The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 503: 503

Chen Ge couldn't help it. He took Shen Wang and went on the plane with them.

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And after going up, Chen Ge was put on an eye mask by them.

Who is it?

You want to see yourself?

He was even more suspicious.

These people, no doubt, are all masters of the masters, even if they are themselves, in front of them, they have no power to strike.

Even Chen Ge doubted whether they were mortals.

From childhood to adulthood, Chen Ge did not know any master except Qin Bo.

However, if Qin Bo wanted to see himself, he would not make such a move!

I don't know how long it took.

When they are escorted off the plane by the four of them.

Chen Ge smelled a faint smell of the sea. The sea breeze was blowing and howling. Not far away, the sound of surging waves was one after another.

Take off the blindfold.

In the eye, it is an island.

"Where is this?"

Chen Ge asked the four men.

This time, the four were not loading dumb: "empty Island, soul hall!"

"Soul hall? Kongming island? "

Chen Ge was surprised.

He has been traveling with Qin Bo for more than half a year, and has gained a lot of insight.

But where is Kongming island? What is soul hall?

Chen Ge really doesn't understand.

However, it can be confirmed that these people are indeed from the same organization, an extraordinary super organization.


The four brought Chen Ge to the island. The island is very large, and there are many dark palace buildings on it.

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Chen GE has been taking to a different garden, Chen Ge to settle down.

"Who wants to see me? Can I see you now

Chen Ge is more and more insecure and asks.

"Chen Shao, please give us the king Shen!"

The first is the man in black.

Obviously, this group of people did not want to capture the king of ginseng. Moreover, even if they really wanted to take it, Chen Ge could not protect it.

And he handed it to them.

They would not answer any more, nodding slightly, they would all step back.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen GE has no choice but to tell the truth.

Anxiously pacing up and down the room.

Soon, the door opened.

I saw an old servant coming in with a few maids.

They each carried a plate with all kinds of things on it.

They are all on the table in front of Chen Ge.

"Feast yourself? It's true that I'm a little hungry now, but the food is so ugly

"This is all for me to eat?"

Chen Ge asked.

The old servant nodded with a smile. He should be mute. He made a sign language to Chen Ge, indicating that Chen Ge would eat one by one.

"Well, I'll try it!"

Chen Ge picked up the chopsticks and picked up a dark thing.

Since he said it was food, he could eat it even if it was ugly.

Is it because they are backward in this place that they make such poor things?

Try it!

At the moment, Chen Ge put it into his mouth.

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The soup was soft on the outside, but the inside was soft.

"How bitter

Chen Ge choked red face, pain way.

And the old man, sign Chen Ge all swallow.

"This what is it? How could it be so bitter? "

Chen Ge disgusted.

The old man made a gesture, and Chen Ge understood.

"What? What do you want me to eat is snake gall? It's not cooked at all. It's still raw! "

Chen Ge was surprised.

The old man made another gesture.

"Is this a boa constrictor gall that has survived for 300 years? So precious? "

The old servant nodded with a smile.

Signal Chen Ge to continue to eat the next plate.

"And what is this?"

"What? Hawk Eye? I'm sorry... "

Looking at the bright red, Chen Ge couldn't help but feel sick.

But the old servant asked Chen Ge to finish eating one by one before he would withdraw.

"Here, what the hell is it?"

Chen Ge vomited for a long time and said in his heart.

But what he didn't expect is that the more cruel is still behind.

For the next month, Chen Ge took the gall every day for hundreds of years, and took a bath in a medicine pool.

Chen Ge knows that this is how Qin Bo trains him.

But the effect of this medicine pool made Chen Ge think that it was much more brilliant than Qin Bo's.

In a short month, Chen GE's strength has made rapid progress again.What's more, they didn't really want to fight the king of ginseng, because in one month, the group divided Shen Wang into 30 times and let Chen Ge take it.

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Obviously, these people are trying to make Chen Ge stronger.

But who are they?

"If you don't eat it, take it all away for me!"

That day, the old servant brought these things to Chen Ge.

The old servant panicked and motioned to ask what was wrong with Chen Ge?

"Who on earth wants to see me? What about the four guards in the southeast and northwest? And the old man who brought me. What do you mean? Get me, and you don't see me? "

After holding it for a month, Chen Ge is going crazy.

Then he pushed aside the old servant and went straight out.

Since you don't come to see yourself, there's always someone in charge here.

Thinking, Chen Ge came outside.

At the moment, there is no figure in the huge black palace.

Chen GE has come to a willow forest.

At last I saw the figure.

It was a couple of seven or eight year olds fighting.

In the past, it was a little boy bullying a little girl.

And see Chen Ge coming, these children Bang to disperse.

The little girl was left on the ground crying.

While crying, he drew circles on the ground with his fingers.

Chen Ge came to her side.

"Are you all right?"

The little girl was startled. She looked up at Chen Ge, and her hands shrank back.

"Why are there children like you here? I thought they were all black masked people!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

But the little girl seemed to be very afraid of Chen Ge, staring at him blankly, also did not speak.

Chen Ge smile, this just from his pocket, take out only a few packets of snacks.

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The little girl's eyes lit up.

Well, let's talk.

"All for you! Eat it

Chen Ge touched her little head.

I looked at the little girl's painting on the ground.

Chen Ge said with a smile, "little sister, what are you painting?"

The little girl is no longer afraid of Chen Ge.

Children, as long as there is good food.

Then she pointed to the left and said, "this is my mother, next to my father, and behind is my grandmother!"

"Are they all living with you on the island

Chen Ge asked.

Unexpectedly, the little girl put biscuits into her mouth, shook her head and said, "they are not with me. They are buried in the soil by the elder martial brother here, saying they will sleep for a long time!"

"I'm waiting for them to pick me up!"

Said the little girl.

Hearing the speech, Chen GE's heart suddenly thumped.

"And those children just now?"

"They're just like me, their families are asleep, we live on the island!"

Said the little girl, who had finished a bag.

And force to tear another bag, but she is still small, tear can not open.

Chen Ge looks at, in the heart faintly some uncomfortable.

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