The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 587: 587

In the two people Lengshen Kung Fu, see Chen Ge jump, blink of an eye, has been on the wooden boat.

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Chen Ge tried his best.

There were huge waves all around the wooden boat.

And then it stopped.

This is a medium-sized wooden boat. It seems to have a bit of history from its appearance. It can hold forty or fifty people in the cabin.

Outside the cabin, there was a worn-out curtain. Although the sun was shining, the inside was still dark.

Chen Ge was deeply moved.

It's strange that the feeling of strength just now has disappeared.

Chen Ge slowly lifted the curtain and walked into the cabin.

Inside, there are broken rooms, corridors in the middle, and small guest rooms on both sides.

Da Da Da!

At this time, from the bottom of the control cabin, suddenly came a weak footstep sound.

Someone is coming up from the bottom bin.

Chen Ge stood in his place and watched.

It was an old lady with a bent body and gray hair, who was walking up with her body.

Her clothes were shabby.

The hair is messy.

In particular, her face, full of scars, in this dark environment, looks particularly strange.

"Who is your excellency?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Ghost flower!"

Her faint smile, but this smile, with her face full of scars, let Chen Ge scalp numb.

"What ghost flower, is that your name, elder?"

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Chen Ge asked.

"Ghost flower, two flowers, one flower, one world!"

The old woman said strangely.

She seems to be talking about a strange plant, two flowers? Hiss, how do you think this kind of flower is so familiar, where have you seen it!

Because only two flowers are too few.

The more Chen Ge looked at her, the more strange she felt.

"Sir! Sir

At this time, iron city and ancient rain Xiao together boarded the boat.

"Why are you here?"

Chen Ge couldn't help asking.

"Sir, there has been no movement for so long. We are worried."

Tiecheng said.

Finish saying that, with the ancient rain Xiao are looking at the end of the corridor of the old woman.

Tiecheng frowned.

The ancient rain Xiao at the moment is to raise his hand, manage his hair, breathing a little short.

"What are you worried about? Go back first!"

Chen Ge said.

This old woman is very strange. Chen Ge can't see through her details. Gu Yuxiao and Tiecheng stay here. Chen Ge is worried that they are in danger.

At this time, the old woman suddenly cold smile.

The laughter, like a crow, is extraordinarily penetrating.

When Chen Ge heard his scalp numb, suddenly, there were many purple flowers floating in the corridor. These flowers looked very strange.

Because it has only two petals, and each petal looks like a human face.

Seeing these petals, Chen Ge instantly remembered where he had seen them.

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Soul hall!

Grandfather's Island, there is a garden, specially planted this kind of flower, at that time I felt strange, also asked Wenbo.

Wenbo said that it was a nameless flower, a historical seed left in the ancient western regions, and it actually grew out.

Grandfather planted them as art.

Because this nameless flower, only two flowers.

Originally, its name is ghost flower.

Suddenly at this time, the ghost flower above, and the subtle pollen overflow.

A different fragrance came out.

And a smell of this fragrance.

Ancient rain Xiao with iron city, immediately shaking his head, a moment, he fainted on the ground.

"Pollen is poisonous!"

Chen Ge was surprised.

I'm going to fight the old lady.

Feel their limbs slightly soft, the brain came to bursts of vertigo.

"How could that be possible? I'm already immune to all the poisons! "

Chen Ge a mind is uncertain, a kneeling on the ground.

The dizziness is getting stronger.

The old woman, with a sly smile on her face, walked slowly towards Chen Ge.

"I can see that your physique is different from that of ordinary people, but ghost flower itself is a foreign body. It's just right to deal with you!"

The old woman was smiling.

Chen Ge felt that he had lost control of himself and was about to faint.

Now, do your best to gather the last trace of your mind.

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"Break the army! Break the army

He cried in silence.

Suddenly, the broken army flashed out of the sleeve, leaving only a white light shadow.Poof!

The old woman did not expect that Chen Ge had such a powerful means.

When she reacts, she can't avoid it.

The army broke straight through one of her arms.

Knock her to the ground.

As she fell to the ground, suddenly, the strong vertigo that pollen brought to her disappeared.

It turns out that It's not poison!

Chen Ge finally had strength again, which was also a reaction.

It's like an attack of mental power.

And this pollen seems to be a mediator.

My mental strength has just been controlled.

The old woman looked surprised.

Then she got up straight and ran into a room window.

The window broke.

The old woman jumped into the sea.

When Chen Ge comes out again, the old woman is gone.

And iron city with the ancient rain Xiao, this just slowly turn to wake up.

Chen's bodyguards also boarded the ship.

"In addition, the search for Xiaogu, she left traces of the sea!"

Chen Ge was attacked by the spirit, and his face was a little white at the moment.

Chen's bodyguard immediately responded to the order and immediately went to check.

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"Who is she? It seems that they are waiting for us again on purpose, and they are not far away from the sea palace! "

Chen Ge looks at the sea and says in his heart.

But one thing is certain that she deliberately prevented everyone from entering the sea palace.

Or, to prevent me from entering the sea palace!

What's more, the weapon she used was a flower.

At that time, when I saw it in my grandfather's place, I only regarded it as a kind of strange plant, but I didn't expect that it could have such effect.

At this time, Chen's fleet cabin, suddenly sounded an alarm.

More than a dozen Chen's boats searched the sea.

Finally, I found out where the old lady was.

"Chen Shao, the old woman dived into the sea floor. The sonar detector also detected it. It seems that there is a large metal structure in the deepest place!"

The bodyguard ran over and excitedly said.

"The old woman, it seems, is heading for this building!"

"If there is no accident, this should be the place of the sea palace! You are responsible for the reception on the sea. Let's go down and have a look. By the way, are you two OK? "

Chen Ge looks at the ancient rain Xiao and iron city.

"It's OK!"

Tiecheng said.

"Well, with the stone in your mouth, let's go down, you two, right behind me!"

The three entered the sea and swam toward the bottom of the sea.

Because of the scientific equipment, the data transmitted is accurate for the position of the old woman and the location of the sea king palace.

It is not difficult for Chen Ge to find them.

Swimming to avoid the water stone to help, Chen Ge and the three of them at the bottom of the water speed is very fast.

After a while, a dark hole, only half a person high, appeared in front of us , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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