The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 570: 570

A young man in a black robe came slowly.

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The scene was quiet, too.

"Elder martial brother!"

All the children at the door bowed.

"The VIP waiting for master has arrived!" He said faintly, and then swept to the crowd and said with a smile, "who is the young master Chen Ge from Nanyang?"

"I am!"

Chen Ge frowned, did not expect this ghost operator, is really some mysterious, can calculate that he will certainly come to him.

"Master Chen Ge, the master has been waiting for you for a long time. He has already made tea for you. Please come with me!"

The young Taoist bowed.

Chen Ge was surprised.

"When did your master say I would come? He figured it out? I remember that Yang Wei put forward his invitation last night. This ghost operator knows my real identity? "

Chen Ge can't believe that in addition to the spirit of the sun map, there are people in the world who can have such strength.

To put it bluntly, Chen Ge was grateful for the mysterious man, and envied and hated the mysterious man.

Because he knows everything and plays with everything. Chen gehen is such a person.

He tried to pierce the power of this ghost operator.

"A year ago, the tutor had already counted it!"

I didn't expect that, said Dao Tong slowly.

Chen Ge was shocked.

Since it is so powerful, I have to see it today.

"Lead the way!"

Chen gedao.

As the man entered the Taoist hall, it was the hall where the statues were worshipped. Passing through the hall, it was an inner court.

The inner court is filled with the fragrance of incense burner.

A dying old man was sitting cross legged in front of a censer, keeping his eyes closed.

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There is a tea table in front of you.

"Master Chen Ge, long time no see!"

Hearing the footsteps of Chen Ge, the old man's face full of walnut lines slowly raised and opened his eyes.

But that year young Dao Tong, already left by himself.

"You count everything? I don't believe it

Chen gedao, but also cross his knees to sit down with him.

"It's not everything. I can only count myself as a person." Master ghost grinned bitterly.

"Then you must know what I'm here for?"

"Chen Shao is looking for someone!"

Master ghost.

"Well, you can figure out where the person I'm looking for. If you can calculate it, whether it's money or anything in the world, you can mention it at will."

Chen gedao.

"Oh, don't worry, Chen Shao. Before counting them, did Chen Shao want to calculate himself? For example, if you calculate your future destiny, you can't hide it. Chen Shaoyin hall is red. I'm afraid it will be a disaster soon! "

Master ghost raised his eyes and looked at Chen Ge with a smile.

This words, but also let Chen GE's heart thump, this ghost master, is really proficient in divination, everything is accurate by him.

The chart of the sun predicts that there will be great calamity for himself.

And it's life and death.

came as like as two peas to find the secret palace. To solve the secret of life and death, what is the relationship between the woman in white and the God of heaven?

"I already know what you said, but what I am most concerned about now is whether I can find the people I am looking for, the people I am looking for, whether they are still alive?"

Chen Ge believed him eight or nine points and asked now.

"It seems that the person you are looking for is very important to you. Well, I will do some divination for Chen Shao first."

Master ghost nodded.

Then, raise your hand.

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Suddenly, the windows and curtains on all sides fall down automatically.

Then the wood in the middle of the ground opened automatically, and a large-scale equipment similar to ancient Jiulong with beads appeared.

It seems that this instrument frame is made of ancient copper.

However, the dragon mouth is not a bead, but a large copper coin.

"Chen Shao, please put your palm on any two faucets!"

Said the master ghost.

Chen Ge came and did as he was told.

Touching the cold dragon head, before long, the eyes of the nine copper dragons suddenly brightened, with a green light, and the whole body luster lingered, as if the nine giant dragons were alive at once.

Chen Ge is surprised to see.

Not long.

A few puffs.

The copper coins in the mouth of nine copper dragons fall to the ground and are placed in a different shape.

The ghost operator has come.

He began to observe the coins carefully.

After a long time, he nodded slightly.

"How about it?"

Chen Ge asked.

