The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 492: 492

Liu Shao is not a fool. After listening to the words of his subordinates at the moment, he immediately knew the interest.

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There is not much to say now.

As for Chen GE's Tianlong Group.

Indeed, this period of time has witnessed a rapid development, especially after the annexation of the five forces in Tagou Town, and the brothers Zhang long and Zhang Hu, who were scattered by Vincent before, have returned to China a lot.

Now, the Tianlong Group has developed from the original Tagou town to the Tiancheng area. Of course, the Wei family's help is indispensable.

"Tianlong Group deserves to be the black horse among the black horses. It's fierce!"

At this time, Chen GE's glasses beside said.

"Why is Tianlong Group so powerful in our Tiancheng in a short time?"

Some girls asked curiously.

"It's not because the leader of Tianlong is said to be very powerful. The leader of the five forces surrendered after only one round. Now, no one dares to stop them in Tiancheng District, except for Vincent who has not come back!"

Glasses seem to understand.

Then he explained to the crowd.

This matter, with the help of Tianlong, naturally it will not be called a matter.

Yujiang was elated and elated.

Go to the headmaster's office to talk with Shen Meng.

When passing by Chen GE's side, Shen Meng looks at Chen Ge, but he just shakes his head lightly.

He left without saying hello.

Before myself, I really had a good feeling for Chen Ge.

After all, it's time to find a partner.

Shen Meng from junior high school to university, has always been a goddess level existence.

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When she wants to find a partner, she is naturally very selective.

At first, I felt that Chen Ge was handsome and had temperament.

So Shen Meng is very fond of him.

At that time, compared with Chen Ge, Yujiang was simply eclipsed.

But after getting along with each other carefully, Shen Meng found that Yu Jiang was the most suitable person in his mind.

Chen Ge is dispensable.

But for Shen Meng's attitude towards himself has changed.

Chen Ge just laughed bitterly and didn't say anything.

Strictly speaking, it is themselves who have solved their crisis today.

Obviously, the credit has been completely taken away by Yujiang.

Ha ha!

This has happened countless times.

At first, he didn't expose himself, such as Zhao Yifan before. He felt some regret and was unwilling.

But now, Chen GE has no mood.

In the afternoon, I went back to the office.

When Chen Ge is ready to leave after work.

It's a phone call.

To Chen GE's surprise, the phone call was actually made by the girl tulip.

"Miss Chen, I'm in the Starbucks Cafe downtown. Are you off work? Come here! I have something to tell you! It's important! "

The mysterious way of tulip.

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"What's the matter? It won't be to thank me for saving my life, will you buy me coffee? "

Chen gedao.

"It's not only that you come, but we'll talk about it."

Then tulip hung up.

Chen Ge frowned slightly, but in the past or to go, after all, he now mainly wants to maintain a good relationship with tulip.

At the place, tulip has ordered coffee and is sitting by the window waiting for Chen Ge.

To Chen GE's surprise.

Beside tulip, there was a girl, about 24 years old.

My age.

Like tulips, they look very beautiful, and they are still seven points similar.

Compared with the pure tulip, this woman is more mature charm.

"Sister, that's him!"

Tulip points to Chen Ge, softly.

And that woman, will Chen Ge up and down a burst of survey, gently nodded.

Then he stood up and left with his bag.

Chen Ge wanted to say hello to her, but she didn't pay attention.

"This is my sister Yu Jinfei. How about it? Pretty, right? Well, you look straight at you

Said tulip triumphantly.

Chen Ge nodded: "go ahead, what do you want me to do?"

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"Of course it's a good thing, and it's a great thing. Toads want to eat swan meat, and they can eat it at one bite!"

"Well, to tell you the truth, I've been looking for it for a long time, but in the end I've found that you are the only one who is most suitable for you."

The tulips continued.

"What's the matter?"

"Hey, listen, ha, the next thing I want to say may be too shocking for you. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Oh, don't be excited and die directly!""That is My sister wants to find a son-in-law, and the most suitable person, I think about it, is you


Chen GE's eyes glared and stood up directly: "me? A visiting son-in-law? "

"Hahaha, surprise? Just now my sister has looked at it one by one, and she has agreed! "

Tulip saw Chen GE's surprised expression and thought it was Chen GE's excitement and stupidity.

"Your sister is so beautiful. There must be a lot of chasing her. What kind of son-in-law do you want?"

Chen Ge was helpless.

"Well, it's a long story to talk about."

Tulip sighed.

To make a long story short, we have to save her from Chen Ge, and tulip goes home to receive training.

Recently, tulip is in a bad mood.

Today, Chen GE's incompetence led to the failure of the class. This is just a small point that makes tulip in a bad mood. The most important thing is, the elder sister's business.

Tulip and her sister's feelings are very, very deep.

However, after returning to China this time, Yu Jinfei encountered emotional problems, which led to her depression every day. She was like a changed person and even thought of suicide.

It can make tulip worry bad.

Before that, Yu Jinfei had been studying in M country. At that time, she talked about a boy friend and dated for many years.

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But it turns out that the scum man is engaged.

He hesitated when his sister proposed to get married.

Yu Jinfei couldn't think of it, so she went back to Tiancheng.

Moreover, Yu Jinfei said to the scum man in a rage:

"if you choose me, you will be so indecisive. Well, you don't think highly of yourself. Then I will find the most cowardly and useless person in the world to be my husband! I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life

After saying this, Yu Jinfei returned home.

And ask tulips to help find out.

The first point is that this person can be cowardly and useless, but he must be honest.

Tulips have been looking for a long time.

Finally, today after my father's training.

With a flash of inspiration, she said happily to her sister sitting on the window sill: "sister, I have found the kind of person you want to look for."

"Who is it?"

Asked Yu Jinfei.

"It's our new teacher. We all call him" Coward teacher ". Of course, the one who saved me today is really honest! But he's pretty good, or after work, I'll help you to make an appointment with him. If you can, you can marry him, and then he'll be angry. After all, our teacher has no advantage. Ha ha! "

Tulip road.

"Well Well, you ask him out in the evening. I'll meet him. If you can, I'll sign a contract and pretend to be a husband and wife for a year with me. After that, I'll pay him enough to let him be carefree all his life. "

Yu Jinfei said.

"Bingo, no problem. Look at me..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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