The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 55: 55

"I'm afraid he's not sick, is he? Jinling commercial street is all yours? Why don't you go to heaven? "

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Several girls looked at Chen Ge like a fool.

And Du Kang is more by Chen GE's words laugh back and forth, this word is suitable for him.

Jinling commercial street, where is this? The goods say they belong to his family.

Chen GE's bitter smile.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

It was Li Zhenguo.

"Chen Shao, have you come yet?"

Now, Zhenguo is in the hall Chen Ge said lightly.

"Ah! OK, let's get there right away! Huang Ju and song Ju of the Education Bureau have long wanted to see you as soon as I heard that you would like to invest in some public welfare projects and a large number of commercial projects! "

"Well All right

Chen Ge didn't expect those directors to come so soon.

While talking, Chen Ge hung up the phone.

And Kang Shao and they are a little surprised at Chen Ge.

"This scum is quite similar. My mother is also a Zhenguo brother. I don't know. I really think he has something to do with Li!"

Several girls despised the way.

"Chen Ge, I didn't expect you to be like this now. To tell you the truth, I'm very happy that you have become like this. After leaving Yang Xue, you can see what kind of virtue you have! Ha ha

Yang Xue, on the other hand, has a different kind of pleasure.

She likes Chen GE's embarrassing and ridiculed scene.

Even, Chen GE more unbearable, Yang Xue's heart has a different kind of excitement.

In this way, it shows that his vision is right. It is right to leave Chen Ge.

And you Chen Ge after being dumped by me, you have to be worse and worse!

Yang Xue is ready to call several security guards to come in and throw Chen Ge out, so that she can take a video.

A girl beside her suddenly exclaimed:

"Xuexue, kangshao, look, why are so many people trotting over from the villa? It seems that the leader is Mr. Li? "

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"Yes, not only Mr. Li, but also Huang Ju and song Ju are famous figures in Jinling. What are they eager to do in the front hall? Lying trough, isn't the last one my father? Why did he trot here? "

Li Kang turned pale.

His family does international trade.

In the early days, it was founded by the investment of Jinling commercial group, and now it is one of the famous rich people in Jinling City.

The status is naturally noble.

Although, my father is very respectful to Li Zhenguo, he has never been so respectful that he has to trot.

What's more, at this time, the leader in the front is Li Zhenguo, the big man in the business street.

"What's the situation?"

Li Kang is frightened.

And Yang Xue looked at them running to the front hall, but also stunned.

As well as a few girls, are extremely confused, hastily back to one side.

Only Chen Ge was still standing in the middle of the hall.

"Chen Ge, you're looking for trouble on purpose. Mr. Li is here. You don't have to go now! In this case, there must be some big people. Get out of here

Yang Xue cried in a hurry.

Chen Ge was unmoved.

Besides, it's too late to move. Li Zhenguo, with a group of people, has appeared in the hall.

"Hello, Mr. Li..."

Yang Xue and other girls bent down in a hurry with a black face. After that, they must be scolded.

Then, it was directly ignored by Li Zhenguo and others.

Li Zhenguo came directly to Chen Ge and said with a respectful smile:

"Chen Shao, you have been waiting for a long time. I'll introduce you..."

Chen Shao.

The atmosphere of the whole scene solidified instantly.

Yang Xue's face, in particular, was almost frozen.

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"Mr. Li! What do you call him? Chen Shao? "

Yang xueru is struck by lightning, with a critical hit of 10000 points!

The famous Li Zhenguo is so respectful to Chen Ge.

Is it true that what Chen Gegang just said is true? Is he really a hidden rich second generation?

Oh, my God!

And the rest of the girls, at the moment, the mouth is almost swallow eggs.

Not to mention the spitting Li Kang.

"Yes, he is the boss behind the scenes of Jinling commercial street, Chen Ge and Chen Shao, eh? You don't step back. Who told you to talk? What about Zheng Yue? "

Li Zhenguo saw that his waiter was so impolite.

He immediately called Zheng Yue behind him.

After all, these people were recruited by Zheng Yue.

Zheng Yue and some of their experienced waiters were busy with Li Zhenguo during the dinner just now.

That's why I came.

After hearing the speech, Zheng Yue coldly slapped Yang Xue."Stand behind me!"

Working in the villa, although very glorious, but must understand the rules!

And Yang Xue was stunned by this slap.


Until she felt the slap really hurt.

She knew she wasn't dreaming.

All this is true!

Chen Ge is a rich second generation, absolutely rich second generation, is not what Kang Shao Lu Yang can compare!

He's the boss of the mall.

It is not too much to say that he is the richest man in Jinling, even in the whole country.

Yang Xue's heart almost hurt, that is to say, if he broke up with Chen Ge three days later.

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So now I'm a rich lady?

With Chen GE's love for himself, absolutely!

"Chen Shao, I'm introducing you to the box one by one..."

Li Zhenguo made a gesture of please.

Chen Ge nodded.

Also looked at the eye silly Yang Xue several people.

If you want to say that she revenged Yang Xue severely, is she happy? In fact, Chen Ge doesn't feel much now.

That's it.

"Well, let's go in!"

Chen Ge withdrew her eyes.

Ready to go in.

"Stop for me

At this time, Yang Xue suddenly roared.

Chen ge used to be scared.

Then I saw Yang Xue rush over.

But not to myself, but to Zheng Yue.


Yang Xue raised her hand and took Zheng Yue's mouth, which was very cruel.

"You Yang Xue, how dare you hit me? Security, security Zheng Yue is also a little absent-minded, she was slapped in the face for the first time.

Yang Xue's face was red, and her face was not satisfied with her airway: "hit you, why don't you dare to hit you!

At that time, the security guard has listened to Zheng Yue's words and ran in.

Ready to catch Yang Xue.

"I see who dares to touch me, do you know who I am?"

Yang Xue suddenly roared.

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"I tell you, I am Chen GE's girlfriend, that is, you Chen Shao's girlfriend, you move me to try!"

Yang Xue clenched her fist.

I talked about my boyfriend for more than two years. After breaking up, I realized that he was a top rich second generation.

Yang Xue is not reconciled, she can't get anything!

I was beaten! How can she be reconciled!

"What? A girlfriend? "

After hearing this, the security guard did not dare to move.

And Li Zhenguo is also congealed eyebrows.

They all look at Chen Ge.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge is scared by Yang Xue. This girl is really crazy.

Chen Ge is very indifferent way: "used to be, now is not!"

Since the identity of Yang Xue has been broken, Chen GE has been determined to completely cut with Yang Xue!

Then he turned and left.

But Li Zhenguo understood Chen GE's meaning, waved to a group of bodyguards and drove Yang Xue out.

"Chen Ge, you son of a bitch, you have no conscience! You forget who spent two years with you when you didn't have money. You always think that you have always paid for me. I'm sorry for breaking up with you. But do you think about me? In those two years, when I was with you, did you force you to buy expensive things for me? You bought them for me voluntarily

"What's more, at that time, which girl was willing to take care of you as a poor man. Only I, Yang Xue, walked with you in the school. We ate together and held hands. When we first came out, you felt inferior and didn't dare to hold my hand. I took the initiative to hold your hand. Now you treat me like this

Yang Xue was held by several bodyguards and cried.

Chen Ge, on the other hand, is about to enter the villa.

Listening to Yang Xue's words, he stopped unconsciously.

Why does Chen Ge always love and hate Yang Xue?

It is because of the past scenes in the troubling, no matter how Yang Xue Chen Ge to him, he Chen Ge hopes Yang Xue well.

At present, by Yang Xue's words poked Chen GE's weakness, Chen Ge slowly turned back , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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