The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 581: 581

Within an hour, Mr. Fang and Zuo Zhongtao were sent to the apartment.

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But when he arrived, the old man was very ill, and Fang Yi was in a severe coma.

Chen Ge didn't have time to talk to Zuo Zhongtao. He immediately gave him a new prescription and asked Zuo Zhongtao to treat them.

After that, Chen Ge went to the street. It was already evening. It was almost time for the young Lord to come.

Walking in the street, the street is now more lively.

The pedestrians were immersed in a cheering atmosphere.

This holy cult of witchcraft and witchcraft gives people a sense of evil thoughts just by listening to their names.

What has been done to make so many people worship them.

Chen Ge is secretly ruminating.

Soon, we arrived at the gate of Yunjia manor in Yunlin.

Yunjia manor, as the reception point for the arrival of the little Lord tonight, is surrounded by a lot of water.

And many young children of the cloud family are standing at the door, responsible for the reception of some important guests.

"That man, how do you say you can go in, who let you in?"

When Chen Ge walked in, he was stopped by several young men and women.

"Yunlin didn't tell you that I would come?"

Chen Ge couldn't help asking.

"What are you? You dare to call my uncle by his name. Today's guests are all dignified people, all over 50 years old! Boy, I've seen you fishing in troubled waters

A young man said coldly to Chen Ge.

"Don't talk to him like that. He looks like he's from other places. Maybe it's just that there are so many people in and out of the cloud family, and they are so rich that they want to go in and have a look. Don't be so fierce!"

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At this time, a good-looking girl looked at Chen Ge and said, but also smile at Chen Ge.

How to say, when the little girl saw Chen GE's figure was excellent, mainly his face, but also that kind of special easygoing, giving people a kind of elegant and elegant appearance.

It's on the edge of the eye.

So I said a few words for him.

This is just like some boys who are willing to help a beautiful girl when they see her.

"Do you want to go in?"

The girl looked at Chen Ge and asked with a smile.

In her twenties, she wore a ponytail and laughed sweetly.

However, Chen Ge did not answer her.

"In this way, it's time for people to come in with me."

Finish saying, the girl looks like everybody, pull Chen Ge to walk in.

"Hum, my little sister is so kind. Usually a kitten and a dog will cry when they are dying. I must have scolded the boy too hard just now, which made her feel pity. She really doesn't look like a member of the cloud family at all!"

Said the young man.

And Yunqing has brought Chen Ge into the manor.

"That's it. That's Yunbo. I told him that if you need any help, you can help. I'm going to go out to receive guests."

Yunqing waved to Chen Ge with a smile and then left.

"This little girl, at the bottom of my heart, is not like the cloud family she met at all. She is too enthusiastic!"

Chen Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly. She felt that the little girl was very interesting.

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Helpless is because, because she is too enthusiastic, enthusiasm to their own are embarrassed to tell her that they are to kill!

Some people, it is difficult to refuse.

"Who, Yunbo, asked you to come? Come here and pour us water

At this time, many tables and chairs were placed outside the manor.

At one of the tables, several young men and women were drinking water and chatting. They said to Chen Ge without politeness.

Because, just now Yunqing led him in and explained things to Yunbo, who was a complicated chore. They knew that this was a new job.

Chen Ge couldn't help frowning. A little angry.

But I just because of Yunqing's enthusiasm did not refuse her, equivalent to agreed to her.

It's not easy to attack.

Now while staring at the door, he walked over, picked up a cup of tea and poured water to the girls who were heavily made up.

"Boy, I didn't expect to look pretty, but it's not my favorite dish. Yunqing likes you like this!"

One girl said.

"You are not qinger's little white face, are you?"

Another girl asked.

"Hum, just him, also deserve to be the little white face of Qing'er, I bah!"

Some girls despise the way.

They first discussed Chen Ge for a while, then they brought the topic back.

"Ha ha ha, I'm so happy now. Finally, someone took the blame for me!"

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One of them, a little older and not many girls with Chen geche, spoke at the moment.

"What a black pot, sister Yunfei?"They asked.

"Well, in fact, there are some things you don't know. Well, now that I'm ok, it's OK to tell you about it!"

Several girls all curiously put on the ear.

"In fact, our cloud family has always had a secret deal with the young Lord of the holy religion!"

"What deal?"

"That is, every year, we have to find dozens of beautiful women to give to the little Lord, and some of them have our cloud family's!"

Yunfei road.

"What! Is this true or false? "

"There's still a fake. My father told me that this time I was looking for a beautiful woman, but I didn't expect that three months ago, there was not another beautiful woman from any Fang family. Ha ha, my father betrayed her in order to protect me!"

Yunfei road.

"This It's hard to imagine that the little Lord is such a man

"Yes, I thought that the little Lord was white and flawless, but he was so disgusting. This is a big secret. Once exposed, he will be finished. People in Modao are most afraid of this kind of thing!"

"I'm happy today. In fact, this matter is not a secret in the eyes of our cloud family and a few people in Modao island."

Yunfei road.

"In fact, I heard some rumors in the early years, but it's not a secret!"

A girl also said.

"But there is one more thing, you don't know, my father has hidden from the whole family, only I can see it!"

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Yunfei said softly again.

At the same time, there are some small sad.

"Cousin, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Yunqing and a few childish brothers who were just outside the door came in and sat down playfully.

At the same time, Yunqing also waved to Chen Ge to say hello.

"Qing'er, please sit down and don't interrupt. Sister Fei tells us a secret."

"What's the secret?"

"That's what happened this afternoon. My little brother yunlang had an accident. What's more, do you know Master Mo?"

Yunfei road.

"Of course I know!"

"Master Mo and my brother were carried back by people. They came in through the back door. At that time, I was about to run out of the back door to play, and I just ran into it!"

The cloud family all know that Yunfei and yunlang have a bad relationship.

Because yunlang is the only son and only male, Yunlin dotes on him and ignores Yunfei.

"I'll go. How can yunlang get hurt? And we've all seen master Mo's skill. In Modao, who can deal with him?"

People feel unbelievable, even a few young men are the facial expression of wild horror asked.

"I don't know. Just listening to my father talking to some servants, I seem to have mentioned Chen Shao. That Chen Shao seems to have a great background!"

Yunfei murmured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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