The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 65: 65

Hanfil soon came to the lake.

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Wearing a short skirt, long hair shawl, white skin, it is really like a beautiful net red.

But different from some Internet Celebrities, hanfil's beauty is really natural.

Chen Ge naturally saw her plain face, absolutely can be regarded as a beauty in the beauty.

Haha, it's a bit of shame to talk about it. When freshman started school, Han fei'er was sitting in front of Chen Ge.

Chen Ge also secretly liked Han fei'er!

Unfortunately, compared with other girls, hanfil's eyes are too high to be higher.

Lu Yang is rich and poor, and Wang Yang, who once pursued Han fei'er, didn't pay attention to it!

Not to mention Chen Ge.

"Hehe, it's very leisurely to sit by the lake! Yang Xue asked me to take a message for you

Hanfil said coldly, holding her shoulder.

"What did she say?"

Chen Ge asked.

"She said she would come back sooner or later, and she would embarrass you one day. Let's see!"

Chen Ge lowered his head, this time it really irritated Yang Xue.

She should hate herself.

Can turn to think, this is also good, Yang Xue should not do some bad things in the future, in short, she is good on the line!


Chen Ge answered.

"Oh! It seems that you took Yang Xueqi away. How did you embarrass her? "

Han Fei Er is sweeping Chen Ge up and down.

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Even if Chen Ge won the lottery, hanfei'er would not like it.


Chen Ge is in a mess now. Besides, it's not good to tell all the things that day, let alone Han fei'er.

This product will put its own affairs in the live broadcast as a joke.

She did it a lot.

"Do you like to say it or not, anyway, I brought what Yang Xue asked me to tell you!"

With a cold hum, Hanfei turned and left.

The relationship between her and Yang Xue, although she is a roommate, on the whole, is not so good.

Because Yang Xue is also very beautiful, which is like a mountain can not be two tigers.

But now that Yang Xue is gone, Han fei'er is relaxed a lot.

Hanfil did his own thing seriously.

Chen Ge is to continue to stay on the shore, and now he feels very tired, his hands pillow head lying down.

This moment of silence, can let Chen GE's heart, really quiet down.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of footwork.

It's dark in front of you.

A figure appeared in front of him.

Standing a meter in front of me.

Chen Ge lie down, look up, suddenly stunned.

"Ha ha, Chen Ge, you are so free. I just have one thing for you to do for me!"

The person who came back was, of course, Humphrey.

And the reason why Chen Ge is stunned is.

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Now Chen Ge is lying, Hanfei ER in short skirt is standing.

Chen GE has seen what should and shouldn't have seen.


"I'll go!"

Chen Ge blushed and stood up in a hurry.

"What do you say?"

"Hehe, what a loser. He won the lottery with a little money, and he didn't look like he had money. He never saw a girl! Yes? Talking with Yang Xue for such a long time, nothing happened? Look at your tender look! It goes without saying that there is no such thing as that! "

Han Fei Er said scornfully.

She knows why Chen Ge blushes, but Han fei'er is very open and does not care about these things.

I just look down on Chen Ge.

"I said I'd like you to do me a favor. A few female anchors from our guild will come to the campus later. We'll do outdoor work together. If I don't have one for me, you can record it for me!"

Han Fei Er said, and gave Chen ge her crazy mobile phone.

The mobile phone has complete equipment, specially equipped with additional camera, radio and other necessary equipment for outdoor live broadcast.

This whole Chen Ge is not to go, not to go is not.

After all, hanfil also helped her ex girlfriend. Now she gives her equipment to herself. If she refuses again, she feels sorry.

Ghost know to help ex girlfriend with Chen Ge what relationship, anyway, Chen Ge finally did not refuse.

Follow hanfil.

As for Han fei'er's attitude of looking down on her, let's forget it.

Chen Ge doesn't feel much about Han fei'er now. What do you do with her.

On the way, Han fei'er walks in front and Chen Ge walks in the back.

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"Hanfil, when did you sign up for the guild?"

Chen GE has a sentence without a chat, mainly because he is now bold to chat with girls."Some time ago, why didn't you watch my live broadcast?"

Han Fei Er says coldly.

"Which one?"

"Waste! It was the local tyrant in my room, the ordinary elder brother, who paid me 20000 yuan. After the income of that day was divided, I broke 10000 yuan and was on the public screen. Therefore, a guild came to me to sign a contract. It was a strong guild! "

"Oh, so it is! Congratulations

Chen Ge doesn't understand these things.

But I can understand. She signed up for the guild, which had something to do with her brilliant brush in hanfei'er's live broadcast that night.

Chen Gecai remembered that night, he charged 100000 yuan to the live broadcast software.

Just to get rid of Lu Yang and Xu Dong.

Results brush 20000, two people on the burp fart, white washed 100000!

Not far away from the school is a park. Their outdoor live broadcasting site is this. Men and women, in pairs, love to come here to play.

"Phil, we're here!"

Three or four young, net red dressed live beauties waved to Han fei'er.

Naturally, they all bring assistants.

And he came in an SUV.

Chen Ge is very familiar with this side.

Why are you familiar with it?

Because Chen GE's Lamborghini stopped here.

To be fair, their Lamborghini is next to their SUV.

However, the parking spaces on both sides of the car were all empty, and obviously no one was willing to be next to Rambo.

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A lot of people gathered here. I didn't expect that many girls would come to take pictures with Lamborghini.

"You're here so early!" Han fei'er changed her seriousness and said with a smile.

At the same time, the eyes also have a different color toward Rambo.

The luxury of this luxury car brings every girl and boy a great impact.

Unfortunately, after so many days, I don't know whose car it is.

Can be anxious to break a lot of girls!

"Yes, Phil. We're here early. By the way, whose sports car is it?"

The anchor also came over and asked.

"I don't know. To tell you the truth, the people in our school don't know who this 20 million luxury car is! Why, are you still interested in car owners? I've heard that the owner of the car is a rich second generation young master! "

Han Fei Er laughs.

"Wow! I really want to get to know him when I have a chance. If I can get to know such a local tyrant, I don't need to drive the live broadcast. I can travel by car every day! "

"Hum, Hua Chi, if I can be the girlfriend of this local tyrant, I will open a live guild myself, and then all kinds of luxury brushes will no longer have to ask the local tyrant like this again!"

"Look at your future!" Han Fei Er wryly says.

Although joking, Han fei'er never imagined that she was the scene of the local giant girl friend!

"Ha ha, don't be crazy. Go back to reality. By the way, fei'er, we'll live broadcast later. If you need an assistant, why don't you bring an assistant?"

A beautiful anchor asked curiously.

"Why not! Chen Ge, come here for me

Han fei'er points to Chen Ge with a mobile phone rack on one side! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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