The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 522: 522

"I heard that Lord Lu caught Chen Ge? I don't know how to thank you! "

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Before the arrival of the people, the laughter of the people of the Mo family came first.

Mo family, this time, a total of eight people, led by a middle-aged man.

"Mr. Mo Yunhai is too modest. In the final analysis, Lu and Mo are still one family in Longjiang. As for Chen Ge, that is, an outsider, there is no reason for him to turn his elbow outward?"

Lu Zongyuan said with a faint smile.

"He is indeed! Let's find it hard! "

Mo Yunhai approached, fixed a look, instant great joy.

Mo Yunhai is an elder of the Mo family in Longjiang. He is in charge of the whole family.

At the moment, catching Chen Ge is a great achievement. I don't know how Mo Changkong's second uncle will reward himself?

"He won the Bo scattered, has lost consciousness, hum, see you this boy even if is a loach, how can escape my palm heart!"

Mo Yunhai said coldly.

"It's just that Mr. Lu said that Chen Ge was powerful, but how do I feel that he was just like this "

Mo Yunhai is obviously in a good mood today.

"Uncle Mo, you are wrong. My father didn't lie. All of us in the Lu family have seen Chen GE's strength. It's really extraordinary. The reason why we can easily catch him is because of my sister's strength and your scattered miraculous effect. Otherwise, it will take a lot of effort to deal with him!"

Lu Xue cut her hair and said with a smile.

"I, Lu Xue's niece, can speak. In this case, Lu Xue's niece has made great contributions. Our Mo family will not forget this credit!"

"Hum, even if you have a high level of cultivation, you have to be honest and obedient to me now. If you faint, you can't wake up!"

Moyun Haidao.

Then a big hand waved: "come on, take this Chen Song back to Mo's house, and wait for the two elders to return from Nanyang and wait for the fall!"


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Mo's men take over.

"Wait a minute. Who are you? Dare to make Mr. Chen's idea! "

At this time, a cold drink came from behind.

The crowd sought fame.

I saw an old man who did not know when he had appeared behind the crowd.

"Oh, it's brother Meng Kang. This is your map of anling. It's the biography of Meng family. How can you give it to this boy at will? Besides, Chen Ge is not satisfied, and he even wants to take the book of beasts of Lu family. It's really a toast, not eating or drinking!"

Lu Zongyuan was stunned when he saw Meng Kang.

These days, Lu Zongyuan secretly observed that Meng Kang and Chen Ge were very close.

There is a lot of solicitude.

At first, Lu Zongyuan didn't care. After all, his friendship with Meng Kang for so many years was there. Lu believed that once something really happened, Meng Kang would be on his side!

But he was wrong.

Until last night, Lu Zongyuan learned that Meng Kang had told Chen Ge the secret of the Lu family.

Lu Zongyuan was on guard against Meng Kang.

So, at present, Lu Zongyuan hurried to cover up embarrassment.

"Hum, Lu Zongyuan, you think that I am a three-year-old child. I have heard that just now, you conspired with the Mo family of Longjiang to betray Mr. Chen. Lu Zongyuan, Mr. Chen saved the life of the whole Lu family. Even if there is no merit, there is also hard work. How can you avenge me! Do you have a conscience? "

Meng Kang pointed to Lu Zongyuan.

Lu Zongyuan's hands froze.

At the moment, the eyes became cold and sharp.

"He's trying to take the book of beasts of the Lu family, and he's already on his own way to death. Brother Meng, I see that you and I have a lot of friendship, so I'm here to persuade him. Mo's family has done something about this. You'd better go back and have a rest earlier! "

Lu Zongyuan insisted.

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"Go back? With me, Meng Kang, today, you have broken a hair of Mr. Chen.

Lu Zongyuan swallowed his saliva and nodded heavily: "well, brother Meng Kang, since you are so ungrateful, don't blame me for being rude.

With the Mo family here today, I'd like to see what you can do with me?

Finish saying, look at Mo cloud sea of Mo family.

Mo Yunhai naturally understands.

"You're the one to blame. You're too nosy.

Mo Yunhai has a cold drink.

Several of his subordinates immediately went out to fight Meng Kang.

Meng Kang is rich in skills and has stepped into the realm of internal strength and martial arts.

Ordinary people, Meng Kang is not in the eye.

But this time, it was the Mo family.

Last night with Wang Dahai battle, Chen Ge to solve each other, save Meng Kang a life.

This It's Meng Kang who has been looking at it.

And Mr. Chen has given respect that he has never had before.

Let Meng Kang no longer suffer humiliation.These two points alone are enough to make Meng Kang die hard.

Therefore, Meng Kang was extremely desperate.

I'm really anxious. Some of the Mo's children are not rivals.

"This man is actually a man of inner strength and martial arts. It seems that the guests of the Lu family are not simple!"

Mo Yunhai shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

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"That's Mr. Mo, who doesn't know about the whole Longjiang river. Mr. Mo is a famous expert in China!"

Lu Zongyuan laughed again.

"Ha ha, just a Meng Kang, why do you need so many rounds? Please give me back!"

Mo Yunhai at the moment, a fierce drink.

The crowd retreated.

Then his figure suddenly moved.

With a very strong momentum, facing Meng Kang's cave is a head-on blow.


He is extremely fast, and Meng Kang, in the final analysis, is old, plus last night's injury against Wang Dahai has not recovered.

Can not cope with, directly fly out of the mouth of blood gushing.

"Well, I didn't expect that they were useless! Since you are all for death, well, I will kill you

Moyun Haidao.

Calmly toward Meng Kang.

"Lu Zongyuan, you will be punished by heaven. My Meng family has nothing to do with you but kindness. How could you behave like an animal! Even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go! "

Meng Kangqi's teeth.

"No matter how much you say, I can't save your life. I can only blame you for your bad luck and blind cultivation. Ha ha!"

Mo Yunhai walked over.

He is preparing to shoot Meng Kang with one hand and take his life.

"Stop fighting. I didn't sleep last night. Let me sleep again!"

Just then, there was an untimely sound in the room.

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Let the atmosphere of the whole room fall into silence.

All of them turned back suddenly.

Looking at Chen Ge lying on the bed.

Lu Xue, in particular, is jumping with a red face at the moment.

"Who Who speaks? "

Lu Zongyuan was also startled, and could not help but step back towards the back.

"Did he not pass out?"

"Miss Lu Xue, are you sure he was poisoned?"

Mo Yunhai asked in surprise.

"Sure, he was poisoned!"

"That's strange. Isn't it just a dream talk?"

When people are uncertain.

Is to see the bed of Chen Ge, made a big yawn, but also stretched a stretch, a pair of in sleep in the appearance.

After a while, Chen Ge rubbed his sleeping eyes and opened them slowly.

Sweeping to all the people in the house:

"now I see, are all the people here?"

Chen Ge shook his neck, sat up and asked coldly.

"What? It turns out that You You're not poisoned

People were shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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