The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 56: 56

Chen Ge looked back and looked at Yang Xue coldly at the moment:

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"Yang Xue, of course, I have not forgotten what you said. It is because you have never hated me that I feel that there is hope in my life. You know, many times I think that for you, I am willing to give all I have. Some time ago, you broke up with me. To tell the truth, I feel the pain now Not completely eliminated, including this moment, I hope you can always good

"It's the same in the future. You can live your life well!"

These days experienced some things, with Yang Xue compound, has been impossible!

But these words are not perfunctory, but Chen GE's sincerity.

Yang Xue is not crazy after hearing these words.

It's just that my face is red.

Yes, once upon a time, there was a boy who loved her so much and was willing to sacrifice his whole for her.

But what I pursue is just a kind of comfort.

Yang Xue does not dare to say that she used to be totally true love to Chen Ge.

At that time, I just wanted to find a boy who was willing to love himself.

Later, I found a lot of girls who were not as beautiful as their own.

So Yang Xue is excited.

She had only heard of Lu Yang before, but did not know him.

But when he drove the BMW to stop in front of him to ask for himself, Yang Xue was really moved.

Compared with Lu Yang, Chen Ge is nothing.

At the time of breaking up, I was also distressed, but when I received an apple mobile phone sent by Lu Yang, the pain disappeared.

Now, Chen Ge is the second generation of rich people, a top-level rich second generation.

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Yang Xue really regrets.

She missed the most important person!

And now Chen GE's words have been very clear, will not compound!

She felt that she had been stripped off and thrown on the street, full of shame.

"Well, I see!"

Yang Xue was red in her eyes, clenched her fist, and said, "but Chen Ge, please remember, I will not let you look down on me all the time. One day, I will let you look at my neck like this! All the insults of today will be brought back! "

Yang Xue wiped her tears and glared at Chen Ge fiercely. After that, she tore off her work clothes and fell down at Chen GE's feet!

Chen Ge looks at her background, especially Yang Xue's cruel appearance at the end of the day.

Ah, or that sentence: I hope you do well!

This matter can be said to be very unexpected, Zheng Yue, who got a slap in the mouth, did not dare to say anything more at the moment.

Even ex girlfriends have been Chen Shao's girlfriend.

Can only be unwilling to live to swallow this tone.

Several people came to the box.

In fact, the Yellow Bureau of the commercial administration and the song Bureau of the Education Bureau have a purpose in meeting Chen Ge today.

The investment in some regions, and the establishment of hope primary school for migrant children.

They hope to get help from Jinling business group.

These are all ordered by my sister Chen Xiao.

Now, I'm in charge of it. Chen Ge also knows what the elder sister means. She wants to earn this favor.

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Chen Ge signed it happily.

Huang Weimin and song Qiusheng are naturally grateful.

You know, every one of these projects that Chen Ge signed is not a simple project.

For example, there are more than 20 hope primary schools to be built in Jinling.

A meal is a smooth one.

Chen Ge also got to know many other merchants in Jinling.

"Chen Shao, this is my business card. If you can get it in the future, you can say it!"

Before leaving, Huang Weimin shook hands with Chen Ge.

He did not expect that Chen Shao, who was absolutely rich in China, was so low-key in his life.

It's quite different from what he imagined!

Moreover, Chen Ge helped him a lot this time.

But Chen Ge knows that he is still weak in social life, but not in a hurry. Take your time!

"Chen Shao!"

After all the guests have left, Chen Ge is ready to leave. Tomorrow is the exam of subject 3. I will go back and practice again!

At this time, Zheng Yue came over with a blush on her face.

After all, she was beaten just now. She was embarrassed to stand in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge is sorry.

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This beautiful schoolgirl, but has always been very hot, last time, he almost surrendered!

"What's the matter?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Well, Chen Shao, I don't have any classes in the afternoon. It's very nice for you to go back to school. Can I take you back?"Zheng Yue is close to Chen Ge intentionally.

After knowing that Chen Ge is very low-key and introverted, in addition to the respect in his heart, Zheng Yue is also bold to Chen Ge.

After all, she is willing to have a good relationship with Chen Ge, even if she has the opportunity to have sex with Chen Shao, even if she is a tool to vent her anger.

"All right."

Chen Ge agreed without thinking about it.

After all, Zheng Yue was slapped by Yang Xue just now, but he didn't dare to attack. Frankly speaking, it has something to do with himself.

Hearing this, Zheng Yue rushed to drive.

But let Chen Ge did not expect is, Zheng Yue's car is also good, Big Ben.

It seems that Zheng Yue is quite comfortable in the villa.

They were chatting in the car.

At this time, Zheng Yue's mobile phone rings.

But she took it up and looked at it and hung up impatiently.

Soon, the phone rang again.

Zheng Yue picked it up and hung it up.

"Take it. You're afraid I'll hear it?"

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Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

Zheng Yue's face flushed: "how could it be? In front of Chen Shao, I have no secret. No matter what Chen Shao wants to hear or see, Xiaoyue will satisfy Chen Shao..."

Soft words, coupled with Zheng Yue deliberately lift legs, a pair of white flowers of the thighs exposed.

Chen GE's blood was boiling.

I really want to pinch it, but Chen Ge is a little embarrassed.

And the phone rings again.

This time, Zheng Yue didn't hang up again, but ordered to answer: "Xu Chao, are you sick? What are you calling me all the time? I have said, it's not that you have money or not, but we can't! I already have someone in my heart. You can find someone else as soon as possible! You have so much money, you must have women

With that, Zheng Yue hung up the phone again.

She said it very loud. First of all, she wanted to explain to Chen Ge that she had a second generation of rich people to pursue, but she did not dislike the poor and love the rich.

Second, it implies that Chen Ge is single. If Chen Shao wants to, you can do whatever you want!

It's a pity that Chen Shao hasn't extended his hand to himself. Does he have to take the initiative?

But in the two people in the car, one waiting, one embarrassed to start tangled, the car has slowly arrived at the gate of Jinling University.

This is a $700000 Benz, which naturally attracts many people's attention.

"Well, let's get off here." Chen Ge looked at many students and cast their eyes. If he went in again, he would surely be watched by more people. He felt uncomfortable.

But at the moment, Zheng Yue did not speak. She frowned and looked shyly at several men and women standing at the school gate and whispered in a low voice:

"Chen Shao, can you go inside or outside, anyway, don't get off here?"

"Well? Why? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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