The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 569: 569

Yang Wei's search for Chen Ge is, of course, the appointment to go to Panlong mountain and find the master of ghost operator.

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In the past, Chen Ge did not believe in such so-called masters of fortune telling.

I think it's all a bunch of crooks.

But in this period of time, there have been so many things. First, in the fresco, the old beggar with great powers, and then Zhao Yifan, Yang Wei and the Ming family's business of looking for ghost operators and fortune telling were all calculated by that ghost operator.

Since he figured out that Yang Wei would meet himself here.

Maybe, I can figure out what I'm looking for.

In short, Chen Ge is looking forward to this ghost operator.

Panlong ridge is located on a mountain in the north of Haicheng.

Here, surrounded by ancient pines, surrounded by cliffs, standing on the top of the mountain, the grand Haicheng spreads out to the far horizon, which seems to connect with the clouds and fog.

If you look at Haicheng from the top of the mountain, even if it is just the size of a matchbox, it is actually a huge block of tens of thousands of people.

Anyone who sees these can not help but feel a kind of human insignificance.

There are also many people at the foot of the mountain. After all, many people come to Panlong mountain to pray.

Some people came to visit the master of ghost operators.

Of course, it depends on fate whether you can visit.

From a distance, Panlong temple is not very big, but it looks very simple.

The maroon bricks and tiles and the gray and white walls look mottled. I don't know how many years it has gone through.

Nowadays, many Taoist halls are decorated with exquisite luxury.

There are many people coming to Panlong mountain, but Panlong mountain still keeps light wind, which can be regarded as a unique banner.

The road from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain is already full of people.

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Chen Ge and Yang Wei arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Chen Ge looks around, but he doesn't know if it's an illusion. Chen Ge sees that a woman with a very elegant figure is sitting in the side of the car with a sun umbrella held by several beautiful maids.

The car soon started and left.

Chen GE's larynx moved, and he felt his Qi and blood churning.


If not thought impossible, Chen Ge is about to recognize that girl is Su Muhan.

Because from her back, that white neck, like Su Muhan.

This scene almost made Chen Ge lose his normal judgment ability.

But carefully once again think about the girl who just met like Su Muhan, I can't help but feel a little strange.

Mu Han has already disappeared, and was captured by the sun League. How could he appear here?

It must be that I miss her so much that I have hallucinations.

Chen Ge swallowed his saliva and watched the car go away. It seemed that he was making up his mind whether to catch up and have a look. If not, he could be at ease.

"Hello, Chen Ge! I called you a few times, didn't you hear me? "

At this time, a woman took Chen GE's arm and pulled Chen GE's thoughts back.

Chen Ge turns to see that this woman is Li Yali.

"What are you looking at? When you see a beautiful woman, your eyes are straight. You can't see Chen Ge. You are still such a person!"

Li Ya Li is a little angry and strange.

Chen Ge is quite impatient to interrupt herself.

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At present, the tone is also a little bad: "you have something to do?"

"What's your tone? I came to say hello to you. You talk to me like this? "

Li Yali refused to give up.

Chen Ge took a deep breath. At the moment, the car was gone.

I think I think too much.

It's Li Yali, lengbu Ding's enthusiasm. Chen Ge is also a little embarrassed when she is like this:

"I was just thinking about something, I'm sorry!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"Pooh Li Ya Li covered her mouth and laughed: "ha ha, this is just like you!"

"Chen Ge, what are you doing here? You don't want to be married, do you? I heard that the master of the ghost operator is very accurate

Li Yali road.

Chen Ge shakes his head, there is no need to talk to her too much.

Chen Ge also wants to use this attitude to let Li Yali understand that she doesn't want to talk to her again.

"I'm here to count marriage!" Li Yali said with a smile to Chen Ge.

"You? Don't you have a husband? "

Chen Ge was speechless.

In fact, Chen Ge also understood why Li Yali saw herself so abnormal today, not because she had no money before. After the auction, she saw her economic strength.

"Who said I had a husband? You say that, he's not! "

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Li Yali said, "I know Chen Ge. From our school till now, your impression on me is that I am a kind of person who does not care about his own heart for the sake of money and status. In fact, on the contrary, girls respect their own hearts, and I also desire love, that kind of pure love!""Oh! So... "

"In fact, Chen Ge, from school, I think you are very good, and give people a very gentle and down-to-earth feeling, we women, in fact, do not want to be rich and powerful, we want very simple!"

Li Yali looks at Chen GE's sweet smile.

Chen Ge had no choice but to smile and shake his head: "you know I have money. If I don't have money, what you want is not simple at all!"

Chen GE's ears are almost cocooned, similar to this kind of words, I don't know how many girls have said to her.

Chen Ge knows what Li Yali wants to do.

If it was in the past, Chen Ge might feel shy and embarrassed to support her. Now, Chen GE has already let go!


But Li Yali didn't expect Chen Ge to speak so directly, which made her blush and embarrassed.

In particular, Chen Geli ignored himself and left directly.

Li Ya Li is even more angry and shy. She thinks it is more than enough to hook up with Chen Ge by virtue of her own beauty.

I didn't want to

However, Rao is so, Li Yali, on the contrary, feels that Chen Ge is much more mature than before, and, inexplicably, gives people a sense of security, which is a man!

Li Yali looks at Chen GE's back and says in her heart.

She didn't want to give up, so she caught up.


But after Chen Ge and Yang Wei arrive at the top of the mountain.

I found that there were more people here.

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And a few children stand in front of the gate.

They seem to have closed the door.

All the tourists came here and were stopped by them.

"What's the matter? We waited a long time, but we didn't let in! "

"That is, the incense will wither sooner or later!"

Some tourists are complaining.

"Today, the master will only receive a friend who has come from afar. The rest of you will come down the mountain and come back later!"

Said the Taoist.

"I'll give you the money? I want to go in and count my marriage

Li Yali did not know when she came to Chen GE's side.

He said to daotong and rubbed Chen GE's arm gently.

Chen Ge grinned, a face of disgust toward the side of hiding.

"This Taoist friend, I really have something to do today. You make a condition!"

Chen Ge thought, a fortune teller, actually picked up such a big shelf, but also feel funny in his heart.

"There is no condition. You can go down the mountain lightly!"

Daotong shakes his head.

At this time, the door of Daoguan suddenly opened , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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