The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 516: 516


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Zhang tie's eyes were stunned and stood up directly.

All the people in the house are excellent.

Outside the door, there is a waiter who is about to bring food in. At the moment, he is still in the same place.

Lu Zongyuan slowly dropped his feet.

The atmosphere in the room solidified instantly.

Originally, I just thought that Chen Ge was a yellow haired boy. What kind of ability did he have.

But this means.

A vegetable leaf will smash the wooden door.

What strength and cultivation this must be.

"Picking flowers and leaves can hurt people!"

Zhang tie was in a cold sweat and muttered to himself.

In order to ease the embarrassment, a Lu family member asked with a smile: "Zhang Master Zhang, what do you say

Zhang tie dropped a cold sweat and his eyes were completely unconscious:

"picking flowers and picking leaves can hurt people!"

He repeated.

"I can't believe that there are such Kung Fu in the world. It's really eye opening!"

Zhang tie shudders.

Looking at Chen GE's eyes, naturally changed.

"Chen Mr. Chen, I don't know Mount Tai. Here is your map! "

Zhang tie respectfully brought the map.

And Lu Zongyuan, at the moment, exchanged his eyes with his people.

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Lu family members, one after another.

"Mr. Chen, forgive me for being disrespectful. I also ask Mr. Chen to save the Lu family from poverty in the face of brother Meng!"

Lu Zongyuan finished and bowed deeply.

Chen Ge keeps the map.

"What's the matter? Master Meng can't solve it? "

Take people's money to relieve disasters.

If it wasn't for this map that was very useful to him, Chen Geshan was only looking at Meng Kang's face and would not have bothered the Lu family.

"Sir, it's like this..."

Lu Zongyuan quickly told the story.

It turns out that the Lu family once had an enemy in the early years.

Later, the enemy went abroad.

I don't know where to learn a good skill.

The top bodyguards of the Lu family are not rivals with one finger at all.

The enemy threatened.

Every ten days, he killed one of the descendants of the Lu family until they were all killed.

Today, two descendants have been killed.

Lu Zongyuan has long banned his descendants from going out.

They all stay at home and hide.

This enemy is called Wang Dahai. His idea is very simple, that is, let the Lu family perish in fear all day long.

So Lu Zongyuan had to invite a large number of experts.

The reason why this exchange meeting was held one month in advance.

It is in order to attract the vast number of powerful people to come.

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Give encouragement to the Lu family.

After listening to Chen GE's heart, it's no wonder that Lu Han and her several would sneak out to play.

"Wang Dahai was once regarded as a descendant of a powerful family in Longjiang. However, Wang's father and son committed many crimes, which were boycotted by the rich merchants in Longjiang and went to the end. Wang Dahai was narrow-minded and retaliated against the Lu family. I'm afraid other families will not be spared!"

Meng Kang added on the side.

"However, we have agreed with him that we will have a decisive battle with Wang Dahai tomorrow night, but this man's strength is really high. I'm ashamed that Meng Kang will be his opponent!"

Meng Kang shakes his head and sighs.

"If I can get Mr. Lu's help, it will be my Lu Jiafu's score!"

Lu Zongyuan said respectfully.

Chen Ge didn't have a good impression of Lu Zongyuan.

He turned his head directly and said to Meng Kang, "OK, I'll go with master Meng to have a look tomorrow night."


After dinner.

Chen Ge and Lu Zongyuan left the hotel.

At this time, a housekeeper came over.

"Mr. Lu, the people from Yanjing dragon's family are here and want to visit you!"

"Yan Jinglong's family, hum, what did they come to visit me for and who was the leader?"

With the help of Chen Ge, Lu Zongyuan's confidence has naturally risen a lot.

"It's the second wife of the dragon family. She also sent a heavy gift to the exchange ceremony. She's waiting for an appointment."

The housekeeper continued.

On one side, Chen Ge listened, but his eyelids were slightly raised.

Yanjing dragon family, second wife of the dragon family?

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"This housekeeper, is the second lady of the dragon family surnamed Yang?"

The housekeeper said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, it is."

It seems that it is really Yang Xue.

Don't know why, hear Yang Xue came, Chen Ge heart has a kind of strange feeling.

Over the past year, Chen GE has also forgotten Yang Xue.

At that time, all sorts of things, at any time, have become a thing of the past.But there is one thing Chen Ge can't forget.

That is, a year ago, he was chased by the Molong family. Yang Xue let himself go and saved his life.

"For more than a year, I don't know what happened to her?"

Chen Ge said in his heart.

Then I couldn't help laughing bitterly: "if she can live a stable life, it's already very good. We should not see her!"

"Mr. Chen? Mr. Chen? "

Lu Zongyuan whispered.

"Ah?" Chen Ge is a little distracted.

"Ha ha, I don't know where Mr. Chen lives now. If it's convenient, it would be better to move to our Lu family. I'll let someone arrange the best room for Mr. Chen!"

Lu Zongyuan road.


Chen Ge nods.

Moved into the Lu family.

Lu Zongyuan, of course, met the dragon family in the front hall.

"Hello, Miss Yang. I've read your gift list. This gift is too expensive. I can't afford it!"

Lu Zongyuan is a guest.

"Mr. Lu is so modest. It's our good luck for us to meet Mr. Lu in his busy schedule."

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Yang Xuedao.

Lu Zongyuan looked at Yang Xue with a smile.

This woman can act on behalf of the dragon family at a young age. It seems that she must have excellent means and greet each other.

She also answered appropriately, giving a sense of solemnity and preciseness.

Can't help but, Lu Zongyuan is also a high look at Yang Xue.

"Mr. Lu, you are too busy, so Xiaoxue directly expressed the intention of this trip. I don't know if you have read the plan. If you can, we Yanjing dragon family can cooperate with Lu family in depth!"

"And in order to express their sincerity, the dragon family will take out a project worth 10 billion yuan and hand it over to the Lu family."

Lu Zongyuan's eyelids jumped slightly. Obviously, he was somewhat moved.

However, he was not in a hurry to reveal.

"Thank you for your trust and cooperation. I'm not in a hurry. I've heard that Miss Yang Xue seems to be here in Longjiang and some of your cousins are here. I think Miss Yang Xue knows some forms of Longjiang! I'm afraid I'll listen to your cousins too... "

The relationship between the two is no secret in the business world.

And Molu family, to be honest, the relationship is not very good.

Now the dragon family suddenly sent representatives over, and Lu Zongyuan had to understand more carefully.

Heard that the representative sent is Yang Xueshi, Lu Zongyuan asked his subordinates to transfer out the information of Yang Xue.

"Mr. Lu knows it very carefully. Indeed, because of my hometown, I have some cousins here, but I haven't been in touch for many years. It's my first time to come to Longjiang, so I don't know the form very well."

"But one thing is certain. After getting these projects, the Lu family will make money and deepen the deep cooperation between the two families, right?"

Yang Xueyi smiles.

Lu Zongyuan nodded.

Just then the housekeeper came in through the door.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Chen has settled down. What else can I do for you?"

Lu Zongyuan said: "it's nothing. Let people treat Mr. Chen well. You can't slack off." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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