The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 557: 557

"So I keep this secret in my heart. My father didn't come back because he was strong, but because he was weak. He was a hero all his life. But I never saw him cry in fear. That night, I saw him crying and shouting!"

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"My father, he was a hero in my heart, but since that night, I have been shaken! What makes my father like this? What happened to the covenant of holy water? I want to find out! I want to do anything to improve my strength! I'm afraid of failure! "

Mo Canglong said with red eyes.

"According to your father, it seems that the group did not die, but were taken elsewhere?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

This is very similar to the situation of Muhan's accident. They are all keepsakes like the holy water order, and then they disappear!

At first, Chen Ge suspected that Mu Han was not dead, but was arrested.

And Mo Canglong's words at the moment also confirm this point.

Are these people who have been ordered by the holy water and the sun to be captured?

But if the world is too big or too small, where will it be caught?

"Yes, a place where my father was afraid to go and did not dare to go!"

Mo Canglong road.

"Please, let me die in the covenant of holy water!"

Mo Canglong fell to his knees.

"This old boy, you can do anything!"

Chen Ge is speechless.

"It's easy for you not to die. I want you to promise me three things."

Chen Ge said coldly.

"Say it

"The first thing is, ever since then, whenever the Mo family sees the Chen family, they must give me a retreat."

"I I promise

"The second thing is, before the formal start of the covenant of holy water, you are not allowed to step out of Mo's house, otherwise, I will kill you. Now you are not my opponent at all!"

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Chen Ge said coldly.

"I understand, I won't show up!"

"As for the third thing, I will keep your Xuan mirror for the time being."

After saying that, Chen Ge reaches out and reaches for Chen GE's hand.

"I've got a poison on you. Don't try to force it out. As long as you violate any of the three things, this poison will devour your internal organs. Of course, if you have to force it, then you are no different from self-determination!"

Chen Ge said coldly.


Mo Canglong's mouth twitched.

This Chen song is really cruel!

It's better to kill yourself!

However, Mo Canglong has no way. He has to live.

"I I'll do it! "

"Go away!"

Chen Ge waved.

It's not Chen GE's weakness to let Mo Canglong go.

But my grandfather didn't know anything about the covenant of holy water. It was the first time I went there, and I didn't know it.

Always keep someone who is sure and understands the covenant of holy water.

No one knows what will happen to the covenant of holy water.

But this is the best candidate.

Because he is in control of his gods now, I understand that the old fox must be honest no matter how cunning.

It is less than three months since the date of calculation.

The secret of longevity coffin needs to be explored by Chen Ge.

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What's more, I have already surpassed the master's realm, and I don't know whether the prophecy of death still works.

So Chen Ge left the desert quickly.

Came to the town.

Along the way, Chen Ge also tried to find Qin Ya and found no trace of them.

However, in some traces left behind, Chen Ge finds that Qin Ya and her wife seem to have left the desert.

Not surprisingly, in the Beisha hotel in the small town.

Chen Ge found them.

It's just that a large number of people have left.

Only a few people from the tour group and a girl from the investigation team were left.

She has stayed, apparently working in a hotel.

"Chen Ge! It's great to see you again

As soon as the girl saw Chen Ge, her eyes were red.

"Miss qinya, why are you still here? I said, I'm not Chen Ge, my name is Chen Xuan! "

Seeing that she was ok, Chen Ge was relieved.

I didn't expect that she was still here.

"You still want to cheat me, I know, you are Chen Ge, because your body can change, temperament can change, but your eyes, never change, you are Chen Ge!"

Qin Ya put down the plate and ran to say.

Chen Ge looked at it.

"If you don't go back with the inspection team, how can you run here to serve the guests with dishes? Such a good job, no more? "Chen Ge avoided Qin Ya's eyes and said.

"No, I want to wait for you to come back. If you don't come out, I'll wait for you one day. If you don't come out for a year, I'll wait here for you for a year, and I'll wait for you for ten years!"

as like as two peas, "I want to ask you why I want to cheat on me. There are no two people in the world who can deceive me. What you can do is to hide what I am, but what you do is never cheat," he said.

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Qin ya a shout, immediately attracted the eyes of many guests.

But Chen Ge, in the heart is still very moved.

This girl really plans to wait for herself here all her life.

But Qin ya, I really can't hurt you again, you understand?

Exclaimed Chen Ge in his heart.

"Miss qinya, I think you really recognize the wrong person. Well, I can promise you, give me a year, and I will help you find the Chen song you want!"

Chen gedao.

"Well, I've seen you too. You'd better go back and work hard, miss qinya!"

With that, Chen Ge didn't plan to enter the hotel again, so he turned around and left.


At this time, the voice of falling suddenly came from behind.

It was Qin ya, who fell on the ground with a soft body.


Chen Ge looked at it and ran back in a hurry.

"You As like as two peas, you are not Chen Ge, your voice has changed, just like him!

Qin Ya grabbed Chen GE's arm and said, "I won't let you run away any more. I will follow you like this all my life."

Qin Ya holds Chen Ge tightly.

Chen Ge frowned: "are you crazy? I just watch our friends, you cheat me? Well, I don't want to have a burden around me. Good luck

With that, Chen Ge turned and left.

"Chen Ge!"

Qin Ya immediately got up and ran after him.

Chen GE's pace is very fast, but Qin Ya is still trying to chase Chen Ge away.

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All the way out of the town, in front of the endless sand road, through this long sand road, you can reach the highway.

Along the way, there was no trace of desolation, only rows of pine and cypress.

Qin Ya didn't know how long she had been walking on this road. Her face was pale and her lips had split, but she still ran after Chen Ge in the direction of leaving.

"Chen Ge, I won't let you run again. Why do you hide from me like this? Why?"

She murmured.

On the sole of the foot, I don't know how many blisters have been ground. The small white shoes seem to be soaked with blood.

A sense of vertigo came from time to time, and she had been feeling it since she came back in the desert.

Obviously, it's not fainting.

Putong, she fell to her knees, and she had no strength.

Still, she got up with her teeth clenched.

I walked forward with tears in my eyes.

It's getting dark. After walking all day, Qin Ya feels like her legs are gone.

Finally, she saw the road. There was a tea stand in front of her.

"Oh, little girl, you look so bad. Would you like a bowl of tea?"

The boss asked with a smile.

"More How much is a cup? "

"Cheap, ten yuan..."

Said the boss.

Qin Ya touched her trouser pocket. She was in a hurry. She didn't have a cent , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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