The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 61: 61

"Chen Shao, are you here to accompany your girlfriend in driving test?"

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Since that day, Jiangcheng has known the extraordinary of Chen Ge.

You think, 18 million, without blinking.

Absolute local tyrant.

After that, Jiangcheng also inquired about this mysterious Chen Shao, but he knew that the manager of Lamborghini was a famous person in Jinling.

Even he is so respectful to Chen Ge.

Naturally you can guess that Chen Ge is extraordinary!

"No, we both came to take the exam!"

Although the two men had offended Chen Ge before, Chen Ge responded politely to his politeness.

Su Ying and Li Jiannan on one side are both stupid at this time.

This is Jiang Shao. How respectful he is to such a poor loser like Chen Ge?

How can they not be surprised.

"In this case, Chen Shao happens to be on my way to Jinling University. Do you want me to take you there?"

Jiangcheng laughs.

Chen Shao, such a person, must make friends, because in the future, it will benefit him a lot.

Take a free ride, which is nothing for Chen Ge, and Su Muhan agrees.

In this way, two people in Su Ying and Li Jiannan's surprised eyes, directly left!

"Is this Chen Song, as Su Muhan said, a low-key rich second generation? Otherwise, why would Jiang Shao treat him like this? "

Su Ying looks terrible.

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Originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, a good knock has been the enemy Su Mu Han.

Let her lose to herself once.

In front of myself, I can't lift my head any more.

Even if dazzle boyfriends flaunt wealth is vulgar, but, as long as they have, and Su Muhan does not, this is enough!

Su Yingqi stamped her feet.

"Hum, Xiaoying, don't make a conclusion so early. I'm not without friends in Jinling University. Wait. I'll investigate Chen Ge and see what he came from."

Li Jiannan hated the way.

After all, it was not only Su Ying who was embarrassed this time, but also Chen Ge beat her face.

But he said that after Jiangcheng sent Chen ge back.

Dead skinned and white faced asked Chen Ge for a micro signal.

It's a good product.

Chen Ge took his car, but he was really embarrassed to refuse.

Forget it, one more friend is better than one more enemy!

After rejecting his request to have dinner again, Chen Ge and Su Muhan walk shoulder to shoulder toward the campus.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge also walked with Su Muhan before.

But it definitely doesn't feel so weird.

Because Su Muhan said he was her boyfriend.

Chen Ge is not cheap enough to be a fake boy friend. The strange thing here is that Chen GE has some feelings for her and has become a fake boyfriend for her for a short time.

The two are very contradictory, is that kind of joy also cannot come up, but also has not been used by people unhappy feeling.

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In short, Chen Ge is in this mood now.

"Chen Ge, I'm sorry, just now Because I was in a hurry, I said you were my boyfriend, and I didn't ask you! "

Su Muhan is also a little embarrassed.

"It's OK. It's not very good. Your face has been saved, and I've been a boyfriend for more than an hour for such a beautiful woman."

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

Su Mu Han's eyes raised: "Chen Ge, when did you learn to be as glib as those boys? I hate those glib boys

"So you don't like my glib now?" With the imperceptible influence of this period of time, Chen Ge is now speaking more and more boldly, and there is no longer that kind of formality.

"Hum, although I hate those boys, but I don't hate you who are glib. I can't even hate you if I want to!"

These words, said Chen Ge heart is happy.

"But Chen Ge, I think you have something to hide from me. That Jiangcheng is very valuable at first sight. How can he be so respectful to you, no, not respectful, even to the point of flattery?"

Su Muhan can't help it. She thinks Chen Ge is more and more invisible.

In fact, this is why Chen Ge eventually added Jiangcheng friends.

In the whole chat process, as long as he doesn't mention it, he will never say that he bought RAVENTON.

Let Chen Ge think he will come. Chen GE learned this.

At the moment, he just said with a smile: "I have just said in front of my face that I'm actually a top-level second-generation rich person. Because I don't want to give up my life and friends, I always live in such a low-key way. Of course, Jiangcheng is very polite to me!"

"Pooh Su Muhan directly laughed, "Chen Ge, I find that your study is getting worse and worse. You don't want to tell the truth, but I don't want to tell you the truth. OK, I'm going back to the dormitory. Chen Shao, you've learned your driving license now. I hope you can buy a luxury car and then take me for a rideSu Muhan blinked and pretended to worship.

"Don't worry, I will take you for a ride!"

Although he knew Su Muhan didn't believe it, Chen Ge still nodded. To tell the truth, he really hoped that the driver's license would come now and drive happily.

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After saying goodbye to Su Muhan, Chen Ge returns to the dormitory.

"Shit, old Chen, what happened? Call and shut down! It's never been connected! "

As soon as he came back, Yang Hui complained directly.

They are all very busy at the moment, busy changing clothes, packing up to go on a blind date.

"When I go out in the morning, my mobile phone is almost out of power. The exam is turned off. I just started it up and added wechat. Soon it automatically turned off!"

Chen Ge charged the mobile phone well, but with a smile: "I said Huige Li Bin, what are you going to do?"

"If it hadn't been for you, we would have gone. Hurry up, Lao Chen, change our clothes, and we'll wait for you downstairs."

Li Bin spit, rubbed his hair in the mirror and said.

"What's the matter? So mysterious? "

Chen Ge is interested.

"Hey, today is Xu Xia's birthday. She said that she would like to introduce her to us, including you. Hurry up. Today is a big event about our brother's taking off the bill!"

Li Bin laughs like a flower, obviously beautiful.

"Ha ha, Congratulations, but I..."

"I'll kill you if you don't go!"

Before Chen Ge finished, a group of wolf friends rushed to Chen Ge.

"Go, I didn't say I wouldn't go!"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

He wanted to have a rest.

At present, I had to follow Yang Hui and them to Xu Xia's birthday.

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The location was chosen in a place called Merlin manor.

Farm style.

It's a good place to eat, drink and enjoy the scenery.

Although this place is very simple, there are many luxury cars at the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, many people with big identities like to come to this kind of place. The first one is quiet, the second one is feeling!

The feeling of returning to the countryside.

"Yang Hui, Chen Ge, this way!"

As soon as Chen Ge and them got off the bus, Xu Xia and they were already waiting at the door, waving to Yang Hui and them.

Almost all of Xu Xia's dormitories are there, and there are a few young and beautiful girls. They should be classmates who have a good relationship with her in Xuxia's class.

They all look at Chen Ge.

After all, before Xu Xia's birthday, she had told them that all the roommates in Yang Hui's dormitory were coming.

And they are all single.

It happens that Xu Xia's friends are all single.

So the purpose of boys and girls are very clear, is to hope that today can know a worthy of trust TA!

"Chen Ge, here you are

Next to Xu Xia, Zhao Yifan trimmed her hair and said to Chen Ge softly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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