The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 558: 558

"Beauty? Yes? No money? "

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Just then, a few blind men followed.

Raise hands, want to touch Qin Ya's chin.

Qin Ya dodges in a hurry.

Those blind people immediately grabbed Qin Ya's arm and wanted to be rude.

But Qin ya, unable to struggle, opens her mouth and bites.


The blind man screamed with pain.

All over the finger, it's bloody.

They did not dare to move, but looked at Qin Ya in surprise.

Because in Qin Ya's eyes, flashed a obliteration meaning.

However, just now, her Qi and blood were surging, which made Qin Ya even more miserable. She was dizzy and fell to the ground and almost fainted.

"Boss, it's too cruel. You didn't say that this woman is so cruel. My fingers are going to be broken!"

When Qin Ya didn't have the strength to get up.

Several blind people, suddenly to a young man who came to complain.

The youth threw them a card: "this is the medical expenses, the password is today's Day!"

"I'll go. Thank you, boss!"

A few blind people are very happy.

Obviously, several of them were commissioned, deliberately.

Qin Ya listened to the sound and raised her head slowly.

Youth is Chen Ge.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me!"

Qin Ya tears Hua Hua Hua.

To tell you the truth, although Chen Ge walked very fast.

But after she lost Qin ya, she followed her back, mainly for fear of her accident.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ya chased herself all day.

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Chen Ge thought she would give up if she couldn't see herself, but she didn't, so she looked for someone to scare her.

But Qin ya


Really, Chen GE has no other meaning, that is to say, long pain is better than short pain, let Qin ya give up her heart and live her normal life.

The whole process, Chen GE has been watching, heart is also bursts of heartache.

But Qin Ya finished the last sentence, but two eyes a black, directly fainted on the ground.

"Qin ya!"

Chen Ge ran over with guilt and picked up Qin ya.


Just a touch of Qin Ya's body, Chen Ge suddenly found a trace of wrong.

"Why are you so sick?"

Chen Ge thought that Qin Ya was pretending, but he took the pulse. Qin Ya was very sick

At present, Chen Ge took Qin Ya and left.


When Qin Ya wakes up again.

It's like being in the air.

There was a helicopter buzzing in my ear.

She felt like she was dead, because that moment was too painful.

But now, the body seems to be relaxed a lot.

I was lying on the couch, covered with clothes.

Beside him, Chen Ge is sitting.

"Chen Ge! I I'm not dreaming, am I? "

Qin Ya excitedly said.

"Why are you so stupid! If you hadn't met me, your life would have been in danger if you hadn't met me! "

Chen Ge frowned slightly.

"You finally admit that you are Chen Ge. Why do you cheat me? Are you so unwilling to disagree with me? I've thought about it. If I can't find you, I'd rather die! "

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Qin Ya's eyes were wet red.

Chen Ge in front of me seems to be more mature than a year and a half ago.

Qin Ya wants to know too much.

Because stay by Chen GE's side, always have such a sense of security.

"Where is this going?"

Qin Ya asked.

"Go back to Nanyang Chen's house, and I'll let a special doctor take care of you!"

Looking at Qin ya, Chen Ge doesn't know how to face her.

This is also the point of their own entanglement.

Now, I don't feel at all about this girl. It's a lie.

All in all, I hope she is good!

"Where have you been for a year and a half?"

Qin Ya asked Chen Ge.

"It's a long story. You should take care of yourself first and I'll tell you later."

"Chen Shao, it's near the island. However, something seems to have happened at the mouth of the island below. Many people are there!"

At this time, Chen family bodyguard said in one side.

Chen Ge found the longevity coffin, of course, the first time to return to Chen's home, because there are too many mysteries unsolved.

So, the call came the helicopter.

Naturally, I can't rest assured of Qin ya.


Hearing this, Chen Ge stood up and looked down.

Sure enough, they were all there.It's not like greeting yourself, because there is a girl in the room, who seems to be talking about something.

"Take good care of miss qinya. I'll go down and have a look."

Chen gedao.

With that, he opened the hatch.

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Then he flew down.

"Chen Ge!"

"Chen Shao

Qin Ya and the bodyguard are all surprised.

My God, this is 800 meters high!

Everyone was sweating.

But forget, now Chen Ge, or ordinary people!

It fell to the ground lightly.

"Chen Chen Shao is back

The guard in the family was also shocked.

How did Chen Shao fall from the sky?

One side of Chen DIANCANG, with Chen Jindong, are a bit shocked.

"Song, you're back!"

Chen DIANCANG was surprised and his eyes were colorful.

"Yes, grandfather, you are worried!"

Chen Ge came over.

"Ha ha ha, rice, look, your father is back!"

Just then, a girl with a baby was squeezed out of the crowd.

Seeing Chen Ge, she said to the baby in her arms.

And Chen DIANCANG and Chen Jindong, they are all looking at each other, obviously some can not laugh or cry.

"Zhao Zhao Yifan? "

And Chen Ge saw the girl, his eyes widened.

"What Dad's back? How do you hold a baby? "

Chen Ge took a deep breath.

Since the last time, he was drunk by Zhao Yifan, plus missed the time to meet Mu Han, Chen GE has never been in contact with this girl since then.

Even, Chen Ge still hates her in her heart.

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But did not expect, a year and a half later, she actually found here?

"This is our daughter, half a year old now! It's called rice

Zhao Yifan said with a touch of pride on his face.

"I Our daughter? "

Chen GE's eyes widened:

"you didn't say that we didn't..."

"If I don't say that, will you let me go, and I will not tell you, will our daughter be born smoothly? According to your character, I will never let me be born!"

Zhao Yifan wears his hair gently, looking like a young woman.

"You How mean you are

A trace of remorse flashed in Chen GE's eyes.

"You What are you calling me, calling me mean

Zhao Yifan was in a hurry.

Looking to one side, Chen Xiao, a little stunned, said, "sister, did you see how he treated me?"

Chen Xiao scratched his head and did not cross his face.

"Mother! Look at him! That's what he did to us girls

She said to Yang Yuping again.

A stiff smile flashed on Yang Yuping's face: "son, don't hurry to call mom. Now the most important thing is to make things clear. After all, Xiaoge has never told us about this matter!"

"I think so too. Anyway, this is the child of your Chen family. If you want to make sure, just be sure!"

Zhao Yifan glances at Chen Ge.

He looked at Chen Jindong and said, "Dad!"


Chen Jindong just answered and shook his head in a hurry: "baby, don't worry. It's windy outside. You should hold the child in first. I've arranged for the doctor to come here."

Chen Jindong is also a bit big headed.

Chen Ge did not return to God: "I am a father?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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