The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 561: 561

On the mural in the tomb of God, Chen GE learned that the woman in white was inspired by the old beggar and separated the coffin from the God. No one knows where the tombstone of the woman in white went.

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So when Zhao Yifan mentioned the ancient tomb, Chen Ge could not help but think that the coffin of the woman in white was transported to the South China Sea after separation?

Buried in the tomb of the sea king.

"Where is the sea king tomb?"

Chen Ge couldn't help asking.

At the moment, Zhao Yifan said all he knew.

After listening carefully, Chen Ge felt more and more necessary to go.

The tomb of the sea king may have been the burial place of the woman in white at that time.

Although elder sister Lan said that she first dreamt of her, it was a river full of miasma, but whether it was a river or a sea, she could not say clearly.

And then there's the sun chart for her, which is a huge clue.

"Are you going to look for the sea king's tomb? Xiaoge, there are less than three months left, which is the date of the covenant of holy water! "

After hearing Chen GE's idea, Chen DIANCANG can't help but be astonished.

Chen Ge naturally knows that the covenant of holy water is equally important. However, if he does not make clear the matter of God, he is restless all day long. Perhaps, if he finds a woman in white, he can get another answer.

"Yes, grandfather, I won't delay the appointment of holy water. As long as I'm finished, I will go to your side immediately. By the way, grandfather, this is xuanjing!"

Chen Ge handed the mirror to Chen DIANCANG.

"Well? The mirror of Mo Canglong

"Yes, if the covenant of holy water meets him, my grandfather can send him, and he dare not refute it!"

"Song you..."

Mo Canglong's eyes are getting bigger and bigger.

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So at the moment, Chen Ge told us all about what happened in the desert.

"What, my grandson, has surpassed the master?"

Chen DIANCANG was overjoyed. He patted Chen Ge on his shoulders with pride.

The next day, Chen Ge set out.

The people who went to search for the sea palace and the soul hall were all taken away by my grandfather.

And he just told Chen family base personnel to stand by at any time, after all, now conditions permit, Chen Ge also has to borrow the strength of the family.

We went to a place called Haicheng on the coast of Pingyang to see the situation there.

At this moment, night has fallen, Chen Ge from the port to get off the ship.

There are still many passenger ships in the port.

It seems that there are a lot of tourists here, in pairs of men and women.

Around it, there is a long sea.

The sea breeze howls, Chen Ge pays attention to look.

Here, it is known as the ends of the earth.

The old beggars at that time separated the woman in white from the God.

Why is the old beggar so cruel? If it's really buried here, it's really different from each other.

Chen Ge looks at the seaside and thinks

At this time, among the group of tourists standing in front, a girl looked back at him and suddenly called out: "Chen Ge?"

Chen Ge is slightly stunned and recollects her thoughts. Looking at this city girl with sunglasses and a mask hat, she feels both familiar and unfamiliar.

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"Are you?"

"I'm Li Yali, ha ha, why, I graduated one year earlier than you, so you don't know me?" The city girl took off her sunglasses and showed a smiling face. She was tall and beautiful.

"Oh, it's sister Lili." Chen Ge finally remembered.

Li Yali, this girl Chen Ge, of course, knew each other. When she first came to Jinling University, she was a sophomore. Later, she became the president of the student union.

At that time, Chen Ge was not poor and needed work study program, so he was familiar with Li Yali.

It's just that Li Yali was wearing sunglasses just now, and now her make-up is more exquisite than at that time, so Chen Ge didn't respond for a moment.

She gives Chen Ge a feeling, in fact, it's average.

It's like a strong woman in my impression.

Very good at communication.

Let's put it this way, she fell in love once in the University. Other people talked about it. Generally, it was the boys in the school or something.

But Li Yali is different. She falls in love with the divorced boss of a local enterprise in Jinling.

Once on Li Yali's birthday, the boss put fireworks in every corner of the campus. That night, the whole campus was exploded. It was so beautiful.

Li Yali that night is undoubtedly the object of admiration and admiration of the school girls.

Of course, what was more impressive was that early the next morning, Li Yali called Chen Ge and asked herself to clean up the fireworks on campus.

That morning, I made 100 yuan and invited Yang Xue to eat KFC! I've got more than 50 of them.

The intersection with her is like this, after all, he is not qualified to make friends with her.So now she comes to say hello, Chen Ge is quite surprised.

"Sister Lili, how did you come to Haicheng?"

Chen Ge looked, Li Yali behind there are a lot of people are in, wear it, are like the upper class.

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Because of its natural geographical advantages, Haicheng has a very developed economic strength.

"Our chamber of Commerce has some activities these days. My partners and I will come to Haicheng for a visit! I started a cosmetics company, ha ha

Li Ya Li cut her hair and said with a smile.

"How wonderful!"

Chen Ge can only echo a sentence.

At this time, those partners of Li Yali finally reacted and came one after another.

One of the middle-aged men, who was obviously close to Li Yali, frowned:

"Xiao Li, is this

"You said that he is one of my college students. We have talked about him before. When I was in college, there was a very poor boy in the school, that is, he could not even afford to eat, and his clothes were patched. He worked in the school every day, and he also ran errands to earn living expenses and tuition fees Make it yourself

Li Ya Li chattered on and on with her friends.

And those friends, all of them are listening with wide eyes.

"How could there be such a poor man?"

Everyone looked at each other in surprise.

"Well, I can't think of it. What's more, even if it's like this, Chen GE has found a girlfriend!"

People were even more surprised.

And Li Ya Li looks at Chen Ge and doesn't speak any more. She just looks at herself.

I also found that I may have said a lot today.

"Chen Ge, it's fate that we can see each other again. Are you here to join the sea sky feast in Haicheng?"

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She asked again.


Chen Ge shook his head.

"Lili, you asked me more than once. You said that people were so poor at that time, how could they participate in the sea sky feast?"

A woman came up and said.

"Oh, Chen Ge, we are old classmates, that is, I don't have enough tickets this time. Otherwise, I can invite you to participate. By the way, Chen Ge, you will download a piece of software on your mobile phone. There are our company's products on it. This is not a company just opened. We need to sell goods urgently. You can act as an agent. Don't worry. Our company has a cosmetics specially for you Some people at the bottom of the society design, go to the low-end market, you can promote it in your circle! "

Li said.

Then I can't help but tell Chen Ge the specific agent application process.

And the mobile phone number and business card of the regional manager.

"It's getting late. We have to go to the city. I'll let my manager take care of you."

Li Ya Li smiles at Chen Ge, waves her hand, and then leaves.

And Chen Ge looked at several people's back, can't help but smile and shake his head.

This Li Yali has not changed at all

Chen Ge threw his business card away and continued to walk along the coast, watching and thinking. Night gradually came, and there were few tourists around.

All of a sudden.

Several boats were rowed across the sea.

There are four or five speedboats, chasing the first one , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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