The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 520: 520

"Well, it's a deal!"

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Chen GE has a faint smile.

Chen GE has long been interested in the human face.

Yes, now Chen Ge is very selfish, everything, as long as it is good for him, Chen Ge will do it.


However, Meng Kang and Zhang tie are hard to support.

He flew to Chen GE's feet and fell heavily.

"Ha ha ha ha, two rubbish, Lu Zongyuan, what help do you have? Please call it out as soon as possible!"

Wang Dahai laughed heartily.

Chen Ge walks out lightly.

"What, a yellow boy, is there no one in the Lu family? Please come out with such a thing? "

Wang Dahai looked at Chen Ge and shook his head contemptuously.

"Have you been studying in Southeast Asia all these years?"

Chen Ge took a look at him and said.

Wang Dahai was stunned at his speech.

He was anonymous, and his question was very hidden.

No one knows who he is.

But now, I was told by this boy.

"You How do you know? "

Wang daheidon looked up to Chen Ge.

"Is that Vincent your junior brother?"

Chen Ge asked again.

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Wang Dahai's eyelids raised: "he is a younger martial brother of my school! Do you know him? "

"Well, I've killed it!"

Chen Ge said.


Wang Dahai's heart is more tight.

"It seems that you have two skills, but Vincent is just a minor of Tiequan sect. It's easy to kill him. But don't think that you will be my opponent. OK, if you dare to kill my Tiequan people, I will kill you and avenge my younger martial brother!"

Wang Dahai was angry.

And then it came straight.


The two fists are directly opposite.

And Wang Dahai, straight fly out, also accompanied by a bone crack sound.


Wang Dahai covered his arm. Behind him, his own bones had broken out.

By the way, he hit his arm bone directly.

What power is this?

Wang Dahai was shocked.

Lu Zongyuan and Meng Kang, they are also staring at each other, an incredible face.

"You're so young, you're a martial artist with inner strength, and your inner strength is so honest and generous!"

Wang Dahai said in horror.

"Kill yourself

Chen Ge shook his head and said.

Wang Dahai's eyes were dim.

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He resisted the pain and nodded, "OK, I'll kill myself!"

He took out a dagger and was about to stab it into his chest.

Suddenly, he threw the dagger at Chen GE's face.

Grab a handful of soil and throw it out.

Then he ran away.

Very fast.

And Chen Ge, gently flashed by.

"Mr. Chen, go after you, he He's gone

Lu Zongyuan jumped in a hurry.

And Chen Ge, just a wrist shock.


With a sound, a black awn passed quickly.


Wang Dahai screamed and fell on the ground.

The short blade, later, flew back to Chen GE's hand.

"Dead, he's dead!"

Lu Zongyuan said happily.

Then he looked at Chen Ge and said, "Mr. Chen has made great contributions to the Lu family this time. I, the Lu family, will definitely prepare a generous gift for Mr. Chen to thank you."

"I only want the book of beasts!"

Chen Ge smiles at Lu Zongyuan.

Let Lu Zongyuan's smile freeze instantly.

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He wanted to get the subject off the track.

"Sister, look, it's really Chen Ge, he How can he be so powerful? "

Lu Han covered his mouth.

Lu Xue also has two eyes.

It turns out that he came to Longjiang with the help of his father.

It's hidden!

Lu Xuexin middle road.

At the moment, Chen Ge really looked at him with a new look.

It's late at night.

Lu's inner hall conference room.

This evening, Lu family high-level heard the news of Wang Dahai's death, excited.

A great enemy has been uprooted.

However, many Lu family members, including Lu Zongyuan, are not happy.

"Hum, a boy, no matter how fierce he is, is also a rude man. He still wants the book of beasts of the Lu family and doesn't see what kind of virtue he is!"

Someone said angrily and patted up the table.

And Lu Zongyuan is playing with a pendant.

"It's also my fault. I thought that no matter how powerful he is, he's only capable of killing people. To deal with this kind of martial arts man, you only need to send money and status to women. In addition, I can make him work for the Lu family in the future.""But I didn't expect that he agreed so easily. Originally, he thought it was Meng Kang's face, but he was attacking the idea of our Lu family's beast Sutra. Moreover, until the critical moment of life and death, he threatened to export!"

Lu Zongyuan's eyes were fixed.

"Master, the classic of beasts is the treasure of our Lu family. You can't give it to him!"

Some say.

"I know that, but at that time, I had promised him, and I would regret it rashly, which might cause Chen GE's dissatisfaction! He is not the same as Meng Kang, he is not easy to send away, and he is more fierce than Wang Dahai! That's what I'm worried about! "

"Ha ha ha, don't disturb me, elder brother. I have an idea. Not only can we keep our book of beasts, but also can get rid of this old song!"

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At this time, a middle-aged man stood up with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"Zongnian, what's the idea?"

Lu asked.

"I also listened to my staff and investigated Chen Ge. Although I got very little, I knew a big secret about him."

Lu zongnian.

"Brother, do you know the Mo family in Longjiang? Although we have never been in contact with the Mo family, I heard that a year ago, the Mo family had tried their best to ask rich businessmen from all over the south to search for and kill a man named Chen Ge! "

"Chen Ge, who just came from the south, and the description of his appearance is so similar to this Chen Ge. Is it possible that he is the man the Mo family is looking for?"

Lu zongnian's eyes narrowed slightly and gave a cold smile.

Lu Zongyuan put down the pendant with a sudden realization.

"If this is the case, it would be a good way. The Mo family is powerful, and there are more secret school masters than people imagine in the family. It would be great if we could borrow the Mo family's hand!"

Lu Zongyuan said with a smile.

"But my Lord, we Lu family has nothing to do with Mo Jiasu, and even have some grudges. In fact, I heard that the Mo family has long wanted to annex us, but we Lu family has a thousand year history in Longjiang. If we move us, it is equivalent to moving the whole economic network of Longjiang. They have not started. Do you think they will help us?"

Concerns have been raised.

"Yes, of course. If we help them find the people they are looking for urgently, we don't need to help us. We believe that they will solve our problems themselves."

"The key to the problem now is to find someone to stabilize Chen Ge. If he can be used by me, he can give him a life. If he can't, he can only borrow the hand of Mo family."

Lu Zongyuan road.

The meeting lasted until very late.

In Chen GE's room, the light is still on.

Chen Ge is digesting the map Meng Kang gave him.

Indeed, it is of great benefit to Chen GE's action in the jungle.

Suddenly, the door knocked , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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