The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 549: 549

A cloud of dust came on his face.

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Shen Mengxue and Qin ya all came up and looked inside the stone box.

I saw a sword lying quietly in it.

Although the long sword is covered with dust, it can't cover up the sword.

Far away, it seems that you can feel the chill of the sword.

"The sword of thousands of years, it seems to be very sharp!"

Shen Mengxue said.

He was smiling and wanted to take up the sword.

Qin Ya didn't have much interest in it, so she turned back to see the mural.

"It's a great Olympics!"

Shen Mengxue wanted to take it up, but found that the sword couldn't be moved at all, as if it had grown on it.

Try me

Chen Ge reached out and gently picked the sword in his hand.

"It's not heavy."

Chen Ge sneered.

The wrist shakes and shakes the dust on it. It looks like a soft sword.

But it's very sharp.

On the sword, there are two words: "light feather sword!"

What's more, I don't know why. As soon as I started this sword, I had a special feeling.

"Is this light feather sword also a magic weapon?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

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But I didn't see any aura from it!

In my heart, I'm just excited.

I just learned the three types of long sword from breaking the army. Now, I have such a sharp sword. I don't know if it's a coincidence!

"Come and have a look! There seems to be something wrong with this mural! "

At this time, Qin Ya suddenly said a word.

"Oh, don't study this kind of deified murals. Xiaoya, it's not as valuable as this sword!"

Shen Mengxue is not controlled by Tao.

"No, I see the content of the mural behind, it seems that it is not deliberately deified!"

"You come and see!"

Qin Ya suddenly points to the second half of the mural.

"If, I mean, if we really imagine this huge building that was painted by people at that time as a giant ship that can enter the sky and the earth, everything seems to be able to make sense."

"Because it seems that on the night before the burial of the heavenly soldiers, the huge ship appeared and took away 300 young men and women here. The king and they all knelt down and bowed down. Finally, the ship disappeared directly under the ground."

"People are all kneeling. However, the mural highlights the old beggar. Only he is holding up his face and grinning. His face looks ugly, but it seems that he is describing his strange smile."

"If so, all the things can be connected."

Qin Yadao.

"Pooh, I found that Xiaoya is the most imaginative. No wonder even Professor Yang wanted to take you as his student. It was nearly 10000 years ago. It was almost ancient times. How could there be such a huge ship? But the ancients can imagine it. It's really amazing! "

Shen Mengxue road.

"I know it is, but this mural always gives me a strange feeling!"

"I feel the same way!"

Chen Ge stares at the mural and says at the moment.

Qin Ya looks back and smiles at Chen Ge.

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"By the way, Xiaoya, where was the body of the woman in white finally transported to?"

See Qin Ya and Chen Ge Mei come and go.

Shen Mengxue suddenly has a kind of uncomfortable feeling, quickly stands between two people to ask.

"It doesn't say that it's just that the two are separated!"

"Brother Chen Xuan, do you think this is deification?"

Qin Ya looks at Chen Ge and asks.

"Oh, let's go up and discuss this problem. Elder brother Chen Xuan, I don't breathe well here, or you can take us up?"

Shen Mengxue interrupted the two people's communication, said.

"No problem!"

Chen Ge nods.

Three people, climb out of the ancient well, it is already late at night, the moon sky high hanging.

Chen Ge and two people return to the dilapidated building again.

Professor Yang and Chen Ge couldn't catch up with them. They had already returned.

The crowd gathered again.

In addition to the two people who died, only Li Wanhao was seriously injured and had a high fever, and a few others felt sick because of fear.

The rest is fine.

In addition, after a night of tossing, Chen Ge was there. Everyone relaxed and began to rest.

Chen Ge did not sleep, lit a campfire, while adding firewood, while guarding these people.

Of course, at the moment, there are two girls who are not asleep.

Both of them, with their eyes open, looked at Chen Ge sitting on the ground at the door.Under the moonlight's illumination, let this man's figure, appears to be so tall and straight, so lets the human have the security feeling.

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"Xiaoya, you didn't sleep?"

Shen Mengxue looked at Qin Ya who was sleeping beside him and asked in a low voice.

"No No! "

Qin Ya said softly.

"I see, since we wake up to now, your eyes have never moved from brother Chen Xuan. Do you like brother Chen Xuan?"

Shen Mengxue some sour said.

"Why How could it be? "

Qin Yadao.

What she likes is Chen Ge. She finds that she can't forget him anyway.

Although elder brother Chen Xuan and Chen Ge are very similar, he is not Chen Ge that he loves!

Qin Ya always told herself in her heart.

However, she couldn't take her eyes off the elder brother Chen Xuan because they were so similar.

"I just see that big brother Chen Xuan is similar to Chen Ge!"

Qin Ya said softly.

"Like, but not!" Shen Mengxue road.

Hearing this, Qin Ya leaned slightly:

"what about you? I can see that you like elder brother Chen Xuan? "

Qin Ya asked with some pain in her heart.

"Well, although I've met many handsome and sunny gentlemen, there has never been a boy who can move me like brother Chen Xuan. For so many years, I've been waiting for him to appear in my heart. Now, I find that I've waited!"

Shen Mengxue road.


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Qin Ya upset the bottle of Schisandra in her heart, not taste.

"So Xiaoya, I want to ask you first. After all, we are good sisters. Since you are not like brother Chen Xuan, I will chase him, OK? I had a hard time waiting. I was in love for the first time

Shen Mengxue gently pinched Qin Ya's hand and begged her.

Qin Ya doesn't know how to describe her mood.

I love Chen Ge, Chen Xuan and Chen Ge are very similar, he is like Chen Ge that he has been missing.


Because some of Chen Xuan's subtle actions are too similar to Chen Ge.

In particular, I seem to recall the eve of waking up.

Hear Chen Ge calling his name.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but it's really the voice of Chen Ge.

And there's more!

that is as like as two peas. Chen Xuan is in a red face. Qin Ya finds that he is exactly the same as Chen Ge. When he first saw Chen Ge, he did not turn red.

It's more than that.

In the stone chamber, Chen Xuan pursed his lips, which was very similar to Chen Ge.

Is he? Is there something he deliberately kept from himself?

He tried to deceive himself, but when he looked at himself with his eyes, it was like meeting again after a long separation.

Girls are extremely good at observing details of animals, Qin Ya has been very careful observation.

She had this intuition, and it was very strong.

Therefore, she did not know how to answer Shen Mengxue's words , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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