The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 515: 515

I had a dinner appointment with Zhang min.

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Now, Chen Ge wants to know more about Meng Kang, so he calls Zhang min.

"How about it? Is she coming? "

Zhu Lili asked nervously.

Zhang Min said: "maybe I'm really afraid of you. People won't come."

Can not help, Zhang Min mouth some small loss.

"It's better not to come. Brother Wang said, let's go directly to Longjiang hotel to have a meal and see the best hotel in Longjiang."

Zhu Lili was jubilant.

Zhang Min nods bitterly.

Then, they went directly to Longjiang hotel.

"I'm sorry. Today Longjiang hotel has been contracted. Several ladies and gentlemen can choose to go to other places. I'm very sorry!"

Did not expect just arrived at the door, was stopped by the waiter.

Zhu Lili, who was in high spirits, couldn't help being disappointed.

Her cell phone is ready, waiting to take a picture, but actually not allowed in.

"Such a large hotel has been contracted out. How many people are needed? Is there not a seat?"

Asked Zhu Lili.

The waiter shook his head.

"Oh, indeed

Zhu Lili stamped her feet angrily.

"Come on, let's go to another place to eat, the same thing!"

Zhang Min advised.

Then the crowd left.

But Zhu Lili still did not give up, and looked back from time to time.

At the moment, a luxury car driving to the door of the hotel.

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Many Longjiang Dagui get off.

They tidy up their suits and stand at the door as if waiting for someone.

"Look, isn't that Mr. Lu zongnian, the boss of the Lu family?"

Zhu Lili was shocked.

Zhang Min nodded: "it's really general manager Lu. It turns out that the Longjiang hotel has been contracted by Lu, which is no wonder!"

"However, in the exchange conferences of the past years, Mr. Lu did not have such a grand display, and there was only one possibility left, that is, there was an important VIP coming!"

Zhang Min said.

"Important guests?"

Zhu Lili and they all looked up curiously.

Now, the middle door opens.

An old man got off first, and then he respectfully invited a young man out.

Mr. Lu stepped forward and shook hands respectfully.

When she saw this young man, Zhu Lilly was stunned, "ah! So Isn't that Chen song? "

Zhang Min was also surprised to cover his mouth: "yes, it's really Chen Ge. He said he couldn't come because of something. So, he's coming to Longjiang hotel!"

"But Minmin, you see, Mr. Lu is very respectful to him. Why do they treat a D silk like this?"

Zhu Lili was more and more stunned and felt her cheek ache.

The young man whom he has always hated has such connections.

I don't know if it's an illusion. There's such a moment.

Although Chen Ge still wears clothes that he thinks are very rustic.

But stand with this group of rich businessmen.

How handsome!

Zhu Lili bit her lip and regretted.

Chen Ge didn't notice that someone was staring at him, and he had already looked silly.

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At the moment, Chen Ge and Lu Zongyuan, as well as Meng Kang, several people into the hotel.

Chen Ge also did not expect, originally thought it was a simple dinner party, unexpectedly invited Lu Zongyuan.

"Brother Meng, are you sure that this man is powerful? But I think he is an ordinary young man

Lu Zongyuan walked in the back, and said to Meng Kang softly at the moment.

"Zong Yuan, when did I cheat you? Don't underestimate Mr. Chen. His strength is hard for you and me to understand?"

Meng Kang said.

"If it's really like what you said, it would be great. Maybe this crisis of the Lu family will be able to get through smoothly. If it happens, the Lu family will respect elder brother for life!"

"Ha ha, respect me. If you have this energy, please ask Mr. Chen more. If Mr. Chen can really stand with us, there will be no problem!"

And they went in.

On the wine market, it's nothing more than a few greetings.

After thirty days.

Meng Kangfu cup, indicating Lu Zongyuan's speech.

Lu Zongyuan, however, felt that Chen Ge was just a yellow haired boy.

It's hard for him to ask for such a boy.


At this time, sitting beside Lu Zongyuan, a middle-aged man suddenly put down his glass.

"Mr. Lu and Mr. Zhang don't understand why this luncheon was set up and who was entertained?"

Because Chen Ge is in the first seat.This man has long been unconvinced.

What's more, Lu Zongyuan's words flattered him many times, which made him quite angry.

"Ha ha, Master Zhang, today's lunch, of course, we invited Mr. Chen!"

Meng Kang said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Chen? Hehe, please forgive me for my humble eyes. I have never heard of Mr. Chen and Mr. Li in my life! We are all here to help the Lu family, and master Meng is already a master among the masters. With me, Zhang tie, I don't know what to ask this yellow boy to do? "

Zhang tie sneered.

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"Zhang tie, don't be presumptuous

Meng Kang, however, was a little nervous and yelled.

In contrast, Lu Zongyuan, sandwiched in the middle, did not say a word. Obviously, he agreed with Zhang tie's words.

Chen Ge is also heard.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Chen Ge glances at Meng Kang.

Meng Kang lowered his head with some apology: "Sir, listen to me. I have something to do with my brother Zongyuan in the early years. I once promised that if something happened, I would help. Now when the Lu family was in danger, I would be invited to come here. But how could the enemy be too strong, I'm afraid we are not rivals!"

"So I wonder if you can help me, sir?"

Meng Kang was outspoken.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to be involved in this relationship!"

Chen Ge said with a cold expression.

Lu Zongyuan frowned and put down his glass.

And Zhang tie on the side said, "yellow boy, don't you want to participate? I don't think you dare. If you have any means, you can take them out and have a competition between us, so that President Lu can see what you can do! "

"Competition, forget it, I'm not interested!"

Chen gedao.

Lu Zongyuan, on the other hand, had two legs up.

I thought I was really a master.

"Ha ha, master Meng Kang, I think it's meaningless to eat this meal again. It's time for me to go. Thank you for your hospitality."

Chen Ge glanced at Meng Kang and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, sir."

As soon as he got up, Meng Kang grabbed Chen Ge in a hurry.

"Mr. Chen, blame me for not showing all the reasons in advance. To show my apology, Mr. Chen mentioned to me that there is one thing that Mr. Chen has to do to find the spirit fox. I have already made people ready for it."

Meng Kang clapped his hands and immediately a map came in from his men.

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"Sir, this is the path map of the original forest in anling. Since ancient times, few people have been able to travel through the virgin forest. However, my ancestors of the Meng family once practiced in the jungle and drew a map. Although it can't help you a lot, I think it may be useful. Please accept it!"

"Brother Meng, this map is for your family to look for..."

Lu Zongyuan widened his eyes, and the rest was interrupted by Meng Kang.

"Please accept it, sir."

Meng Kang said again.

Chen Ge took over, crossed the jungle, with this map to help, nature saved most of the trouble.

Just then.

"Bring it to me!"

But Zhang tie grabbed it with his hand.

"Mr. Chen, it seems that you want this map very much. Now the map is in my hand. You can take it if you want it!"

Zhang tie gave a cold smile.

On the contrary, Chen Ge.

But he shook his head and sat down.

"What do you mean?"

Zhang tieleng asked.

Chen Ge did not answer, but casually picked up a vegetable leaf in the plate with chopsticks.

Now, the wrist is shaking.


The leaves fly straight out.

Hit the door.


A loud noise, the solid wood box door, suddenly burst , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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