The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 504: 504

"What do you do when you stay on the island? Are they intimidating you?"

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Chen Ge wants to know more about it.

Chen Ge even suspected that it was the people from the soul Hall who killed the parents of these children and then abducted them.

"Chen Shao is worried. To be exact, we saved these children! Bring them up! "

I don't know when, behind Chen Ge, there has been a gray haired old man.

He was dressed in a black robe, but he was not masked at the moment.

He came slowly, affectionately touched the little girl's head: "girl, after this kind of food to eat less, do you hear me?"

"I know, Grandpa Wen, do you eat biscuits?"

Said the little girl.

"Grandfather does not eat, you take to eat, after eating, hurry to do homework, tigers dare to bully you, run to tell grandfather!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Wen, thank you big brother. I'm leaving!"

The little girl took the biscuit, said thanks and ran away.

"Are you?"

Chen Ge looks at the old man up and down.

"Chen Shao, I didn't see you for more than a month, so I didn't recognize him?"

The old man laughed.

"The southeast, let me know

"Ha ha, I'm at ease. People on the island like to call me Wenbo!"

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Winbur shook his head and laughed.

"I was just looking for you. You said you would take me to meet someone. I've been here for so long. Should I see you?"

Chen Gesheng's airway.

"You have been eating those things for a month. I can see that your complexion has been adjusted to the peak. The impurities in your body have been eliminated under the influence of Shen Wang. Well, normally speaking, today I come to see you to see him!"

Wen Bo laughed: "please, Chen Shao!"

Chen Ge frowned and didn't say anything. He followed him.

The island is a complex of buildings, all the way close, only to see that there are extraordinary momentum around the people in black guarding.

Finally, Chen Ge was introduced to the largest palace.

It's a bit like the court Hall of an ancient palace.

The first song is a high platform. On the platform, there is an old man standing with his back to Chen Ge, looking at a large map in front of him, stunned and distracted.

"My Lord, Chen Shao has already arrived!"

Winbur looked serious and bowed.

"Step back!"

The two hands raised slightly to the old man.

Winbur stepped down.

"We don't seem to know each other?"

Chen gedao.

"Well, you don't know me, but I know you! The only inheritor of the Chen family is Chen Ge, the top young man! By the way, I also forget that you are still the son-in-law of the Yu family. They take a fancy to you and take you away! "

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Chen GE's face turned red.

Indeed, in order to find the king of ginseng, he was indeed a coward and became someone else's son-in-law.

"It's just my personal affair. I don't have to worry about it. In addition, I'd like to thank you for the treasure you've given me in the past month, which has made my strength improve rapidly."

Chen Ge put the topic aside.

"Personal affairs? I think you are shameless. The face of the Chen family has been ruined by you, such a bastard! "

The old man was so angry that he immediately turned around.

Four eyes are opposite.

Chen Ge saw that the old man in front of him had a crane hair and a child's face, and his eyes were shining.

It's quite a sense of being a virtuous person.

Just don't know why, see this old man, Chen Ge heart has a sense of inexplicable.

Under his aura, Chen Ge felt a sense of shame.

Now he lowered his head.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The old man burst out laughing: "it seems that my grandson still has some sense of shame."


Chen Ge thought, "are you

"Why, since you came in to see me, I haven't even called my grandfather? Silly child, I am your grandfather Chen DIANCANG

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Laughing, the old man sat down on the stone chair.

"Are you my grandfather? You Aren't you missing? "

From childhood to adulthood, Chen Ge almost never heard of his grandparents.

But later, I heard from my father that my grandfather had disappeared and had not appeared for decades.

They also sent people to look for it, but they failed for many years.

In Chen GE's mind, he also thought that his grandfather was probably dead.

But did not expect, grandfather lives well, and is empty bright island soul hall master?

"Unexpected, isn't it?"

Chen DIANCANG looked at his grandson, but his face was spoiled.

"Yes, grandfather, it's really unexpected!"Chen Ge finally knows why he has a kind of cordiality just now.

"All these years, you have been in Kongming Island, and you have founded this soul hall?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Well, it's been thirty-five years since I left the Chen family and let my 20-year-old Near East inherit the family."

"Come on, little song, come and sit down with my grandfather. My grandfather will tell you something about it."

Chen DIANCANG said with a smile.

Chen Ge sits on the stone chair.

"How much do you know about grandfather?"

Chen DIANCANG asked.

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"I just know that 35 years ago, you had a quarrel with your father, and since then, you have given up your position as the head of the family. There is no news. I asked my father and he didn't say much about it."

Chen Ge said.

"It seems that in the Near East, I didn't tell you about the sun chart."

"The sun map?"

"Well, this is a mysterious pattern handed down from generations to generations in our Chen family ancestors. The content in it is extensive and profound. The reason why the Chen family can dominate half the world and become a super rich family is because of the guidance of the sun chart. But later, I found out that in the sun map, we Chen family will be destroyed in 50 years, and the sun map has never been You can't cheat

Chen DIANCANG said.

"I've heard Dad say that maybe in these years, the Chen family will fall or even be destroyed!"

Chen Ge thought of what his father said.

"Well, this is what I told your father at the beginning, so I have been looking for the answer to solve the problem, hoping to understand the sun chart again. Until 35 years ago, I found a new answer, and obtained a set of practice methods that my Chen family relied on for survival hundreds of years ago. Once again, we all have a tradition of practicing martial arts in the Chen family. Ha ha, it's just that when your father's generation comes to an end, it's also the reason why my grandfather despises him! "

Chen DIANCANG said.

"So you used it to create this hall of souls?"

Chen Ge finally knew some of the secrets of that year.

"Yes, I worked hard to find this remote place, and finally made some achievements. Then I established a force. At least, I can bless that my Chen family will not be completely destroyed."

"Xiaoge, you are very good. Someone is willing to help you, and you have become a hard Kung Fu player. So when my subordinates report your situation to me, my grandfather is very happy!"

"Grandfather, do you know my master Qin Bo? His name is Qin Yifan No, Qin Bo. Did you send it? "

Chen gedao.

Chen DIANCANG shook his head with a hard smile: "no, my grandfather doesn't know him, but he has also investigated him. This is what makes me strange. My dark net is all over the world, and there is no news that my grandfather can't get. However, Qin Yifan, your master, really made me work hard, but I couldn't get it. What's more, it's not sure whether his name is Qin Yifan or not! But to be sure, he is a mysterious master, a top-notch master, and his cultivation is not under my grandfather! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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