The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 536: 536

"It turns out that the master of the temple is no longer an ordinary person, which is no wonder!"

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Winbur suddenly realized.

"Who is Qin Yifan, the master of Xiaoge? I have never heard of this man, but it's incredible that he has transformed the constitution of Xiaoge into this in just half a year. What kind of cultivation should Qin Yifan do? "

Chen DIANCANG said in his heart at the moment.


Suddenly, there was a scream.

People looked up one after another, and saw that Mo Chang spat out blood and fell from the air.

His face was full of Horror: "you You are already a master? No impossible! How can this be possible! "

Mo Changkong's face is not willing and shocked.

Master, that is the realm of legend.

The third uncle of Cang Long is so cultivated that he can become a master.

Chen Ge, who used to be just a yellow haired boy, has become a master. The strength of the two shows a crushing situation.

It's impossible!

He couldn't believe it until he died.

"Now, you can die in peace, Mo Changkong, to blame, on that day you did too much, no room left, today, I will revenge!"

Chen Ge clenched his fists.

He had been waiting for a year, and that was the day.

For a year, he fled all day long and could not return home.

And Chen family, always in the crest of the storm, parents and sisters at any time in danger of life.

But Chen Ge can only watch.

Pray in secret.

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It's all Mo Changkong's doing too much.

Leave no room.

Over the past year, Chen GE's suffering is worth it now!

Looking at Chen GE's instant killing intention, Mo Changkong can't help but swallow his saliva.

He has been in charge of his whole life and has a great cause. He has to unify the powerful people in all parts of the country.

Now, I was killed by a little boy.


"No! Chen Ge, you You can't kill me today! I am the second elder of the Mo family and a member of the Mo family of the Yin family. How dare you kill me

Mo Changkong covered his chest to get up and said at the same time.

"Mo Weiping, he's going to kill the Mo family. Say something!"

Mo Changkong looks at Mo Weiping again.

"If Chen Shao didn't defeat you, I'm afraid Chen Shao will die now."

Mo Weiping said coldly.

To say something that shouldn't be said, Mo Weiping now hopes Chen Ge can kill Mo Changkong. In this way, he solves a big problem for him.

"Ha ha, even Mo's family doesn't help you, Mo Changkong. You can imagine what you do on weekdays. Don't worry, I will let you die happily!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

"No! I have words to say, kill me, Chen Ge, you will regret, and regret for life! "

Mo Changkong fell back one after another, retreated to the flower bed and sat down.

His face was already pale, and Chen Ge had just punched him in the chest, which had already scattered his whole strength.


"Yes, I know, Chen Ge, you have always wanted to investigate the affairs of the sun League. You want to find your fiancee. I saw the pattern hanging in the hall with your second uncle. It should be directly related to the sun alliance."

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Mo Changkong swallowed his saliva.

Chen Ge looks at his grandfather Chen DIANCANG.

And Chen DIANCANG frowned and could not help nodding to Chen Ge.

He strode forward: "old boy, if you really know where the map is, I can think about it. Let's leave you half a dog's life. Tell me!"

Chen DIANCANG said.

"Ha ha, master, Chen Ge, I have seen the scenery in that pattern. This place is very mysterious. Moreover, it has a congenital change array, and it is changing all the time. If it is not for a special token, even if it is not for his life, he can not find this place! And this mountain is called nameless mountain

Mo Changkong said in a hurry.

"Token, what token? How can we find the nameless mountain? "

Chen Ge asked.

If we can find this place successfully, it will be soon to break the secret of sun League.

More hope to find Mu Han and second uncle.

Chen Ge was moved.

"That token is..."


Speaking of this, Mo Changkong suddenly changed his look, took out two beads from his arms and threw them to Chen Ge and Chen DIANCANG.

The beads burst.

In an instant, the white smoke was rolling.

And take advantage of this Kung Fu, Mo Changkong directly disappeared.

"This old boy is really a cunning fox. Lao Wen, send someone to chase him immediately! Don't let him run awayChen DIANCANG cheered.

People of the soul hall, move out quickly.

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"Useless master!"

At this time, Mo Weiping stood up.

"Mo Changkong is a very cunning boy. Although he is strong in strength, his lightness skill is the strongest. Even the third uncle Mo Canglong has praised him personally. If he escaped, it is difficult to catch him. He knows the hiding method well."

Mo Weiping shook his head.

"Grandfather, all blame me, just now he mentioned Mu Han and second uncle, I was in a mess, this matter is for me, I'll go after him!"

Chen Ge could not help but flash an apology.

Because just now, his mind was shaking and his brain was blank.

Chen DIANCANG, however, raised his hand at the moment:

"don't chase the poor bandit. Even if the old boy runs, he can run, and the monk can't run to the temple. He must have run back to the Mo family, because he knows very well that today only Mo Canglong can save him!"

"Little song, you don't have to worry!"

Chen DIANCANG said.

Chen Ge clenched his fists.

Can't help but hate nodded.

"Mo Canglong, Mo Changkong..."

Chen DIANCANG is murmuring at the moment.

Then he said, "Xiaoge, you come with me first, Near East, you also come with me in a hurry!"

He suddenly seemed to think of something and turned around.

But Mo Changkong, the figure is like an arrow galloping.

He is really good at lightening his body.

Although seriously injured, but all the way, is also nonstop.

I want to go back to Mo's house in Yanjing.

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One day later.

The Mo family residence of the Yin nationality is in front of a quiet house in the back mountain.

Pop it.

Mo Changkong cried with grief and knelt down directly.

"Mo family is not bad, descendants Mo Changkong, kneel down and beg to see the third uncle!"

He cried.

Then he kowtowed heavily.

"Don't be a bad son of Mo Changkong. Please kneel down to see the third uncle! Changkong, report something important

Mo Changkong kowtow again.

After a long time, there was no response.

Mo Changkong kowtowed louder.

But it's useless.

"Uncle, don't you want to see each other? Well, since this is the case, Changkong will go to fight against Chen DIANCANG and sun in the soul hall. They will die to protect the honor of the Mo family for thousands of years! "

Mo Changkong kowtowed his head and blood, and stood up at the moment.

"Wait a minute Who do you think it is? The hall of the soul

Just then, there was an old noise in the courtyard.

Later, Mo Changkong is to see.

The door, which was full of cobwebs, opened slowly at the moment.

A gray haired, bony old man came out trembling , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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