two eyes outside.

You can see from this man's eyes that he should be an old man.

His eyes were a little muddy, but they were sharp and sharp.

As if it was breathtaking, it was so cold that people felt cold several times. Wen Lin only scolded, and he was afraid to scold.

"You Who are you? "

Wen Lin asked.

The old man in black came slowly, raised his old hands and patted Wenlin's head.


The next second.

Wen Lin spits blood and lies on the street

And the old man in black slowly put his hands on his back and took a meaningful look at the direction of Chen GE's departure.

Then, a little frown , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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