The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 580: 580

Mo Changkong said with a cold sweat on his face.

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And Yunlin took a breath of cool air.

Mo Changkong, as a guest of honor sent to their cloud family by witches and witches, chatted about some painful experiences in the past.

Especially Chen Shao, who has slaughtered several big families in succession, is afraid of Yunlin.

Because from Mo Changkong's description.

This is Chen Shao. Although he looks honest on the surface, he is actually narrow-minded, and revenge is inevitable.

And as long as you get in touch with him, no matter you go to the end of the world, he will follow him to the end.

To put it bluntly, you are in trouble. If you don't have an answer in this life, you will never end it.

At that time, Yunlin also secretly reminded himself not to offend such people.

But I didn't expect to be afraid of something.

At the moment, his expression was dull.

And Fang Huanan looks at Chen Ge with a strange look.

"Chen Shao, the child is ignorant and unintentionally offended. I have heard of Chen Dashao's reputation for a long time."

Yunlin bowed 90 degrees and turned pale.

Several cloud wave's friends, all swallow a mouthful of saliva, step back a step.

One side of the people, but also point to point, face show fear.

"Who is this man? Why is boss Yun so afraid of him?"

"Yes, even the extraordinary old man knelt down when he saw him. Who could it be?"

People talk about it.

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"My friends, can you come with me now?"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"But Yes, in fact, Chen Shao, it is not our idea to blackmail Miss Fang Fannan, but the little saint of witchcraft cult takes a fancy to Miss Fang, but she does not agree. Therefore, the little Lord orders the villain to detain her family as a threat! "

"Although our cloud family has a great career in Modao family, in fact, it is the puppet of the holy religion, and we have to do many things!"

Yunlin quickly explained.

"So you are not only a good man, but also a victim?"

Chen Ge looks at him coldly.

As soon as he said this, he let Yunlin's heart thump and sweat.

Afraid to speak.

Yunlin did not expect that Chen Ge was so old-fashioned when he was young. Indeed, how can I be called a good man?

"It seems that the name of the holy religion is not true, because it is sought after by so many people that it can do such a thing as this."

Chen Ge said faintly, and then looked at Mo Changkong, who was silent as a cicada, and then asked:

"what religion did you join in the witchcraft cult? And what was the origin of that little saint

Mo Changkong didn't dare to hide it. He explained in a hurry:

"this holy religion has a history of nearly 800 years. In this Modao Island, it has a deep foundation. However, his internal relationship is complex. The real core member of the inner world, I I can't get in touch with it. It's just that many years ago, an outside elder of the Church of sacristy asked him to take him in. The rest of the internal members are too hidden. Of course, except for this little saint, he is very high-profile! "

Mo Changkong stopped for a moment, and then said:

"although the little saint is also sought after by others, he is a real villain who secretly rapes, rapes and plunders, and does everything he can!"

Mo Changkong said mercilessly.

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Just in this process, is bowing cloud forest, can't help but look some strange glance at the eye Mo Changkong.

And this scene, of course, can not escape Chen GE's eyes.

A cold glance at the cloud forest, it seems that the old boy's mind a lot of their own small calculations!

On the contrary, Mo Changkong was afraid of his own strength and gave a full account.

"When does he come and go?"

Chen Ge asked again.

"Tonight, as the festival of greeting the holy, he will naturally participate in it. There is a strange tradition in their holy religion, that is, the first three months of the festival are not allowed to have sex. Once the festival is over, he will definitely look for Look for it

Mo Changkong said here, took a look at Fang Huanan, did not continue to say.

"He will come tonight?"

Chen Ge sneered.

"Yes Yunlin nodded slightly.

"Well, I'll wait for him tonight, and I'll see where the little Lord came from."

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The cold sweat of Yunlin continued.

"Well, villain, I'm going to release old master Fang and Dr. Zuo. It's just Chen Shao, my ignorant son?"

Yunlin looked at the eye cloud wave heartily.

Then, we can see Chen GE's finger flick, a direct shot of air, a bang, the lamp holder directly from the break.

Cloud wave, heavily planted down.

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"Imperial spirit?"

And kneeling on the ground, Mo Changkong was shocked directly.

Even Fang Fannan looks at Chen Ge in disbelief. Chen Ge at the moment seems to have changed a lot from a year ago."Chen Shao, I'll leave!"

Yunlin is even more afraid.


Chen Ge stopped them: "Mo Changkong, it seems that the two of us have not finished yet."

Mo Changkong kneels down and dare not rise.

Then he looked up.

Then the whole body strength condenses together, suddenly drinks.


The white smoke explodes on the body like a boiler explodes.

He has abandoned all his inner strength!

Now paralyzed on the ground, like a disabled old man, a little old too much.

"I've lost all my strength. Now, I don't have much work. Can I be satisfied with Chen Shao?"

Lying on the ground, Mo Changkong said hoarsely.

Chen Ge glanced at him faintly, and then said: "although the strength is useless, people can't give up. In those years, you forced me into a desperate situation and nearly lost my life several times. Many of Chen's family members died in your hands. I can give you a dignified way to die, leaving you three days to prepare for the future!"

With that, Chen Ge turned and left.

Only the silent cloud forest, with lying on the ground pain closed eyes, old tears of Mo Changkong.

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Mo Changkong thought that he could live for many days, and then meet his eldest son who was far away in the military region.

Unfortunately, today's Chen GE has not been the one and a half years ago, that arbitrary and indecisive Chen Ge!

"Chen Ge, you What have you been through for a year and a half? "

Back in Chen GE's room, Fang Huanan is moved and curious about Chen Ge.

"What's more, you're the butcher's son of the Chen family?"

Fang Fannan couldn't imagine that such an earth shaking change had taken place in that young man who was weak and honest.

"I'll tell you about it later!"

With that, Chen Ge took off his coat.

"Ah? Chen ge You What are you doing

At the first glance, Chen GE's whole body is covered with terrifying muscles of explosive force. Fang Nan's heart beats faster and covers her eyes shyly.

"Change your clothes, what else can you do? I'm afraid the little Lord will do harm to you tonight. I have to see what he's come from! What do you think I'm going to do? "

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

While talking, I have changed into a casual dress.

"What else can I think of you?"

And Fang Nan pouted a little.

Yes, Chen Ge loves others. What can he do to himself? Ha ha, where do you think? It's ridiculous.

In Fang's heart, she felt a little lost , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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