The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 519: 519

Lu Han was surprised when he saw it.

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Because she saw that figure, it was clearly that she met in the railway station, that very interesting little brother.

Just when Lu Han wanted to confirm it.

Chen GE has already got on the bus and left.

"Chen Ge! Chen Ge

Lu Han called twice and scratched his head. Could he be wrong.

How could he come to his house and his father opened the door for him?

"What's the matter, Xiao Han?"

At this time, a man and a woman came over.

It's Lu Chao and Lu Xue.

Lu Xue asked.

"Sister, guess who I saw just now?"


"Chen Ge!"

"Who is Chen Ge?"

Lu Xue frowned.

"Oh, that's the handsome boy we met in the railway station the other day!"

"It's the d-silk! Third sister, you still have contact with him? Besides, how did he show up in our family? "

Lu Chao despised Tao.

"You're wrong. You don't even know. How could he enter the door of our Lu family?"

Lu Xue shook his head and said.

I've been in China for a long time. I don't want to contact those people outside.

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For example, the princes of Wang family and Su family should walk around more.

Pay attention to your identity.

But Lu Han doesn't listen.

"Oh, you don't believe it. Anyway, what I saw was him, and my father opened the door for him. No way. I'll catch up and see how he and my father met each other."

Lu Han said that and ran away in high spirits.

"Xiaohan, you come back!"

Lu Xue jumps quickly.

"Lu Chao, let's go after Xiao Han. It's a sensitive time. We LU's descendants can't go out at will!"

Lu Xue is in a hurry.

"Ah? What sensitive moment? "

"I just heard what my father said, and I learned the truth. In short, don't let Xiaohan run around, let's go after it!"

With that, Lu Xue and Lu Chao also went out.

Night came.

Longjiang suburb, lakeside.

A team of men and women are facing each other.

"Lu Zongyuan, you are really the Lu family. I really asked you to find help. But with this, do you want to block Wang Dahai? It's ridiculous! "

Opposite Lu Zongyuan, a man of 356 years old stood with positive and negative hands.

He had some vicissitudes, with stubble on his mouth and scars on his face.

Just double eyes, but with a let life frightening murderous air.

"Wang Dahai, for more than half a month, you have killed two descendants of the Lu family. Today, we, the Lu family, will figure out with you about this bloody battle. You Wang's father and son were treacherous and treacherous, and finally went to ruin. You deserved what you deserved!"

Lu Zongyuan said coldly.

"Shut up, no matter what you say today, no matter what kind of help you find today, you can't escape death. It's just the right time. I'm going to let you witness the death of the Lu family's children. From today on, I'll arrest you and let you watch your Lu family's people be killed in front of you!"

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"Arrogant, I'd like to see what you can do with it."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang tie's figure flashed, and he had already rushed out.

It can be seen that Zhang tie has practiced hard Kung Fu, and his skill is very strong, and his hand is even more fierce.

But in comparison.

Both speed and strength are much worse than Wang Dahai.

And Wang Dahai gets tired of it.

Let's go.

Zhang tie is full of flaws in an instant.

In times of crisis.

"I'll meet you!"

Meng Kang goes out and blocks Wang Dahai's fatal blow for Zhang tie.

"He is familiar with his skills and skills."

Chen Ge looked at it and could not help thinking.

But then he knew it.

Wang Dahai's kung fu training all over his body seems to come from the same school as the man he killed before!

Moreover, Wang Dahai is obviously better.

He has stepped into the ranks of the inner force.

It seems that it is even earlier than Meng Kang.

The longer the internal strength is, the more honest the inner strength will be.

This is like the same bottle of liquor, cellared for a year, and the taste is different from the new one.

Now Meng Kang and Wang Dahai are like this.

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Although Meng Kang's actual combat skills are rich, but Wang Dahai's inner strength is stronger than him.

After more than 50 rounds, Meng Kang covered his chest and fell back again and again.

I can't stand it.

"Xiaohan, what are you doing here?"In a forest near the lake.

Lu Han is peeping over his mouth.

A slap on the shoulder startled her.

"Sister, why are you two here?"

"I don't worry about you. What are you looking at?"

Lu Xue said.

"Sister, keep your voice down. Look at the elder sister. Dad is here. And that person seems to be Chen Ge. Alas, it's a pity that some of them can't see clearly."

Lu Han is in a hurry.

"Dad said that there is a big enemy of the Lu family, Wang Dahai. Now it seems that we are dealing with Wang Dahai. Fortunately, I'd like to have a look at it. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll miss my father's event. As for Chen Ge, how could he be here?"

Lu Xue was surprised to see the figure.

At present, also dare not go, three brothers and sisters whole body perfusion looking at the distant fierce battle.

"Mr. Chen, master Meng is going to be overwhelmed. Please hurry up!"

Lu Zongyuan pointed to Wang Dahai road.

Chen Ge took a deep breath, carrying his hands, and did not speak.

"Chen Mr. Chen, you can't give up now. This night, Lu put his life and life under pressure here! "

Lu Zongyuan didn't mean to see Chen Ge.

I'm in a hurry.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any conditions? Just mention it. As long as Lu can do it, you will do your best!"

He pleaded again.

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"I heard that Lu Jiazu was famous for controlling animals among the people, and an ancient book called" the book of beasts "was handed down by Lu Jiazu

Chen Ge spoke slowly.

Lu Zongyuan felt a thump in his heart.

Can't help but look at Meng Kang who is still fighting in the distance.

At the moment, he quickly made up his smile and said, "Sir, it's an ancestral craft. Now it's lost in our Lu family. You see, we're in the Lu family. How can anyone tamper with this?"

Chen Ge put his hands in his pockets and did not move.

Meng Kang, however, has been beaten upside down.

Lu Zongyuan was more and more anxious.

Originally, I thought that this Chen Song, as long as the Lu family gave him face, could be sent away, and maybe it would be used by the Lu family.

And there is Meng Kang's face.

But now Lu Zongyuan can see clearly.

This boy is a guy who can't get up early without profit. I think it's Meng Kang who told him about his ancestors.

He changed his mind temporarily and took advantage of the fire.

It's true that the Lu family did have a book called "the book of beasts", which can read the language of animals. At that time, the Lu family used to rely on this book to establish an aristocratic family, which has been handed down to the present day.

But since the end of the Republic of China, the Lu family found it useless and ran aground.

As a family heirloom, the classic of animals has always been preserved in the Lu family.

Although it can't be used, Lu Zongyuan also knows the value of this ancient book.

But at the moment, he was obviously blackmailed.

"Well, Mr. Chen, if I help the Lu family out of trouble, I would like to present the book of beasts as a thank you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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