The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 62: 62

Zhao Yifan is always embarrassed to see Chen Ge now.

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After all, who was the person who looked down on Chen Ge most before? It's Zhao Yifan.

Now, the poor loser who was once despised by himself is likely to be a big boy.

It's not easy to have personal connections.

In short, Chen Ge may be a very strong character.

Zhao Yifan's heart was intimate.

"Mm-hmm, today is Xu Xia's birthday!" Chen Ge smiles.

He is not a man of hatred, let alone a man who does not smile.

Xu Xia and Yang Hui looked at each other and looked at each other. It seemed that they were trying to match up.

At the moment, they called everyone into a box in the villa.

When the allocation of seats, Yang Hui and Xu Xia obviously discussed, deliberately arranged Zhao Yifan and Chen Ge together.

As for Li Bin, they are also close to a group of girls, convenient for communication.

"By the way, why not see Lin Jiao?"

Li Bin looked around and found that there was no Lin Jiao's figure. He immediately asked.

"Jiaojiao went out to play with her boyfriend. It was a day and a night. Well, she said, we don't have to wait for them. She will come soon and give us a big surprise."

Xu Xia smiles.

She deliberately said that Lin Jiao had a boyfriend. Li Bin had feelings for Lin Jiao. Yang Hui had already told Xu Xia about it.

But Lin Jiao, how to say how to say, some too powerful.

What's more, she already has a boyfriend, and she's just taking a vaccination with Li Bin.

Li Bin gave a sad cry.

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There was a little awkwardness in the atmosphere.

Zhao Yifan said with a smile: "Lin Jiao, the girl who followed Xu Dong, has become more and more mysterious. She said from yesterday that she must give us a big surprise, and now she is still selling the key!"

Then he looked at the silent Chen Ge and said, "by the way, Chen Ge, do you know that Lin Jiao is good with Xu Dong in your class?"

"I know!"

Of course, Chen Ge knew that there was a conflict that day.

However, this Xu Dong is also a dead enemy of his own. There were too many people that day, and Chen Ge didn't mean to deal with him.

But after thinking about it, I have to step on this Xu Dong.

Otherwise, he would be like a fly buzzing in front of him.

Just step on it!

Soon, all the food and wine were served.

Zhao Yifan is very gentle and has temperament today. He always puts vegetables in Chen GE's favor and chooses what Chen Ge likes to eat.

To be honest, Chen Ge was really moved.

In the past, she was despised for a long time. Even if Zhao Yifan once looked down upon herself more than once, but now she is so good to herself, Chen Ge really can't hate it.

People are all you. Look at me and I see you. It seems that at least a couple must be formed today, that is Zhao Yifan and Chen Ge.

And Zhao Yifan is a goddess level, which is a little bit of active pursuit!

"Honey, I'm sorry, we're late!"

Suddenly, the door of the box opened, and Lin Jiao and Xu Dong, followed by a young man of about 25 years old, came in together.

Lin jiaomeng dada called.

"Jiaojiao, I'm waiting for you. How can I come? Xu Dong, you're sitting, eh? This is it

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Xu Xia looks at the handsome young man behind them.

"O'ao, this is Xu Dong's cousin, Xu Chao, who is in business at home. Originally, the three of us went out to play. Knowing that we were in a hurry, we drove us here!"

Lin Jiao said with a smile.

"Hello, everyone. I used to study in Jiangnan University. I just graduated two years ago. I'm a peer of the same age. Ha ha, OK. I sent my younger brother and younger brother's daughter-in-law. You have fun. I'll go back first, and I'll get mine later. Just squeak!"

With a smile, Xu Chao shook the key of Maserati in his hand.

"Since you are a charming cousin, brother Xu Chao, don't leave. You have a seat anyway!"

Xu Xia said politely.

After all, let him go directly, Lin Jiao's face is not good-looking, after all, a dormitory, anyway, it is not bad for this seat.

"How sorry that is!"

"If it's OK, cousin, you can sit down. After all, we're going to announce this big surprise today. If you weren't here, we wouldn't have announced it!"

Lin Jiao smiles, her eyes suddenly cold, glances at Chen Ge in the box.

A proud face.

What's the surprise, Jiaoda? You've been playing tricks for such a long time. Tell me

"Yes, about what?"

A group of roommates were impatient.

Chen Ge a look at Lin Jiao's eyes, suddenly understand a few points.

Shit! The so-called big surprise, can't it be about yourself?"Of course, I'll tell you now!"

Lin Jiao complacent smile, Xu Dong's eyes also coldly glance to Chen Ge.

"Get out of my way!"

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With a bang, Lin Jiao went directly and took Chen GE's head.

Paralyzed, this woman is really not clean up!

Chen Ge stands up and stares at Lin Jiao.

Lying in the trough, without saying a word, directly pumping yourself?

"Look? Little white face, poor loser, scum man! What are you looking at? "

Lin Jiao embraces the shoulder, at this moment wants to be proud to have some complacency.

You're a good singer, aren't you?

You made us lose face in front of you, didn't you?

What's more, I, Lin Jiao, used to think that you Chen Ge was a real bull. I flattered you with all kinds of flattery. As a result, you were cold and you didn't look up to me, did you?

Ha ha

For this reason, Lin Jiao was depressed for a long time.

Until some time ago, in order to get angry with Chen Ge, he picked Chen GE's enemy to collude with him and found Xu Dong.

What's more, the day before yesterday, I found that Chen Ge was not a rich second generation Chen Shao, but a little white faced duck!

Xu Dong also consulted Wang Yang and Jiang Weiwei, who also broke through the situation at that time.

Found that Chen Ge is not only the hot spring villa that red man Zheng Yue's small white face, but also a young lady's small white face!

Now there are too many handsome men who love to pretend to be forced. Many rich women like Chen Ge, a handsome and honest boy, which is not surprising.

Only, you Chen Ge take these pretend to force, is your wrong!

"Jiaojiao, what are you doing?"

Not waiting for Xu Xia to speak, Zhao Yifan is very puzzled to stand up.

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"Ah, sister Yifan, you still speak for him. The reason why I play Chen Ge is for you! You are the most miserable person that we were cheated by Chen Ge in public

Lin stamped her feet anxiously.

"What are you talking about?"

"He, he, and Chen Ge are not Chen Shao as we imagine, but a little white face. He is maintained by other women. Those women not only drive him, but also give him money and buy things for him!"

"And some women are the hot spring villa's red men, otherwise, how could we be taken to the hot spring villa by him?"

In one breath, Lin Jiao said what she had seen with her own eyes, as well as her conjecture.

All of them were stunned and looked at Chen Ge in disbelief.

"I can testify that Zheng Yue I was chasing was very popular in Jinling and knew many big men. I was not afraid to be laughed at. The reason why I chased Zheng Yue in such a hurry was actually to take a fancy to her resources, which could be helpful to my career."

"But I didn't expect that Chen Ge was taken care of by Zheng Yue. Wang Yang, the vice president of Xu Dong's student union, said that in addition to Zheng Yue, there was a young woman from a chain of shopping malls who had given things to Chen Ge."

Xu Chao stood up and said with a sneer.

"How could that be possible? How could it be? "

Zhao Yifan can't believe it.

All the girls were stunned and didn't know what to do.

After all, they all think Chen Ge is a very mysterious person. To tell the truth, although they know that they can't compare with Zhao Yifan, they are fighting each other in secret.

As a result, now, there is a kind of embarrassing atmosphere of showing me this when I take off my pants.

"I can testify about buying clothes!"

At this time, another girl stood up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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