The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 547: 547

Chen Ge rushed to the location of wansha ridge.

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Sand dunes crisscross here.

There are not ten thousand, but thousands of sand dunes.

No wonder it's called Wan Sha Ling.

Chen Ge did some searching, but he couldn't see where the so-called ancient well was.

Until then, Chen GE's nose gently sniffed.

Then he looked down and saw a pool of blood on the ground.

These bloodstains, showing dark green, are the flow of the monster.

Chen Ge just hit, although did not cause effective damage, but also let the monster uncomfortable.

Break the army, no matter how strong your defense ability is, you will break it with one blow!

Following the bloodstain, Chen Ge soon found the ancient well.

It is located in the north of a sand dune. It is very hidden, just like a cave.

"The monster, it's here!"

Chen Ge came to smell it, and there was a bad smell.

But in order to rescue Qin ya, Chen GE has no way, holding her breath and jumping into the well.

The well water is very deep, but downstream, a river channel is found at the bottom.

On the Bank of the river, there is another world.

This is the site of an underground river.

Chen Ge just came up.

He saw that the monster was sticking out his tongue and looking at the two people lying on the ground. They were Qin Ya and Shen Mengxue.

Suddenly, someone appeared, and it turned around.

Facing Chen Ge, he reveals his tusks.

It's still bleeding from its chest.

"Qin ya! Qin ya! Are you all right? "

Seeing that Qin Ya is pale and unconscious, Chen Ge shouts in a hurry.

"Beast, I see where else you can go!"

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Chen Ge was angry.

The hand broke out of the army, and then the figure was also toward the monster.

Very fast.

The double attack of breaking the army and Chen Ge also surprised the monster.


A sound, the army pierced the monster's left chest, it screamed.

Then there was another sound, and the breaking army pierced its neck again.

The monster covered his neck and screamed.

Chen Ge is in a hurry. He grabs his head and breaks the army. He takes a knife and cuts off the whole head of the monster.

"Qin ya!"

After finishing all this, Chen Ge ran to Qin Ya's side in a hurry.

After checking, it's OK that Qin Ya is just suffocating and unconscious. It seems that she didn't have time to start.

But it is not easy to be optimistic. After walking in the sand for so long, Qin Ya and Shen Mengxue are suffocating.

"You guys, I'm sorry to save you!"

Chen Ge said to himself.

In this case, we can only do artificial respiration, otherwise, I am afraid that life will be in danger.

Of course, Shen Mengxue is also included.

Ten minutes later.

"How about Xiaoya?"

Chen Ge holds Qin Ya and shakes slightly.

Finally, Qin Ya's eyelids slightly jump, slowly wake up.

"Chen Chen Ge? "

After opening her eyes, Qin Ya covers Chen GE's arm in disbelief.

Chen Ge had already thrown away her mask because she was in a hurry.

Qin Ya was found, he can't help but react.

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"Chen Ge, it's really you!"

Seeing Chen Ge, Qin Ya was so excited that she almost cried:

"I'm not dreaming, am I? I see you again, Chen Ge, you know, for a year, I miss you every day, every day in! "

Qin Ya threw herself into Chen GE's arms.

He held Chen GE's hand tightly for fear that it was a dream. Once the dream woke up, Chen Ge disappeared again.


Chen GE's heart flashed a touch of bitterness.

I'm afraid I will fail Qin Ya in my whole life.

And now, how could she bear to be hurt again.

Chen Ge is indifferent.

"Chen Ge? Miss, are you mistaken? "

Chen gedao.

"You're talking nonsense. No one will admit you wrong if I admit it wrong!"

Qin Ya wiped her tears and held Chen GE's hand tightly.

"But I am not what you said about Chen Ge? My name is Chen Xuan. What you said about Chen Ge is what you told me before. Do you recite it? Yes? I'm very much like him? "

Chen Mo's expression said.

Of course, the timbre changed to the one when I met qinya in the desert.

And Qin ya, seeing Chen GE's expression, gives her a great sense of strangeness, and this voice is not at all.

Yes, I love Chen Ge, very thin, very quiet, skin is also very white.

But in front of him, although he is like Chen Gejiu, he is too strong and his skin is a little dark.Is there really two as like as two peas in this world?

"You are not a little song, but you two look too much like each other. You really are too similar. Can you not lie to me?"

Qin Ya asked in a hurry.

"I don't know who you are talking about Chen Ge, and I haven't seen it. Why? Are they like me

Chen gedao.


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Qin Ya nodded:

"but it's not like Chen Ge. He's a weak boy. He doesn't have your skills at all. Big brother, did you save us?"

Qin Ya wiped her tears.

In the eyes, can't help but flash through endless loss.

Although he is very similar to Chen Ge, Chen Ge doesn't have such a powerful skill.

He is not

"Well, you have been caught by this monster. It's good that I came in time."

Chen gedao.

"By the way, my name is Chen Xuan. If you have a chance, you can show me the photo of Chen Ge. How much do we look like?"


Qin Ya still looks at Chen Ge in disbelief.

But The feeling of this person is so strange.


Shen Mengxue, meanwhile, wakes up.

"Mengxue, are you ok?"

Qin Ya quickly helped her.

"It's OK. It's just a strange dream!"

Shen Mengxue scratched his head.

"Strange dream?"

"Well, I seem to dream that someone kisses me!"

Shen Mengxue said.

"You, when is it? We are dying. You still have the mind to joke!"

Qin Ya was speechless.


Listen to the conversation between the two girls.

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Chen Ge couldn't help blushing.

"Ah! Are you the big brother

At this time, Shen Mengxue recognized Chen Ge.

Can't help but surprise all over her face, at the same time, her face is also red, she stares at Chen GE's face shyly, full of crazy look.

Before, she had been imagining what her big brother looked like.

Can it be a rough uncle?

However, I didn't expect that the elder brother took off his mask and looked so handsome.

Shen Mengxue's breath was almost rapid.

"Well, my name is Chen Xuan!"

Chen gedao.

"Brother Chen Xuan, thank you for saving us!"

Shen Mengxue has been staring at Chen Ge.

Qin Ya is also staring at Chen Ge.

I don't know if it's her own illusion. Just now, when Chen GE's face was slightly red, she thought he was very similar to Chen Ge.

"You're welcome. There may be some monsters in this place. I'd better take you out first."

Chen Ge finished and stood up.

This is how to look at the surrounding environment carefully.

"Is this a stone gate?"

Suddenly, Chen Ge saw one side of the rock wall.

There are square cracks.

It's like a door.

"It seems to be true!"

And Qin Ya also looks at this side, can't help nodding , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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