The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 559: 559

"No, there is no such coincidence! I don't know what kind of tricks Zhao Yifan is playing. He has given her tens of millions of dollars and let her live at will

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Chen Ge frowned.

To tell you the truth, he feels very strange now.

Because since fighting with the Mo family, Chen GE has been busy practicing all day, and has even been far away from urban life.

Now return to the city life, but encounter this kind of thing, have a daughter unexpectedly?

Chen Ge is really hard to accept.

What's more, this daughter is still with Zhao Yifan two people!

Plus now Qin ya, LAN elder sister are all in.

Let Chen Ge be the first two big.

Forget it, it's better to wait for the paternity test!

Chen Ge followed his grandfather and father to the door and waited.

Zhao Yifan is holding rice in his room for paternity testing.

"I think Miss Zhao still takes this jade charm off for her child. It's so small that it's easy to be in danger if she wears it on her neck!"

The little girl in front of her may be the daughter of master Chen Ge.

Naturally, the group did not dare to be careless.

Looking at the little girl's neck with a jade Fu, the same, Zhao Yifan also has a neck.

"Hum, I don't pick it. What do you know? I'll do your appraisal quickly!"

Zhao Yifan said.

The doctor did not dare to say more.

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After a while, the identification results came out.

"How about it?"

Chen Jindong and Chen DIANCANG are anxious to ask.

"Congratulations to the old man, congratulations to the master, and congratulations to Chen Shao. According to the identification results, this child is indeed born of master Chen Ge and miss Yifan, and has the blood of the Chen family!"

The doctor said with a respectful smile.

"Ah! This Is it really my great granddaughter? "

Chen point old face, but also flash a strong smile.

It's just that Chen Xiao and Yang Yuping don't look good.

To put it bluntly, both their mother and daughter are extremely despised of Zhao Yifan.

Anyone can enter the door of the Chen family at will.

In particular, Zhao Yifan is also very resourceful, deliberately waiting for the baby to be born before coming to the door.

Now, with the blood of the Chen family, Chen GE has no way to marry her.

So, what about Alan?

Mother and daughter both think so, and don't know how to explain with Alan.

"Song, look, you have a daughter!"

Chen Jindong, holding the baby affectionately, let Chen Ge have a look.

Chen Ge is always frowning.

Wait until Father and they all leave.

"Chen Ge, you are responsible for me!"

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Zhao Yifan said behind Chen Ge.


But Chen Ge grabs Zhao Yifan's collar and pulls her aside.

"Say, what's going on here? How can I have children with you? Besides, this child is not mine at all. You can cheat others, but you can't cheat me at all! "

Chen GE's eyes, like eagle eyes, stare at Zhao Yifan's whole body cold.

Because Chen GE's eyes, seems to be able to see through everything.

Zhao Yifan couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"You You're still a man! Paternity test has come out, it's our two babies, you still don't admit it! In that case, I will not live. Anyway, I have not been humiliated by you once or twice! "

Zhao Yifan cried.

"You still quibble. Although I don't know how you can make the instrument test such a result, I can see that the child is not your own. Zhao Yifan, once a classmate in the past, if you are willing to tell the truth, I will forgive you!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

And Zhao Yifan this really startled, eyes can not help but flash a touch of panic.

When did Chen Ge become so powerful?

"Do you have any purpose?"

Chen Ge asked again.

Chen Ge had to be very careful because he was shrouded in the prophecy of death all day long.

"I I don't understand what you're saying! You let me go

Zhao Yifan is still sophistry.

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"Not really? Well, I'll take the baby as mine. I'll raise her, but you, I'll throw you into the sea to feed the fish

Chen Ge picked up Zhao Yifan.

Zhao Yifan is very scared. Chen ge used to be timid and cowardly, and she can't see a girl crying. As long as you cry, Chen Ge won't be cruel again.

But now, I cry like this.

He was so murderous.

He's changed, he's completely changed. It doesn't seem like a joke at all.

"Good, good, I said, you let me down!"Zhao Yifan was afraid.

Chen Ge threw her on the bed.

"You're right. The children are not ours!"

Zhao Yifan said bitterly.

At the same time, I also regret.

"Did you steal it? Zhao Yifan, given you so much money, you are still endless? "

Chen Ge said coldly.

"No! I didn't steal it. Chen Ge, don't look down on me. I Zhao Yifan is not a good woman, but I won't do that kind of heartless thing. The child was adopted by me and adopted by the orphanage! "

"Then why do our doctors in the Chen family detect that the baby was born to both of us?"

Chen Ge said coldly.

"I I don't know. It's the way an old warlock told me

Zhao Yifan touched his neck and stepped back.

"In this case, you go and tell my father and grandfather that I will give you a lot of money, which will make you carefree for three years."

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Chen gedao.

Zhao Yifan quickly stood up: "I don't want money! Do you think you're doing so much money for me? Yes, indeed, I used to look down on your experience of having no money, but that's all in the past. Chen Ge, do you know, I've already fallen in love with you. I want to be with you, even if you don't have money, I also want to be with you! "

With that, Zhao Yifan wants to embrace Chen Ge.

"I don't believe your lies. Tell me, what do you want?"

Just as soon as he came over, he was pushed aside by Chen Ge.

Chen GE's expression is plain.


Zhao Yifan stamped his feet in a hurry.

"In a word, Chen Ge, you can't drive me away, stay with me, OK, and you can see outside, grandfather and dad holding rice, how happy, they have become rice is their granddaughter!"

Zhao Yifan pointed out the window.

"What's more, I've heard that you and your grandfather are going to travel far away and won't come back for a long time. Some even say that grandfather may never come back. Now he has raised hopes and met his great grandson. Even if it is a lie, it is also a beautiful lie, isn't it?"

Zhao Yifan cried.

"You don't use your words. You must have something. You'd better tell the truth, or I won't let you go!"

Chen Ge drank coldly.

He is about to throw Zhao Yifan out.

Just then.

"Dad, grandfather, whose child is this? It's so cute. By the way, I heard that Xiaoge is back. Where is he? I have something to tell him

Outside, rang LAN elder sister's voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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