The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 535: 535

"The master of Shaodian has already left Longjiang and arrived on the island."

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One of the guys reports.

"Little hall master?"

Chen Jindong was surprised: "Dad, what little hall Lord?"

"Ha ha, when you come, you will know!"

Chen DIANCANG shakes his head and smiles bitterly.

Then he looked out of the hall and said, "yes, it's already here."

The voice dropped.

They all looked up at the door.

On the square, a young man in a black suit came.

"Little hall master!"

And all the people by the door are bowing respectfully.

"Little song!"

Chen Jindong's mouth twitched and stood up.

"Little song!"

Sister Chen Xiao is moved to cover her mouth.

Chen family members, all excited to look at Chen Ge.

"Mom and Dad, sister, a year ago, I'm back!"

Chen Ge goes to his father and kneels down directly.

"Just come back, just come back. For a year, my mother thought you Thought you... "

Yang Yuping couldn't hide her tears and cried directly.

"Well, my son is promising, mature and strong, OK!"

Chen Jindong also cried.

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Chen Ge wiped tears for her parents and sisters.

Then he looked at Chen DIANCANG and said, "grandfather, at last you have lived up to your expectations..."

"Very good, little song. I think your breath is several times stronger than before. Your congenital condition is better than that of grandfather."

After saying that, Chen DIANCANG looked at Mo Changkong:

"last year, this rat made you desperate. Today's song, you have revenge and revenge, and you'll get rid of this old boy for me!"

Chen DIANCANG said with a smile.

"Yes, it's time to put an end to the old feud."

Chen Ge wiped away her tears and stood up to look at Mo Changkong.

"Chen Ge! So, my three swords have been captured by you? "

Don't gnash your teeth.

"Well, I threw him into the valley and was eaten alive by poisonous mosquitoes. There is no skeleton left. It should be very difficult for elder Mo to find his trace."

Chen gedao.

"What? Chen Ge, I really regret that I didn't expect you soon. Now I even killed my two sons. Anyway, I will kill you to avenge my two sons!!! Take your life


The whole body is not directly in the air.

Then he dived towards Chen Ge.

Mo Changkong's inner strength is strong, which is in line with his temperament.

However, no matter how powerful they are, they are just the ranks of those with strong internal strength.

Chen Ge was afraid of him and Mo's family a year ago, but now, Mo Changkong, what is it?

Also in the air, Chen Ge hits Mo Changkong.


Then, it is to see Mo Changkong body retreat.

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It was not until the back pressed against the stone pillar that it stopped.

And the stone pillar was directly broken by the waist.

"What a strong inner strength, no wonder! No wonder

Mo Changkong's old face is unbelievable.

Now, do your best to attack Chen Ge.

"Dad, you taught me all this. When was the song so powerful?"

Chen Jindong was excited and proud.

"Oh, yes, but I only taught half of it."

Chen DIANCANG smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

Chen Jindong watched with delight.

Chen Xiao is shouting: "Xiaoge come on, kill this old man, kill him!"

Chen Xiao is also happy.

"Elder, I look at your breath. Are you like my third uncle of Mo family and Mo Canglong? Are you already masters

And Mo Weiping, at the moment, is also a little shocked by the war in front of him.

Because young Chen Ge, the war Mo Changkong.

I'm not in the air.

Now, he looked respectfully at Chen DIANCANG.

"Well, ha ha, listen to your meaning, Mo Canglong, this old ghost, has not wasted time in the past ten years, and has also stepped into a master?"

Chen DIANCANG asked.


"Grandfather, don't you say that Mo Canglong and Mo Tai have passed away?"

And Mo Qingwu has not come out of shock.

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Asked at the moment.

"Nonsense, that's just a rumor. How can you expose your grandfather's identity at will? You kids can't know!"

Mo Weiping said.

"Well So this Chen song is already a martial artist? Besides, he is very strong

Do not light dance complex mood to say this sentence.After all, when Chen Ge first went to their Mo's home for help, Mo Qingwu was injured and anaemic. Chen Ge once donated blood to save herself.

But I always despise Chen Ge and think that he is just a secular person.

But now, he has been so strong, let Mo Qingwu heart complex.

"No, that's exactly what my grandfather doubts. When I observe Chen Shao, he doesn't seem to be a man of inner strength. I don't know if I'm right, elder?"

Mo Weiping's face was already excited.

I look at Chen DIANCANG in disbelief.

"Ha ha, you have some eyesight!"

Chen DIANCANG said with a proud smile.

"Oh, my God!"

Mo Weiping suddenly turned pale and fell back a few steps.

Fortunately, she was held by Mo Qingwu.

"What's the matter, grandfather? Chen GE's strength has improved so fast that her granddaughter can see that she is really a martial artist with inner strength, and she has already cultivated to a very strong level! "

Don't dance lightly.

"No!!! I was not sure just now, until the old man gave me confidence, Chen Shao He's not a man of inner strength

"What is that?"


Mo Weiping's breath seems to be stagnant at the moment.

His eyes were wide open and his whole body trembled.

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Master, that is the most mysterious realm of ancient martial arts, and even the hidden clan, some people can not achieve it even in their whole life.

"What did you say, grandfather? How could it be? "

Don't dance lightly with your mouth slightly open.

"Great master

Mo Weiping shook and nodded again.

"Chen Shao Young master! Never since that man! Never before

Mo Weiping said again.

"Dad, what is a master? Xiaoge, has become a master? "

Although Chen Jindong didn't know what the master was, he felt that it was an extraordinary achievement.

"Hehe, yes, Xiaoge has already entered the ranks of masters, so I was very surprised to see him just now, because according to my conjecture, even if Xiaoge is advantaged by nature, it will take 10 to 20 years to be right!"

Chen DIANCANG does not show mountains and dew, but everything is in the eye.

"Yes, the master of the temple. Since he took spiritual blood, his accomplishments have soared. His subordinates' observation has already stepped into the master's realm. No matter how bad he is, he will be a half master. It is really rare! It seems that the spirit blood has miraculous effect

Winbur is on the sideline.

"No, not spirit blood!"

Chen DIANCANG shook his head.

"Since Xiaoge came in, I have been observing him all the time. Spiritual blood can only help people stabilize their mind, and can't greatly improve a person's cultivation."

"By now, I seem to understand something."

Chen DIANCANG frowned slightly.

"What is it?"

"It's like It's someone who has buried a lot of potential in the body of Xiaoge. I'm afraid that the constitution of Xiaoge was no longer the body of ordinary people half a year ago... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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