The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 505: 505

"Taller than you?"

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Chen Ge was surprised.

Chen DIANCANG nodded with a smile.

"No matter whether he is an enemy or a friend, he saved you, taught you and laid a solid foundation for you. Otherwise, my grandfather would not meet you so soon."

"I'm afraid it will take three years for my grandfather to lay this foundation for you and give you the opportunity to enter into Purgatory reform. But now, with your solid basic physical skills, and with the help of the king Shen, you have the strength to resist the transformation of purgatory."

Chen DIANCANG said.

"Purgatory reform?"

Chen Ge is confused again.

"Well, this is what I learned from the sun map of our Chen family. With this, my grandfather gained the strength that ordinary people don't have and stepped into the master's realm! Speaking of it, your condition is much better than that of grandfather! "

"Master's realm? I've heard Qin Bo tell me that when a martial artist reaches a certain level, he will become a martial artist with internal strength. Above him, he will be a master. However, there is no one who has internal strength and martial arts. The master's state is a mysterious state. Grandfather, you are already a master's state? "

Chen Ge was surprised.

He got a lot of nourishment from Qin Bo's Secret methods, and now he has completely melted Shenwang, so he can be regarded as a real inner strength warrior.

But my grandfather is a mysterious martial arts master?

"Well, twenty years ago, grandfather arrived! After a small part of the transformation of purgatory, the people here have become intermediate or top-level internal strength warriors. Your current strength is just a primary internal strength warrior! "

Chen DIANCANG said with a smile.

"No wonder, my grandfather's men have unpredictable strength, so they have already been the internal force fighters."

"Oh, grandfather, if you pick one randomly, you can hit ten! But you can rest assured, I will use all the purgatory transformation on you, and teach you the method, song, in the future, you are the future of our Chen family

"That's what you mean, grandfather

Chen Ge got it.

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"It's just

A little hesitant.

"What's the matter, Grandpa?"

"It's just that after purgatory reform, your strength will soar. If you have the power of dragon and elephant, your body will no longer be an ordinary person's body. However, there will be a side effect, that is, your mind will deviate greatly from you now. After my grandfather's transformation, it took decades to stabilize your mind!"

"It's still my grandfather's great determination and can control it. But my grandfather's worry is that once you don't control the power of the Dragon elephant formed in your body, you will become..."

Chen DIANCANG stopped and said, "he will become a bloodthirsty devil! At that time, you will ignore life

"But you don't have to be afraid. When you were very young, my grandfather observed you. You were born with a kind heart and would not fight with your mother. I'm sure you can control this power well."

Chen DIANCANG patted Chen Ge on the shoulder.

Now, what Chen Ge needs is strength, stronger power.

He has already understood that money alone can not protect relatives and lovers, only the power to crush everything.

"Originally, your second uncle is safe and suitable for purgatory. Unfortunately..."

Chen DIANCANG looked gloomy.

"But fortunately, now that the Chen family has a little song, you and our Chen family have a new hope. When you are in Kongming Island, you will be familiar with it for a week. After a week, you will start the purgatory renovation for half a year. This week, my grandfather will also arrange the transformation site for you. Little song Although you have to bear a lot of pain, this You can't escape if you want to. As a descendant of the Chen family, you should have this responsibility! Are you afraid? "

"Not afraid!"

The conversation between the two continued into the night.

Seven days later, the master of the soul hall went to Chen DIANCANG and took his grandson Chen Ge into the secret place.

The master issued a decree that the closure will last half a year. No one is allowed to disturb it.


Six months later.

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Tiancheng triangle.

Platoons of motorcycles stopped at an intersection.

Hundreds of people.

All the heroes are looking forward to their return.


Soon, a helicopter, from far to near.

Stopped in front of the crowd.

Then the cabin opens.

A bald man, surrounded by a group of people, came down.

The bald man has a sharp scar on his head, which is extremely ferocious.

"Mr. Wen, you are back at last!"

Someone moved.

"Vincent! Vincent

The crowd yelled, and the pent up mood seemed to be cathartic. Their king, the king of Tiancheng, came back after half a year.

"Mr. Wen, you went out to study with the master for half a year, but now Tiancheng has changed! Your brother... "And this person, not Vincent, could be.

He raised his hand coldly, indicating that there was no need to say more: "I know all the things. Wenlin was killed, the territory was robbed, and the king Shen was robbed. I know all about it!"

"Tianlong Group? Is it true that there is no one in the literary family of Tiancheng? "

Vincent's eyes flashed a chill.

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Tianlong Group.

"Where on earth has Monsieur gone? Is there any news yet? "

"I just know that I have gone to the north, but in China, even in Russia, they have sent people to inquire, and there is no news from Mr. Wang at all?"

"Look for it again!"

Zhang Long said angrily.

Zhang is in the office.

After half a year, Tianlong Group has become the largest force in the triangle region, with a huge territory and a unique branch.

However, the disappearance of Mr. Zhang, after all, could not stop the fire and gradually spread.

A lot of forces are eyeing.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Shen, no good!"

Come in. There's panic.

"What's so flustered?"

"It's Vincent. Vincent came back, and with his men, he went straight to the gate of the Manor!"

The man said.


The three looked at each other.

Run out in a hurry.

At the door, both sides have already started.

There are many people in Tianlong, lying on the ground.

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It happened that two of his men, with machetes in their hands, directly cleaved to the first Vincent.

And Vincent, he doesn't dodge.

There's a bang.

The knife fell on Vincent's body and was broken by the shock.

Two of his men were repulsed in an instant.

"What's the difference between me and Tianlong Group? Now, these are the men. They're just a little bit of stuff!"

Vincent shook his head coldly.

"Oh? There are also two defeated generals. I think you are tired of living! "

Vincent is cool.

Zhang Long roared: "let's go together!"

The three came straight to Vincent.

Bang bang bang!

Just three punches.

All three were lying on the ground.

Vincent wiped the blood on his hands and said with a smile, "take them away, take back all the territory..."

Everything seems to be understatement.

The three people were taken away, and there were long bloodstains on the ground , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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