The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 586: 586

They seem to have come with a purpose.

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But the Master seemed to know them.

Later, the master flew to the flying house and talked to them about something.

We don't know the content.

It's just that the master negotiated for a long time.

The flying house took the master to the bottom of the water.

This night, we can't sleep.

We had to guard the body of the fairy.

It was the turn of nine of us to take care of it in the middle of the night.

But at this time, something happened that changed my fate.

Because the fairy lives!

She turned up in front of the nine of us.

Her face slightly blue, cold looking at us!

Where are we going to take her?

"We told the whole truth!"

She seems very angry, I remember clearly, she said: "up to now, you still want to implicate me! Fortunately, I wake up! "

And then she flew into a rage and started at us.

She She's terrible!

He killed six people as soon as he made a move.

I also want to run, she swung a long sleeve, wrapped around my neck, and then, I was thrown to the sky by her, fell, I must be smashed into meat mud!

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But fortunately, I was propped up by a tree trunk and fell down. I just broke my leg.

In a semi comatose state.

At that time, I was frightened to think that something was wrong. The fairy was still in the coffin. Who was this crazy beautiful woman?

I don't know how some of my friends are.

She should be killed.

Fortunately, the bronze house rose from the sea like an explosion.

I was in a coma because of the shock.

When I woke up, I was already in the home of a kind-hearted fisherman. I learned that eight people were killed and injured last night. The rest were saved by the master, and I am a survivor.

But it was also this incident. When he was disabled and could not experience the sea breeze, he settled down in Modao island. However, the master left a lot of money.

This epitaph is about the fact that the survivor became rich in a few years after he got the money and became a celebrity on the island.

These things were engraved on his tombstone by his descendants.

"This is the case with the ancients, especially those who have been successful. They like to add some unusual events to their epitaphs, such as Liu Bang's killing the White Snake uprising and so on. However, I admire people's imagination at that time. What he said about the bronze flying house is not a giant ship in science fiction now? Ha ha

Yang Tianhua said with a smile.

"Well, it's a bit absurd, but it's more special."

Ancient rain Xiao is also a way.

Chen Ge was silent.

After talking with Yang Tianhua for a while, Chen Ge got to know more about it, so he asked people to send Mr. Yang back.

"I'll go back to my room first. You'll have a rest early. Tomorrow, we'll set out!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

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Gu Yuxiao stopped Chen Ge: "wait, why didn't you speak just now? If you don't express your opinions, do you have anything to do with it

In fact, Gu Yuxiao is a very careful girl. She asked at the moment.

"I noticed that when Mr. Yang talked about the flying house, your eyelids beat. You must have some feeling in your heart!"

"You are so smart. If I said that what the survivor told just now may not be a legend, but is true, would you believe it?"

Chen gedao.


The ancient rain was stunned.

"Well, really, things seem to be more troublesome than I thought!"

Chen Ge just left this sentence and went back to his room.

The ancient rain Xiao is a Zheng in place!

Late at night, listening to the sound of the sea, Chen Ge sat quietly in bed.

Thinking about what's new tonight.

According to the survivor, there was a woman, a particularly powerful woman, who did appear, and the eight people were killed by her anger.

Who would she be? What did she say about waking up?

But listen to that meaning, it seems that the woman is very angry.

What's more, the howling and howling in the flying house make this person feel deep memory. Are the people who were captured by the sun alliance all in this?

So mu Han and second uncle?

Chen Ge is not sure.

As for the woman in white, she should be subdued by the mysterious old beggar in the end.

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Because of what happened later, Chen Ge knew that the old beggars were on their way smoothly. After killing an injured dragon, they buried them in the fairy coffin.

And returned smoothly.

"Sea palace!"

Finally, Chen Ge recited three words silently, with a flash of determination in his eyes.……

The tsunami has stopped, but the sea breeze is still strong.

If you look at the vast sea, you can feel a sense of forest.

At this time, it was the second day that Chen Ge set out with his family fleet.

Two days ago, Chen Ge specially sent a bodyguard to escort Fang Huanan all the way. They went to Haicheng to find Yang Wei, and then contacted Fang's family to meet her.

Fang Huanan and Chen Ge are safe and sound, and Chen Ge is completely at ease.

Originally, Fang Huanan also wanted to follow Chen Ge.

However, it's too dangerous. It's not an adventure, nor is it a tour. What's more, there are many unknown dangers. Even Chen GE's strength is not guaranteed to be safe and sound!

"Sir, it's not far away from the sea palace!"

It's noon now. At this moment, Tiecheng comes to the deck and stands behind Chen Ge, respectfully saying.

"Well, when you rowed and drifted, you should be near here too!"

Chen gedao.

"Mm-hmm, at that time, I followed the sea breeze, the boat went very fast, and I drifted for nearly ten days. I only had enough dry food for three days, and then I nearly died of starvation in the next seven days! If you calculate the sea distance, it's almost near here! "

Tiecheng looked around and estimated.

"Combined with the clues we got yesterday, I wonder if the fairy sister you saw is the one we are looking for?"

Chen Ge thought.

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"I think you can get the answer you want when we enter the sea palace!"

Tiecheng said.

"Well, I hope so."

Chen Ge looks into the distance.

According to the map of Haiwang palace, we are looking for the direction in general.

"Why? What do you think that is, sir? It seems that Is it a ship? "

At this time, Tiecheng points to a road.

Chen Ge looked up, sure enough, it was a ship, and it was a large wooden boat. It seemed that the oars did not move.

However, the ship is against the current and is speeding towards Chen Ge.

"What's the matter?"

And Gu Yuxiao also came out at the moment and could not help asking.

She was also slightly stunned when she saw the ship coming.


Chen Ge stares at the boat, recognizing the breath of the ship.

I couldn't help being stunned.

Then he said in a cold voice:

"let our boat avoid it, I'll go up and have a look!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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