The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 523: 523

"This kind of poison, half a year ago, I used it as a health medicine. Do you want to poison me?"

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Chen GE has been soaked in medicinal materials for half a year by Qin Bo. For some poisons, he is invincible.

Of course, there is no problem.

Chen Ge, who is proficient in pharmacology, did not know that the ginseng tea brought by Lu Han was poisonous.

Lu Han will not harm himself.

There is only one possibility to harm yourself, that is, the people of the Lu family. Some people have evil intentions towards themselves.

Chen Ge pretended to be ill, just waiting for this group of people to stand in front of him.

"Hum, stinky boy, my mo family tried my best to find you for more than a year. This time, it didn't poison you, but you don't want to escape!"

Mo Yunhai sneered.

"Sir, you are all right. That's very kind of you."

Meng Kang stood up with his chest covered and said with a smile.

"Monsieur, thank you just now!"

Originally, Chen Ge wanted to see Meng Kang. He was a bit sincere about himself. However, Chen Ge couldn't help but feel a little moved when he risked his life to save him.

Seeing that his life was in danger, Chen Ge woke up in a hurry.

"Manager Mo, don't talk nonsense with this boy. Let the villain go and take him!"

Mo family a youth, scorn a smile.

Then the figure swayed directly towards Chen Ge.

However, it is a step away from Chen Ge.

Chen Ge suddenly hands, directly grabs this person's head.

All of a sudden, the man's limbs straightened and his whole body trembled.


Chen GE's wrist was slightly shaken and his neck was broken.

Throw it in front of the Mo family.

Mo family seven people, all astonished.

These are the young generation of the Mo family, with excellent strength.

But just now, like a sheep, caught in the key, shivering, can not resist.

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"Good boy, I can't imagine that I haven't seen you for a year, and I've become so powerful!"

Mo Yunhai widened his eyes.

"Together, get him!"

Mo Yunhai waved his hand.

The remaining six people, rush together.


Chen Ge raised his head defiantly.

A pair of scarlet eyes, looking directly at the crowd.

A cold, straight to them, so that six people's spine hair cold, the air inside the house, seems to be a bit cold.

And Chen singer is up and down.

It is this group of people who force themselves to be desperate and unable to return home.

It is this group of people who force themselves to be like dogs who have lost their families and have been bullied.

They are the ones who want to take the assets of the Chen family.


Chen GE's heart set off a frenzy of killing.

Kill together, invincible.

Where can these six people be Chen GE's opponents.

Chen Ge was killed, but after more than ten breathing times, he died into a piece.

The whole room was splashed with fresh blood.

"Good How wonderful

Mo Yunhai's eyelids jumped violently.

Chen Ge a hand, he knew that he would not be an opponent.

Now the only idea is to escape!

Now, just change hands and go.


A flying knife flashed by.

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The moment did not pass Mo Yunhai's neck.

"You You...! "

Mo Yunhai issued two faint screams, the next moment, directly fell to the ground.


Lu Xue is also scared, covering his mouth, shrinking in the corner.

Including all the people of the Lu family who came in, they all dare not come out of the atmosphere.

"Ha ha, Chen Mr. Chen, it was forced by the Mo family... "

Lu zongnian knew that he had committed the biggest crime, so he hastened to make Chen Ge forgive him.

But he just touched Chen GE's arm with scarlet eyes.

Chen Ge got stuck in his neck.

Click! One.

The blood spurts wildly, is thrown out of the window directly by Chen Ge, struggles for a while, then no longer has any movement.

"Mr. Chen, spare your life!"

Lu Zongyuan fell to his knees in fright. The people of the Lu family all knelt down.

Chen Ge took a deep breath.

The scarlet in the eyes retreated.

Lu zongnian's approach just now is actually under Chen GE's anger, touching Chen Ge is no different from seeking his own death.

"Forgive you?"

Chen Ge walked slowly towards Lu Zongyuan.

"Since you have promised to borrow my book of beasts, you should not repent, let alone collude with the Mo family to harm me..."

Chen Ge said.

One hand has already grasped Lu Zongyuan's head. Lu Zongyuan has a snot and tears all flow into his mouth.

Just about to push.

"Chen Ge, don'tAt this time, Lu Han rushed in and yelled.

"Xiaohan, you are here at last. Help me

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Lu Xue ran to Lu Han and hid behind Lu Han.

Looking at Chen Ge with fear.

"Chen Ge, this is my father. I know he did something wrong, but he just lost his mind. Chen Ge, this is the book of animals of the Lu family. Here you are. You let them go!"

Lu Han cried.

At present, she walked slowly towards Chen Ge.

"Xiaohan, don't, he will kill people!"

Lu Xue grabs Lu Han's arm.

"It's OK, sister. Chen Ge said that he and I are friends. He won't hurt me!"

Lu Han comes to Chen Ge.

Pass the book of beasts to Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, if you have to kill my father to vent your hatred, then you can kill me and let my father go. Just read that we are friends, OK?"

Lu Han cried.

And see Lu Han's tears.

A trace of impatience flashed through Chen GE's heart.

In his heart, the Lu family, like the Mo family, was doomed to die.

After all, Lu Han takes himself as a friend, and Chen Ge really can't bear to think of Lu Han's toxic and nervous appearance just now.

"I'll give them back to you after I've read them!"

Chen Ge takes it from Lu Han.

Just leave.

Lu Zongyuan was too scared to stand up.

"Mr. Lu, no, it's coming from outside A lot of people are coming from outside... "

At this time, a boy rushed over, but when he saw the scene inside, he was shocked.

"There are a lot of people in black..."

He swallowed his saliva before he finished.

When Lu Han walks behind Chen Ge and sends him out.

Just to see, in their own manor, those people in black.

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It's all over the body.

And these are the people like winbur and others.


Chen Ge said lightly.

And then they just left.

Lu Han stepped back a few steps.

Originally, she thought Chen Ge was a very introverted little brother, but today she saw the horror and cruelty of Chen Ge.

If you look down on Chen Ge like your sister.

Well, I'm afraid that now the Lu family is full of people and has been killed by this murderous demon.

"Chen Ge, it turns out that I really know you until now..."

Lu Han said in his heart.

I don't know how long after Chen Ge left.

Yang Xue came with his own guard.

"Second miss, so coincidentally, by the way, your father should not be busy now. I'm going to visit..."

Yang Xuedao.

Lu Han turned a deaf ear.

Just keep mumbling two words.

And then they went back without looking back.

"Second lady, what do you say?"

Yang Xue is a little nervous to ask a way.

"The second miss is not in the right mood today. Let's visit Lu Zongyuan directly, miss?"

Yang Xue side bodyguard way.

"No, I seem to hear the second lady murmuring all the time Are you muttering about Chen Ge? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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