The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 548: 548

"If it is, let's push it aside and see if it is!"

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Shen Mengxue said.

"Well! Stay back

Chen Ge nods.

My grandfather told me a lot about the world. He said that there are always treasures where there are strange creatures to protect.

The sun map was discovered by the Chen family's ancestors in a dense forest cave. At that time, a large man eating white ape was guarded. After many deaths, the sun map was found in the White Ape cave. Since then, the Chen family has been in transit.

You may as well go in and have a look.

The stone gate looks very heavy. Chen Ge wants to run the internal force, which may hurt Qin Ya and her, so he told them to stay aside.

I felt along the stone gate.

Chen Ge took a good look at the direction and was full of energy.


Rock sand rolling!

The bigger the gap is.

If it is, it is a stone gate.


With a loud noise, the turning stone gate was pushed open by Chen Ge.

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A corridor appeared in front of the three people.

"This is not an ancient tomb, is it?"

And Shen Mengxue is very excited, ran to Chen Ge side, close to Chen Ge said.

When Qin Ya saw the scene in front of her, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"It looks like an ancient tomb!"

Qin Ya is also a way.

"Go in and see, you are following me!"

Chen gedao.

As for whether it is an ancient tomb or not, Chen Ge is not interested in whether there are treasures or not.

After all, he doesn't need much money.

The three walked in carefully.

Inside the corridor is a lobby.

The hall is empty, only a stone platform is built in the middle. On the stone platform, there is a square, rectangular stone box.

The coffin is not. Chen Ge doesn't know what it is used for.

As for the surrounding area, there are murals all over the place, on which are painted strange patterns.

With the searchlight, it is somewhat seeping.

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It was only after the oil lamps were lit that the hall became bright.

"It seems that this is not an ancient tomb, but rather a place for storing things. This should be what was stored after it was built at that time."

In the past year, Qin Ya has not less traveled south and North with the investigation team, so she has some experience.

She pointed to the stone box.


Chen Ge is also a nod of approval.

"Brother Chen Xuan, please come and have a look. The things painted on these murals are really curious and mysterious."

Shen Mengxue cried.

It's really strange to go over and have a look.

These murals, like the life of the people here at that time, but there are some people with strange shapes.

How to say, after a cursory glance, these murals seem to be describing a story, describing the story of the things hidden in the stone chamber.

And look at Qin Ya's concentration.

Chen Ge asked, "Xiaoya, do you understand it?"

"You What do you call me

Qin Ya returns to her mind and looks at Chen Ge.

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"Ao, I listen to Meng Xue calling you Xiaoya, I I don't know your name either

"My name is Qin ya!"

Qin Ya Gang just, can't help but the heart trembles slightly.

However, it still goes back to the main topic:

"I can understand some of these murals, but it's really strange. The first mural, as if to say, several years ago, a very strange thing happened here, that is, there were strange bodies falling from the sky!"

"These corpses, wearing these strange clothes, look a little strange. They seem to have died miserably and fell from the sky. At that time, they caused a great sensation. The local people believed these bodies as heavenly soldiers and prepared to build tombs for them! Make a sacrifice

Qin Ya explained.

"It's so strange that there are corpses falling from the sky. It's estimated that they were deliberately deified."

"This second picture is also about these heavenly soldiers. It seems that this is an extremely mysterious heavenly soldier. Different from other celestial soldiers' corpses, he seems to have been given special treatment. His body enjoys the treatment of a king. When transporting him, all the people along the street bow down and kneel down! It's like worshipping their gods again

"He also said that his body was found from the sky, above a fallen tree!"

Qin Ya also feels a bit of a fantasy.

"But I think, how to transport, there are two coffins?"

Shen Mengxue said at this time.

"The third picture seems to give an explanation. In another coffin, a woman in white should be buried. She is very beautiful. Everyone was shocked when they saw the female corpse. She died peacefully, just like the mysterious heavenly soldier just now. She was found on a tree falling from the sky. The woman in White was lying on the ground On the mysterious heavenly soldiers, they should be lovers and buried together! ""On that day, the country held a grand burial ceremony for the two gods!"

"As for the fourth fresco, I can't understand it at the back. It's just mentioned that a weapon carried by the mysterious heavenly soldier was specially placed. In the end, for some reason, the mysterious heavenly soldier and the woman in white were not buried together. On the way, an" old beggar "stopped him. After that, the mysterious heavenly soldier was put into a special coffin The outer coffin, because it is stored in the secret room, the people on the scene, there are the king, there are also the personnel, and Even the old beggar is there. In the process, the old beggar seems to be laughing all the time! "

"What about the back?"

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Chen Ge is also heard in the clouds.

"I don't know much about it, but when I mentioned the old beggar, he seemed to be a demon. After the funeral ceremony, he laughed a few times and suddenly disappeared! Then, as if a huge object appeared, enveloping the Royal City, a bit like a huge ship! This I really can't understand it! "

Qin Ya shook his head.

Thousands of years ago, how could there be a huge ship!

Shen Mengxue also shook his head: "I guess, this is the imagination of the old man, and this pair of heavenly soldiers should be the prince and his concubine. The ancients painted this way to commemorate their love at that time. Naturally, the prince's status is noble. Everyone should kneel down and worship! As for the corpses that fell from the sky, they should be the prince's personal soldiers. At that time, the western regions were in constant wars, and the prince might lead the soldiers to fight and die... "


Hearing this, Qin Ya couldn't help laughing.

"Although the aesthetic love you analyzed is a little unreal, it seems to be very reasonable. I feel that it is very logical. This may be the fact!"

Qin Yadao.

"Thousands of years ago, the ancients were full of imagination, but they were able to draw great ships."

Chen Ge said a sentence, but did not think much.

Then he looked at the stone platform in the center:

"so, what is hidden in the stone box should be the weapon of this mysterious heavenly soldier?"

Chen Ge touched the stone box.

The strength of hand is to lift the stone box! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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