The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 493: 493

So, there is a scene now.

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Chen GE's mind is flying.

Of course, it's not because of the sudden marriage with a beautiful woman.

But Chen Ge is thinking about the feasibility of this thing for himself.

No doubt, this is a magic assist of tulip. Once you can get into Yu's family, get Shen Wang, and end this wandering life, it will be just around the corner.

But, to marry a strange woman like this?

Can I live up to Mu Han?

"How about it? Hey hey, but don't be too happy. Your marriage life is only one year. After one year, you will have to divorce. However, we Yu family will give you a lot of money. I feel very good. In this way, you will become the son-in-law of the Yu family! "

Tulip road.

"I promise!"

Chen Ge raised his head and said.

Only when they become stronger, they are more likely to rescue Mu Han and deal with Mo Changkong.

If not, everything is empty talk.

No hesitation.

"Ah? I haven't said the terms yet? And you agreed? "

Tulip pouted her lips and her eyes flashed with contempt.

Hum, I thought you were a real gentleman. As a result, you are also a money seeker.

"There are still conditions?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Of course, it's nothing. You just have to understand that the marriage between you and my sister is similar to the employment relationship. You don't want to think about it! That's the main thing! "

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"Ha ha, I see. Do you mean that there is no real name?"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

This is just what I want.

"Bingo, that's it. If there's no problem, sign the contract. You'll have the wedding ceremony in two days. Before my mother comes back from abroad, because my father won't say anything, but my mother, she certainly doesn't agree, so it's urgent!"

Chen Ge doesn't know what the two sisters are up to.

But he's not interested in knowing.

Now, I signed the employment contract.

In a flash, seven days later.

"Today, my foreign classmates came back and organized this party. They are all people who have seen the world. When you get there, you should speak less and understand what I mean?"

This morning, Chen Ge Gang sat in the co pilot.

A cold woman driving is the open road.

Her voice was cold as if she had no emotion.

And this woman, not someone else, is tulip's sister, Yu Jinfei.

Yes, as of today, Chen GE has been married to her for three days.

He lived in the Yu family and became his son-in-law.

However, in addition to when necessary, Yu Jin Fei hardly said a word to Chen Ge, let alone looked at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge understands.

In her heart, she was just a tool.

But what can this do?

"I see!"

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Chen Ge nodded.

Soon, Yu Jinfei drove to the location.

It is a high-end restaurant in Tiancheng.

"Princess, are you here?"

After entering the box.

Several men and women stood up.

Among them, a young man in gorgeous clothes and gold watch walked up to Yu Jinfei.


"Princess Jin, after I came back to China, I heard that you were married. What's more, what kind of teacher did you find? It's him?"

The young man's eyes showed a little resentment, pointing to Chen Ge and saying.

"Yes, this is my husband, Chen Ge!"

Yu Jinfei took Chen GE's arm and said, "Chen Ge, this is my college classmate, Yin Chao!"


According to Yu Jinfei's etiquette, Chen Ge reaches out and wants to shake hands with Yin Chao.

"Princess, I really don't know what you think. Even if you break up with him, you still have other people..."

Yin Chao airway.

But after seeing the warning eyes of Yu Jinfei, she did not go on.

It can be seen that Yin Chao seems to be a suitor of Yu Jinfei.

And he, of course, ignored Chen Ge.

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Similarly, the scene of Yu Jinfei students, seems to be full of hostility to Chen Ge.

Almost no one said a word to Chen Ge.

At the same time, a few girls, even from time to time, show a trace of contempt towards Chen Ge.

It seems to express the emotion of how a good flower is inserted in cow dung.

"Brother Chao, look at that boy. I can't believe that Princess Jin married such a person. It's said that she is a teacher of Tiancheng University. She's really drunk. I don't know what Princess Jin thinks!"Outside the bathroom.

Several boys said dissatisfied.

After all, Yu Jinfei is so beautiful. Which boy hasn't liked her before, especially Yin Chao, has always liked her.

However, Yu Jinfei always had other people in her heart, and they didn't have a chance.

Now it's good. When I finally got the chance, I didn't expect that Yu Jin Fei would get married directly and marry such a coward.

After all, they have a prominent identity, and Chen GE's university teacher naturally looks down on them.

"Hum, that's right. We want to talk to Princess Jin, but it's not convenient to say it. He's here. It's really eye-catching."

Another boy said.

"In that case, let him go! Let him know that our party is not for people like him

Yin Chao sneered.

Now, I whispered a few words to some boys.

Then the crowd returned to the box.

"Well, we haven't had a good drink with the bridegroom after Princess Jin's marriage. Brother Chen Ge, you've robbed all our goddesses. Anyway, we have to have a drink."

Yin Chao's attitude is abnormal and laughs at Chen Ge.

And several other boys, is to look at each other, looking at Chen Ge cold smile.

"Good! I do want a drink. How are you going to drink it? "

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Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well, I just brought a case of good wine from home today. I've sent someone to get it. Let's drink it for nothing!"

Yin Chao didn't expect that Chen song was so real.

"Good, white is good, I like to drink white!" Chen Ge said with a smile.

Yu Jinfei obviously saw what Yin Chao was going to do.

Originally, I also wanted to remind Chen Ge, so as not to lose his temper.

But seeing that he was so mindless, Yu Jinfei was also drunk.

Simply let him drink, drink dead pull down!

Yu Jinfei twisted her head to one side.

And there are already two cases of liquor.

"Hehe, brother Chen Ge, to tell you the truth, my brother's family is a winery. He grew up in a wine tank. He is the main one, we are the auxiliary. Can we have a good drink with you

Yin Chao said with a smile.


Chen Ge continued to smile and nod.

However, no one found that Chen GE's eyes flashed a touch of evil color. Since practicing Professor Qin Bo's internal skills, Chen GE has long been immune to alcohol and other things.

Even ordinary poison, Chen GE has nothing to do with it.

What's more, these drinks

It's mainly because Chen Ge sees Yin Chao. They are highly targeted. If they swallow their guts, they are not Chen GE's temperament now. Since they want to play, play , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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