The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 562: 562

Although it was night, Chen Ge could see clearly.

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What was being chased was a middle-aged man with blood all over his body. He was driving a speedboat towards Chen Ge from a distance. A dozen people with the guy were chasing after him. Few people on the coast saw this scene and ran away one after another, even without calling the police. This is a little remote coast is more open, only Chen Ge is still walking along the coast.

Chen Ge frowned when he saw these people coming here. He was interrupted by Li Yali just now, which made Chen Ge feel uncomfortable.

The middle-aged man, who was covered with blood, had no way to escape. He ran to Chen Ge and said, "hurry! Give me your cell phone! Brother, give me your cell phone

Then he stepped on the shoal, ran quickly, and waved to Chen Ge and yelled.

Chen Ge was not happy at all, and naturally would not pay attention to him.

At this time, from the dense forest around the shore, several people rushed out, together with a few people who came after them. Seeing that the middle-aged man was unable to run, they all surrounded him one after another. A leading guy saw that Chen Ge didn't escape, so he immediately came up to Chen Ge and called, "grandfather, do something! You! Get out of here. "

Chen Ge looked at him coldly and didn't say anything. A young man in the back saw that Chen Ge was indifferent, so he immediately took up a machete and chopped it at Chen Ge. Chen GE's eyes were filled with angry eyes. These guys actually cut down Chen Ge no matter who saw it. They were not good birds.


Chen Ge moved his steps lightly, and he had already dodged a blow.

Before the young man could cut down Chen Ge, he heard the sound of "Ba, Ba", and then he found himself flying. As soon as he landed on the ground, he heard his legs click again. He wanted to touch his mouth, but he found that his hands could not move. Then he realized that all his teeth had been knocked out. Actually, all hands and feet were kicked off. One hand and one foot were still smashed.

All the people on the edge looked at Chen Ge as if they were looking at a monster. The guy who led the team saw that his posture was wrong, and he didn't see how the other party started. He just saw that the man kicked his legs several times, and his own people fell to the ground, and all his limbs were broken. It seems that he kicked the iron plate this time.

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What's more, this young man who seems harmless to human beings and animals is incomparably cruel. As soon as he takes a hand, he breaks all his limbs, which is much more cruel than himself. Where did he know that Chen Ge would not change his face even if he killed him by breaking his limbs.

Because Chen Ge killed too many people!

"I'm sorry, brother. This time it's our fault. Let's go. " Chen Ge a fist polite said, and then to the back of a few young people with machetes said.

It's no doubt that the middle-aged people who met them thought that they wanted to keep their own lives. However, Chen GE's next sentence made his heart rise again.

"Did I let you go?" Chen GE's voice is as cold as ice.

Hearing Chen GE's words, several guys ready to retreat all picked up the guy and looked at Chen Ge nervously. If it wasn't for Chen Gegang who had just made a move, it would have been impossible for them to leave without fighting. I didn't expect that we wanted to leave, but they still refused to let us go.

"What do you want?" The big man with Dragon Tattoos on his arms said, but he was nervous. Others didn't know. He knew it. He knew that there were some ancient Wu families who were against the heaven. It is said that the ability of these people is not a problem if they fight dozens or hundreds, let alone their own side.

"You've ruined my mood. Each one breaks a foot or a hand." Chen Ge seems to be saying that everyone has a piece of chocolate.

"What? Don't go too far. We respect you as an expert, and don't be too uninteresting. Hum The leading man immediately said fiercely.

"Oh, that's two..." Chen GE's voice did not fall, only to see the last of a thin 20-year-old youth "click" a, just broke his arm.

"What are you doing?" The leading man gazed at the thin young man who broke his arm and immediately exclaimed. But the young man said nothing.

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His eyes were full of panic. He could see clearly the scene just now, and he could also see clearly the eyes of this man. It was the kind of person who rolled through the water of blood.

His aura only represents two words: murderous spirit.

It's chilling.

"It's nice of you to step aside." Chen Ge took a look at the young man and said faintly.

"The others broke their arms or legs..." Before Chen GE's words were finished, the leading man rushed over with the guy. In addition to the little brother just now, all the people in the back rushed to Chen Ge with the guy.

Chen GE's mouth was full of sarcasm. Instead of retreating, he rushed into several people, punching and kicking. All he heard was the sound of "click" and "trumpet". In a flash, just like the guy lying on the ground, all hands and feet were broken, teeth were broken, and even a pair of hands and feet were broken.Several lying on the ground pain almost fainting guy, like to see a monster looking at Chen Ge, this is who ah, unexpectedly provoked such a existence.

Chen Ge was too lazy to pay attention to these people on the ground, and he still clapped his hands and continued to walk, as if nothing had happened.

"Brother! thank you! Thank you

And the middle-aged man, who was covered with blood, came up at the moment, clasped his fist and said respectfully to Chen Ge.

"I'm from Haicheng. I'm from Haicheng. When I go out, I'm tracked down by them. Fortunately, I met my brother. Otherwise, I'll be finished!"

Yang Wei was seriously injured, but at the moment he was grateful.

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"I didn't want to save you, and you don't have to thank me!"

With that, Chen Ge turned and left.

Looking at the background of Chen Ge, Yang Wei feels that he is extraordinary.

Especially the temperament.

"Sir, stay here, sir. Are you coming to our Haicheng to attend the Haitian grand banquet held by the Ming family?"

Yang Wei asked.

The tone was very respectful.

"Ming family? Sea and sky feast? "

Chen Ge thought in his heart.

This Ming family is the Ming family that chased Zhao Yifan. The two jade amulets were also stolen from the tomb of the sea king.

I really want to find this Ming family and make a deal with them.

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"Sir, I'm familiar with it here. If you are interested in going to Haitian grand banquet, or where to go to Haicheng, I can Cough

Before he finished speaking, Yang Wei coughed violently.

Chen Ge glanced at him: "you'd better find a place to support your injury."

With that, Chen Ge looked up at the bright lights of Haicheng in the distance, and then he lifted his feet and walked towards the place

"Come and pick me up!"

Yang Wei Ran to a telephone booth to make a phone call.

"Mr. Yang, you You are injured! I'll send someone to the nearest hospital immediately! "

Someone on the phone said respectfully.

Yang Wei, however, was staring at the direction of Chen GE's progress and exclaimed anxiously:

"no, my injury can't kill my life. Come on! I seem to have seen that man, and even said, it's him , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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