The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 526: 526

Liu Jiu now knows why this boy's first reaction to see himself is not fear, but some happy appearance.

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In fact, his strength is very strong, even strong to a mysterious point.

And he said thanks to himself. He knew he was going to die.

Liu Jiu is very regretful now.

If you don't catch up with me, I'm afraid you won't die. If you don't, you can go back to refining medicine. Maybe you can step into the mysterious inner strength realm in your lifetime.

But it was late.

"You What do you want? "

Liu Jiu now has more air in and less air out.

"With your blood, don't worry, I will fulfill my promise and give you a whole body. You can go at ease!"

With that, Chen Ge pinched Liu Jiu's neck and gently twisted it.

Liu Jiu's eyes are wide open and he is dead

With the help of some nearby herbs, Chen Ge refined the essence of blood.

After that, with the dog, ambush in one side.

Chen GE's expression is highly tense, the black blade in his hand is tightly held.

Fox sex is greedy, if not, it will not lead to the extinction of the fox.

Just then, the dog's eyes widened.

Chen Ge held her breath even more.

Because, that spirit fox appeared!

It is cautious, but in the eyes of the fine awn, but betrayed its greedy heart.

After making sure there's nothing else around.

The fox decided to take a chance.


A cry, the fox directly jumped up.


Chen Ge no longer gives it any chance to escape.

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The hand rises and the knife falls.

The black blade was quickly sacrificed.

Directly hit the fox's lair.

It's done!

Chen Ge rushes past and picks up the spirit fox that has been cut off breath.

I can't help being overjoyed.

"Liu Jiu, you have helped me a lot today. Your blood is a great temptation to the spirit fox."

Chen Ge smiles.


The dog is also happy to wag his tail.

"And you, of course. I'll take you out, whatever you want!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

Then, with the dog in his arms, he found a cave nearby.

Now that you have got the spirit fox, you have to drink its spirit blood.

According to the records in the book of beasts.

The existence time of spiritual blood is very low. If it is delayed too long, the aura of spiritual blood will evaporate quickly.

Of course, Chen Ge also heard from his grandfather.

Spirit blood is the spirit of heaven and earth.

It contains a lot of energy.

It can not only nourish your mind, but also improve your internal strength.

Therefore, after drinking spiritual blood, I need to use special breathing method to blend this power.

According to my current cultivation, I'm afraid it will take three days to mix them up completely.

"Come here, dog. I'll block the entrance of the cave later. After drinking spiritual blood, I'll fall into a three-day sleep period. For these three days, you just need to make sure that you don't let some small insects and beasts get close to me?"

Chen Ge touched the dog's head.


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The dog spat out its tongue to show its consent.

One man and one dog is entering the cave.

At the same time.

Within the dense forest of anling.

A group of people are looking for it.

This group of people, armed all over.

Besides, there are no less than 100 people.

Among them, a young man in his twenties stood with his hands and several older people accompanied him.

"Still not found?"

Asked the young man, frowning.

"No clue yet!"

The man replied.

"Bring the people of the Lu family here!"

The young man frowned deeper.

We can see that Lu Zongyuan, who is heavily wounded, and Meng Kang, who is obviously seriously injured, are pressed over.

"Are you sure he won't cheat me when he enters anling?"

Asked the youth.

"Mo Shao, how can you dare to cheat you? He really came to anling. Moreover, the killing of eight people of the Mo family is definitely not the work of our Lu family. I hope Mo Shao will learn from him!"

Lu Zongyuan said with fear.

The man in front of him, named Mo Yu, is the second son of the Mo family leader.

Lu Zongyuan has heard of this man for a long time.

He is very cold and ruthless.

Now, eight members of the Mo family have died in the Lu family. Naturally, the Mo family sent people to investigate. Lu Zongyuan was a local rich businessman. Chen Ge Mo's family, he understood that none of them could offend him.That is to say the whereabouts of Chen Ge truthfully.

Mo Yu, is to bring people to search.

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"The Mo family in Longjiang has a deep relationship with this Chen Song. It's not a year or two to deal with them. I hope Mr. Lu can tell the truth. In this muddy water, try not to wade!"

Mo Yu light way.

"It's nature!"

"It's nature!"

Lu Zongyuan even busy road.

"Second young master, I've got a cable!"

At this time, a subordinate came to report.

Not far from the front, two bodies were found on the ground, which looked like villagers dressed up at the foot of the mountain. Not long after their death, there were signs of struggle at the scene.

We also found traces of trampling plants and leaving.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

At this time, the search dog brought by Mo's family began to bark at a location!


Mo Yu slightly frowned: "there are people around. It seems that they are not far away from here. Start searching immediately!"

Mo Yu ordered to go down.

The men are ready to go, speed up the search.

"I remember that a year ago, I went to Chen's house with the owner, and I saw Chen Ge. At that time, he was just a little boy with weak body!"

"What did he go through this year and why he was so fierce? Eight of them, Mo Yunhai, were considered as the masters of the Mo family. They were killed by Chen Ge. It's really fantastic!"

Beside Mo Yu, an old man frowned at the moment.

"So how about meeting a real master of Mo family, just Chen Ge, what is it?"

Mo Yu smiles bitterly.

"Found it!"

At this time, in front of the valley, someone yelled.

Mo Yu walked quickly.

Outside a stone cave, the big stone blocking the entrance of the cave has been removed.

At the moment, one of his men was lying on the ground with his neck covered with blood.

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And inside the cave, there was a pale young man, as if he had lost his vitality.

"Chen Ge? I got you at last

At a glance, Mo Yu could not help but stretch his brow.

Then attention, just to the people.

"What's the matter with him?"

"Second young master, it was attacked by this fierce dog. This fierce dog is really the guardian. I will kill it now!"

One of them.

"Woof, woof!"

The dog was caught around its neck.

At the moment, it was a look of attack, the whole body hair was upright.

And it roars.

The search dogs of Mo's family actually stepped back a few steps.

Some of them were scared to urinate on the spot.

"Well? It's interesting... "

Mo Yu sees in the eye, "don't kill it first, take it with Chen Ge, withdraw to Mo's house!"

"This boy is not rumored to be extremely powerful. How can he be half dead? But it's good to save him from running again! "

When carrying Chen Ge out, the old man beside Mo Yu tried Chen GE's heart pulse and found it very weak.

But this is clearly not the point.

He was just questioning, not saying much.

"Run? Can you run when you get to me

Mo Yu gave the old man a cold look.

"The second young master said so!" The old man nodded.

However, when the old man bowed his head, he suddenly found that Chen Ge, who had been carried away, had a flash of red light on his pale face , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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