The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 527: 527

"Am I wrong?"

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The old man was a little suspicious.

I want to remind you, but I'm also a proud and aloof person. I just glared at myself, and I'm not satisfied with myself.

If you say more, I'm afraid it will make you more unhappy.

It should be a mistake!

The old man said to himself.

But in any case, Mo family for a year, now, finally caught Chen Ge.

And Chen Ge, as the biggest chip to force the Chen family in Nanyang, has got it now.

Since let the whole Longjiang Mo family excited.

"This boy is really able to hide! After hiding for a year, the Mo family has spent so much money on their relationship, and now they just catch him! "

"Ha ha, this time, we Longjiang Mo family can completely dominate the whole Asia. Chen Ge is the only direct descendant of Chen family, and Chen Jindong is eager to love his son. Look, we can get the assets of the Chen family in the near future."

People of Mo family are talking about it one after another.

A bodyguard of the dragon family, who was a guest in Mo's family, happened to hear this group of people talking about it.

At the moment, he ran to a room.

"Miss, there's an important message!"

Said the bodyguard, pushing the door open.

In the room, a woman is dressing up carefully, she is naturally Yang Xue.

Great things happened to the Lu and Mo families, and the negotiation was naturally cancelled.

And Yang Xue, is to Mo's temporary residence.

Waiting for an opportunity.

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"What's the big news?"

Yang Xue asked.

The bodyguard swallowed his saliva: "it's the news of Chen ge of Chen family. Today, Mo family has caught Chen Ge who has been on the run for a year!"


Smell speech, Yang Xue whole body a shock, in the hand of the powder box, directly fell on the ground.

"What are you talking about? Chen Ge? The Chen songs that have been active in the Lu family these days are the Chen songs of the Chen family? "

Yang Xue suddenly stood up.

"Well, sure enough, the whole Mo family is discussing today. It is said that Chen Ge is dying and half dead!"

Said the bodyguard.

Yang Xue's fingernails are slightly clenched, and her mood is very complicated now.

Do you want to say you hate Chen Ge?

Yang Xue is naturally hate.

If Chen Ge is willing to be with him, he doesn't have to live in the dragon house.

What's more, the man dumped himself when he had money.

Regardless of the reason, Yang Xue is hate.

But I heard that Chen Ge was caught and dying.

Yang Xue is a burst of heartache.

After all, in any case, the boy used to love himself like that and love himself 100 percent.

Including the original release of Chen Ge, Yang Xue is also this idea.

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"What? What should I do? The people of the Mo family will definitely kill Chen Ge! "

Yang Xue paced back and forth.

"Even if you don't kill him, he won't live long. When you catch him, he's almost out of breath. Now he's thrown into Mo's Dungeon!"

The bodyguard said again.

Yang Xue is in a hurry.

Then he took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed a cruel look:

"hum, as I said, when I let him go, I had already broken the friendship with him. Now, he is dead or alive, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Yang xueduan sat down.

Ha ha, so many years of their efforts for what, is not to live better than him?

Now, he is going to die. It should be a good thing!

"Miss, if you want to see him for the last time, my subordinates have a last resort?"

"What can I do?"

Yang Xue asked.

Then he realized his gaffe and said, "who wants to see him, but before he dies, look at his miserable appearance. Ha ha, I'm still interested in it!"

"The key to the dungeon has always been in the charge of the housekeeper of the Mo family. If you know the son of the housekeeper, you can help!"

Said the bodyguard.

"OK, then you can contact me!"

Yang Xue said.

"No, Chen Ge is the number one in the Mo family. Even my father is not qualified to see him. Besides, there are strict security over there, not to mention the dragon family. Many people in the Mo family can't get in."

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Housekeeper's son, long crooked melon split dates, now heard Yang Xue's request, his head shaking with rattle like.

"As soon as possible, I'm sure you have a way in."

Yang Xue looks at him at the moment.

And housekeeper son, at the moment his eyes are burning at Yang Xue.

A look of indecency.

Yang Xue, however, seems to see some of his ideas.

I can't help but step back."I heard that Miss Yang, your husband is mentally retarded. I think Miss Yang must be very lonely at ordinary times?"

Said, housekeeper son gently took Yang Xue's bright wrist.

"To tell you the truth, when I first met Miss Yang, I was fascinated by Miss Yang's beauty. I swore at that time that if I had a chance to kiss Fangze, I would rather die for you!"

The housekeeper's son said.

"Master Mo, please respect yourself! If master Mo really has a good feeling for Yang Xue, please hold your hand up and let me meet Chen Ge. I'll be very grateful! "

Yang Xue pulls her hand back.

The housekeeper's son frowned and asked, "why can't you leave Chen Ge, Miss Yang? What's the relationship between you and Chen Ge? I have to see him! "

"Master Mo Qiang, I'll tell you the truth. Chen Ge was my boyfriend in college. He was going to die. I want to meet him. At the same time, I also want to revenge him, otherwise there will be no chance in the future."

A trace of resentment flashed in Yang Xue's eyes.

"Ha ha ha, so Miss Yang and Chen Ge have such a past, I say! But Miss Yang, I can risk my life to promise you this, but after it is done, you must give me Mo Qiang's sweetness? "

Mo Qiang is obscene.

Yang Xue, however, turned her face away and did not speak: "I'm not convenient these days. I'll thank Mo Qiang in the future."

When Mo Qiang heard about this, he said, "I know, I understand. Girls, there are always days when it's inconvenient."

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He grinned obscenely.

"Tonight, I can get the key from my dad, but you only have five minutes, or I'll be finished!"

Mo said.

"Good, five minutes. Thank you, master Mo!" With that, Yang Xue turned and walked away quickly.


Mo Qiang is about to eat some tofu when Yang Xue runs fast.

At the moment, I couldn't help laughing coldly: "little girl, I've been staring at you for a long time. In a few days, I'll eat you up! Ha ha ha

It's night.

Yang Xue, wearing a sportswear and a hat, came to the dungeon.

"Only five minutes. Hurry up! I'll go outside the door to catch the wind

Mo Qiang said.

Yang Xue saw Chen Ge lying in the dungeon.

"Chen Ge!"

It's been a year since I saw Chen Ge again.

All the hate in my heart is gone.

"Wake up, Chen Ge. You're not really going to die, are you?"

Yang Xue ran to Chen Ge and shook him.

However, Chen Ge was pale and unconscious , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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