To tell the truth, Chen GE has too many questions in his heart, but frankly, he still can't trust the old man now. So Chen Ge wants him to calculate the results of the people he is looking for. If he can analyze the results, then Chen Ge will really believe him."The answer has been given. The divinatory symbols show that Chen Shao has a predestined relationship. Only by finding this predestined relationship can you meet the person you want to see!"

"And the man you want to see is still alive!"

The old man said with a smile.

Chen Ge frowned:

"do you know where the person I want to see is

Chen Ge asked excitedly.

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The ghost operator shook his head: "her position is very fuzzy, like near not near, like far, like east is not East, like West is not west! If you can't see clearly, you can't see clearly! "

"Because the divinatory symbols show that you still have a long way to go, so if your heart is not sincere, you will have no chance to speak of."


Chen GE's heart is strange.

Since I fell in love with Su Muhan in college, there is no other girl in my heart.

Where is the predestination?

To Qin ya? I just have a sense of guilt for her, this kind of psychology is very complex, do not love, but will take the initiative to care about her, but, I have decided to explain everything to her.

Yes, sister LAN? I treat her like my own sister. Although she is her fiancee, how can she be predestined?

As for Zhao Yifan, let alone.

"I have no predestination! I don't have what she loves except for the Mu Han I'm looking for. "

Chen gedao.

"Ha ha, the so-called predestination is about your fate in the world. If you don't have a love now, it doesn't mean that you won't have it in the future, because your love follows the way of heaven and has been cultivated for several generations."

The ghost operator laughs.

"I don't believe, love or not, I has the final say. What's the way of heaven? I hate you people who talk about heaven. The fate of all people is in your own hands

Chen GE's heart set off a burst of anger.

He hates the feeling of being left and right now.

"Chen Shao, you can't help believing it! The divinatory symbols show that you do have predestination, but it has not yet arrived. If this predestination has no cause and effect, you can not find your love even if you step across the world! "

The ghost operator shakes his head.

How can you find a deep breath

The ghost operator said: "this part of predestination is in your own heart, or you ask yourself, why did you come to Haicheng?"

Chen Ge heard as like as two peas:

, I want to go to the palace of the sea to find the whereabouts of the woman in white. She falls in love with the God who is exactly the same as herself, and the two people love each other, but eventually they are separated from each other.

There are too many clues on the woman in white.

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I want to find her for the God, and take her to the God's side for burial, and I want to uncover the secret of her life experience.

The meaning of ghost operator is that you have a predestined relationship with the woman in white?

How could it be?

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.


At this time, the ghost operator murmured:

"I read the divinatory symbols carefully. It is clear that it is your predestination, but it seems that it is not your predestination. She has a direct relationship with you, but it seems that there is no relationship between her and you, which is strange!"

Ghost operator frown.

For a long time.

He then said: "master Chen Ge, in a word, you must find her first before you can find her again. Your divination is very disordered. Ha ha, I can only read it here!"

He shook his head in shame.

"Well, I'll find the woman in white first!"

Chen Ge said in his heart.

He did not say that he saw another "self" in the ancient tomb. The woman in white may have been predestined with another "self".

But no matter what, Chen Ge will find her.

Now, to be sure that Mu Han is not dead and she is still alive, Chen Ge is satisfied.

"By the way, how much do you know about the solar League?"

Chen Ge suddenly asked.

"Solar League? I just heard my master tell me about its legend. This organization originated from a certain time in ancient times. It is mysterious and unpredictable. No one has ever really peeped into its secrets. However, it seems that it has traces left in Haicheng City! "

The ghost operator lowered his voice and said, "I observe that Chen Shao is different from ordinary people, and I will naturally do things different from ordinary people in the future. I have not been able to understand these traces, but Chen Shao, maybe you can!"

"Traces left behind?"

"Well, fifty years ago, these traces were dug out. At that time, some people asked my master to consult them. They were stone tablets..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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