The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 64: 64

Xu Chao is still very influential.

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Ten or twenty people came.

That scared the four students.

Not a word.


Lin Jiao went up, raised her hands and threw four people a mouth.

The four dare not speak.

"What are you looking at? Let you hit me! Today I'll teach you how good I am

"Dare you hit me? If you hit me today, you'll wait for me! "

The leader, that is, the man who actively teases Lin Jiao and Zhao Yifan, covers his face and says wrongly.

He was terrified, but angry.

He seldom failed to bubble with his sister. Unexpectedly, he was first slapped by the beauty, and then hit by the little gorgeous.

Such insults have not occurred in a thousand years!

"Shit, it's so hard! Call me! "

Xu Chao was full of complacency at the moment. As soon as he waved his hand, a crowd surrounded four people and went up.

A heavy beating.

Xu Dong still followed in and kicked the man several feet.

Four people scurrying in a hurry, and finally the boss gave birth to pull open, let those four people go.

Another fight will kill you!

"Wow, super brother is so powerful!"

"I didn't expect it. I just think Chao Ge is very stable and mature. I didn't expect to have such a side!"

"Majestic, absolutely handsome!"

A group of girls became little fans in an instant.

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That kind of mixed, mixed better, the more can give these beauties who are students a sense of security.

Now they are.

"Brother Chao, thank you for today's business."

Zhao Yifan is actually quite happy now.

The previously oppressive feeling was swept away.

To tell you the truth, she likes the mature and steady one, which she always thought before.

But now, on the contrary, she thinks it's better to be arrogant, because only such a person can give her the greatest sense of security.

What about those like Chen Ge?

My God, how do you think of him again? At this moment, it seems that he is just a waste!

"It's OK, sister Yifan. I'll add a wechat later. I'll keep in touch with you if you have something!"

Xu Chao smiles. He looks at Zhao Yifan. He thinks that the girl is beautiful.

Now, if you look at it again, you will see more and more beautiful.

In fact, a beautiful woman like Zhao Yifan, as long as she is a normal man at first sight, will have some heart.

"All right, it's OK. Let's go back and continue!"

Xu Chao gave a bright smile.

"Ah? Go on, Chao. Shouldn't we go? "

"Yes, what if people over there come to seek revenge?"

Some girls worry.

"Hum, who are you when you are super brother? What can you do even if you come to seek revenge?"

Lin Jiao proud way, but also in front of the mirror make-up, just now she was beaten to cry, make-up all spent.

What are we afraid of

"Keep going, go back to celebrate birthday with Xu Xia!"

All the girls were relieved.

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"Xu Xia, I'll go back first. Happy birthday to you!"

Chen Ge will be boring to stay any longer.

"Mm-hmm, thank you Chen Ge. I'll give you a taxi to take you back."

Alas, Xu Xia is also powerless.

Because of Yang Hui, Xu Xia is very close to the whole dormitory of Yang Hui, including Chen Ge.

However, it is hard for Chen Ge to stay after such a thing.

In fact, Xu Xia was also a little angry just now. Chen Ge cheated them when she was a little white face, so she came out to talk about Chen Ge.

Now her anger has subsided and she has some sympathy for Chen Ge.

Perhaps it is poor too long, good people will be driven crazy!

I don't have to take a taxi

Chen Ge nods with a bitter smile.

"Get out of here! It's disgusting to see you! "

Lin Jiao said a word without politeness.

Zhao Yifan didn't say a word about this, but turned back to the box directly. The person who made her sick went away. Naturally, she didn't need to leave again.

Chen Ge walks alone in the campus.

Just thinking about what happened recently.

It is Chen GE's nature to be low-key. No matter how rich he is, Chen Ge will be arrogant and arrogant like Bai Xiaofei. All kinds of luxury Chen Ge can't do it.

But keeping a low profile is not necessarily good.

Like this period of time, Chen Ge did not know how much aggrieved.

Do you have to be more public?

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile in his heart.At this time, a message suddenly rang out in the class group.

It was the announcement made by Meng Cairu, the director.

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"Students, Yang Xue has dropped out of school because of something!"

"What? Did Yang Xue quit school? "

"I'll go. When did it happen?"

"It should be because of Lu Yang. You think, Lu Yang's incident has such a great impact. If Yang Xue stays in school again, she will feel ashamed, so dropping out is her best choice!"

"Yes, Yang Xue loves face most. First, he follows the poor..."


"Yes, Yang Xue loves face most. First, she talks with Chen Ge, and then she looks for Lu Yang. As a result, Lu Yang is not as good as Chen Ge. She has no money to borrow and pretend to be rich. Chen GE has won the lottery at least!"

"Mm-hmm, if I were Yang Xue, I would have no face to read on, alas!"

Class group exploded news, have discussed.

It seems that this result is both expected and unexpected.

Chen Ge was stunned with his mobile phone.

Seeing the news that Yang Xue quit school, Chen Ge was heartbroken.

After all, they have been together for three years.

The beauty of that time seems to be fresh in my mind.

Even Chen Ge now has some self blame.

Why did Yang Xue drop out of school, only himself knows best.

If Yang Xue was not in the villa that day, she might continue to read.

After all, it's almost graduation.

If that day he did not say that heartless words, Yang Xue will not be disheartened.

Think of that day Yang Xue looked at his despair eyes, Chen Ge heart bursts of pain.

Is it too serious to insult her?

Chen Ge remorse, really some regret.

In particular, Chen Ge unknowingly walked, actually came to the campus by the lake.

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This is the place where he and Yang Xue first dated.

I can't even go to the cafe.

He still remembers that he came late that day, and Yang Xue waited for himself for more than ten minutes here.

Yang Xue didn't blame herself. They walked around the lake, hand in hand, around the lake.

More often than not chat, but two people so silent, not a word, sometimes he looked at her, she looked at him again.

It's not like love on TV.

But Chen Ge tasted the taste of love.

Yang Xue clearly remembers that when they graduated, they would get married, and then they would take wedding photos by the lake!

Think about that time, how beautiful!

But now, after some experiences, Yang Xue has changed, and actually Chen GE has changed.

Chen Ge didn't know whether it was Yang Xue before or Yang Xue now.

In a word, I feel very sad.

Finally, Chen Ge calls Yang Xue to persuade her. As a result, the number is empty, and the phone number has been cancelled by Yang Xue.

QQ wechat can not be reached.

"It's really gone!"

Chen Ge sat down by the lake and lost his mind.

At this time, the mobile phone came to QQ.

Chen Ge immediately picked up a mobile phone to see, is Yang Xue's roommate Han fei'er.

"Where are you?"

Han Fei Er's tone is cold. She always does so to Chen Ge.

"By the lake..." Chen Ge said.

"Ao, you wait there. Before the snow leaves, let me take a message to you and tell you face to face!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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