The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 517: 517

"It turns out that Mr. Lu also has VIP here! It seems that today, it is indeed a bit presumptuous! "

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Yang Xue cut her haircut and said with a smile.

"But I don't know who is able to have such a face, so that the awe inspiring general manager Lu in the north can be so respected?"

"Hehe, the ceremony is being handled. There are a lot of VIPs coming to my house, but my VIP is different from the other guests. Miss Yang, I think we should talk about something else? What's more, I'll take time to have a detailed look at your cooperation plan. There's a grand ceremony these days. Miss Yang might as well stay here and have a formal negotiation after the ceremony. How about? "

Yang Xue laughs: "everything is ordered by Mr. Lu!"

Lujiazhuang garden is very large, with many villa group VIP areas.

"Miss Yang, I'm really sorry. No one can enter this area except Mr. Lu!"

The next day, Yang Xue with his men, want to turn around in lujiazhuang garden.

But they were stopped by several bodyguards.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit presumptuous. This VIP area is so special that I don't know where the VIP is staying? I see. There is a Mr. Chen who seems to be very important to Mr. Lu. This is not where Mr. Chen lives? "

Yang Xue said with a smile.

The bodyguards all shut up.

Let's Yang Xue frowned and walked away.

"Miss, there are a lot of secrets in the Lu family. There's no need to be upset!"

His staff comforted him.

"No, I'm thinking, don't be our competitors. If that's the case, all the efforts of our dragon family will be in vain. Lu Zongyuan, an old fox, has been talking for so long yesterday, but he can't see what his attitude is. The 10 billion contract is so calm. What is he thinking?"

Yang Xue hugged his shoulder.

"After the ceremony, let's see what he says? Miss, you can also visit the ceremony and contact some rich businessmen from all walks of life, which will be of great help to my dragon family! "

"I see, but I'm not interested in this kind of ceremony."

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"Where shall we go?"

"Ha ha, there are some cousins of our Yang family in Longjiang. I haven't seen them for seven or eight years, but I can go and see them during this period of time!"

Yang Xue said.

But the corner of the eye, but with a touch of banter.

I'm talking.

A group of foreigners brush past Yang Xue.

Yang Xue nods and smiles with them.

But did not notice, one of the first foreigners, looking at Yang Xue, eyes with a touch of indecent splendor!


"Ding Dong!"

In a residential area.

The doorbell rang.

The door opens.

"Oh, who should I be? It's Yang Xue. I haven't seen her for seven or eight years. She's grown so big. Why? What are you doing here? I've already lost contact with you? "

It was a woman about forty who opened the door.

At the moment, the skin smile flesh does not smile way.

Block the door and not let in.

In the words, with a touch of irony.

Inside, there was a lot of noise. It was obvious that there were many guests in the room.

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"Auntie, I just haven't seen you for seven or eight years. I miss you a little. Come and see you!"

Yang Xue gave a cold smile.

He pushed his aunt away and went straight into the room.

"Hey, you!"

My aunt got angry.

In the house, there are a lot of guests, sitting on the sofa, talking and laughing, men and women, old and young.

Seeing Yang Xue coming in, the atmosphere in the room solidified instantly.

"Oh! Isn't this snow? Who should I be? I'm a rare visitor. I've grown into a big girl

A middle-aged man stood up, surprised and pleased.


Yang Xue nodded slightly.

"Hehe, I'm really poor in the downtown area. No one asked if he was rich and had distant relatives in the mountains. Did you know that the position of Xiaozhi in our family has been promoted and some relatives have come after smelling it?"

But on the sofa, another woman peeled an orange and sneered.

This speech a, let a lot of young men and women, are some ironic looking at Yang Xue.

"Second cousin, your mouth has not changed for so many years! I remember that when I was in this position, You ridiculed my mother to shame

Yang Xue said with a smile.

"Cough, Xiaoxue, don't mention the things in those years. By the way, your father got sick in those years, and there was no contact in these years. What happened?"

My uncle is concerned at the moment.

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"Long time ago!"

Yang Xue said.

About eight years ago, Yang Xue's father got sick because he had been robbed of a lot of money in earlier years. Now that he has no money to cure, he comes to borrow money from longjiang's uncle.However, no matter how humble their mother was, they refused.

In the end, aunt Yang and her daughter were driven out like dogs, and the mountain goods they brought were all carefully selected by her mother.

However, it was scattered all over the ground.

From then on, this matter, this scene, left a brand mark in Yang Xue's heart.

She vowed in her heart that she would study hard and bring back her original face. She would not be looked down upon.

As a result, Yang Xue was admitted to Jinling university successfully.

But later she found that no matter how hard she tried, she could never get rid of the shadow of poverty.

She found her favorite boyfriend.

However, they have to follow people's eyes.

She can't stand this feeling. She wants to be a master!

Today, Yang Xue came here to realize her wish, which she has been dreaming of for many years.

"Well, what are you looking for us for? Is your mother sick again? I tell you, we don't have money

Said the great aunt, coming up at the moment.

"Mom, don't you see that my cousin is dressed so well now. Maybe she's looking for us to show off. Maybe she's looking for a golden tortoise son-in-law!"

One girl said.

"At that time, I remember it was aunt Er Biao. In order to drive me away with my mother, she gave my mother 50 yuan, which was to compensate us for the mountain goods! Do you remember, aunt

The second cousin took a deep breath: "how do you want revenge?"

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The second cousin stood up and drank furiously.

"It's not revenge. I'm here to return your original 50 yuan, because I swore at the beginning that I would give it back to you a hundred times, thousands of times!"

Yang Xue said, pointing to the window: "aunt two, aunt big, you can now go out of the window and look down, I return your money, all below!"

The big aunt and the second aunt are in a daze.

Stand up and walk out the window.

When looking down, they all covered their mouths in amazement.

"My God

Because of their big eyes downstairs There are a lot of luxury cars. Before the luxury cars, there are many bags.

From a distance, the bag is full of red and red bills.

It's confusing people's eyes.

Second cousin, directly and powerlessly sat down.


At the moment, the door opened, Yang Xue's team of black bodyguards came in.

"Downstairs is to pay back your money, I now let you count, my people will look at you, can't count, you can't eat a mouthful of rice, can't drink a mouthful of water!"

Yang Xue said coldly to the powerless second aunt.

All the people in the room were afraid to speak , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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