The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 706: 706

Besides, Chen Ge is on his way.

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It was in the car sent by Xu Wendong.

But the driver, halfway down the road, suddenly stopped driving.

It's stopping, lighting a cigarette, looking coldly in the rearview mirror and laughing.

"Why did it stop? Not yet

Chen Ge asked lightly.

"I know I didn't arrive. I just don't want to drive. I'm tired. I want to have a rest."

The driver said jokingly.

"How long have you been tired? I think you don't want to drive. Don't let me say it again. Drive well. When you get to the place, you can go where you want to go. Don't look for trouble!"

Chen Ge shakes his head.

To tell you the truth, if it is not forced, Chen Ge does not want to start killing at will, after all, life is precious.

Otherwise, Chen Ge would have killed them all the way, so we need to talk nonsense with them.

"Ha ha, do you really regard yourself as a character?"

The driver said with a sneer.

After looking at the rearview mirror, six people have appeared in the back of the car. They appear like ghosts and ghosts.

"I see. It was Xu Wendong who arranged for you to intercept me on the way. That's why you have the confidence to do this?"

Chen Ge smiles and shakes his head.

"Yes, this is general Xu's plan, boy, you are very unfortunate, get out of the car and die quickly!"

With that, the driver jumped out of the car.

Ran to one side, holding the shoulder, sneering at the fun.

"Chen Shao, what should I do? Six of them, like ghosts

And Thunder Tiger, who sits with Chen Ge, is a little flustered at the moment.

"What are you afraid of? Even if it's really a ghost, I'll play Zhong Kui!"

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Chen Ge walks out of the car with a smile.

"How many, are you sent by Xu Wendong to kill me? Do you want to do something to my friends after you kill me

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

"Yes, I didn't mistake the person. You young man, you are very clever indeed. It's a pity to kill you at this point."

The chief old man shook his head.

"Yes, and she looks so pretty. It's better to let my mother cool first and then kill her!"

Among the six, a girl stuck out her tongue and greedily said.

"Six younger sister, don't be naughty. We'd better finish our task as soon as possible. First kill him, and then go to the miracle to kill the others!"

The old man looked at the girl helplessly.

"In fact, there is one thing that has bothered me for a long time. I don't know if some of you can help me out!"

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Oh? We may as well answer your doubts to the dying, but you have only two minutes, that is to say, two minutes to the end of your life! "

Said the old man.

"I've always been curious. I've met a lot of good hands like you. Why, each of them thinks that I can kill me, and is extremely proud of his strategy and wisdom?"

Chen Ge asked, looking like he was asking for advice.

"Xu, you are the best one in the world to decide the time and place of death

The driver on one side said with a faint smile.

"Yes, Mr. Xu likes to kill the donkey very much. I guess he has already figured out a way to deal with these six or seven people in the future? If they can kill my friend

Chen Ge asked.

"You What are you talking about? " The driver's face changed.

And the six people obviously don't want to hear such words. They feel as if their IQ has been insulted.

"That's enough. It's two minutes. You can die!"

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The old man said indifferently.

Then, I saw him raise his hand.

If there is no accident, his method of blowing his sleeves will send out an air wave, which will break through Chen GE's internal organs.

However, he was surprised to find that when he waved his hand, there was nothing.

It's as if your inner strength had disappeared.

"This How could that be possible? "

His eyes were wide and his face was unbelievable.

As soon as the other five looked at the situation, they rushed to each other.

But it's the same as the boss.

No harm at all.

"You Who are you? "

Looking at Chen GE's sneer, the six people step back in shock.

"I said, you also think you can kill me, but you in my eyes, is a grain of dust, and my eyes, at the moment, there is no room for sand!"

Chen Ge shakes his head.

At the moment, with a flick of the fingers, an air wave shot out rapidly.Boom!

The air wave was fierce, and a large amount of sand was convoluted in an instant.

Tearing the air, with a shrill whistling sound, he attacked the six men.

They instinctively want to escape, they know, this wave, will let them to pieces.

The people in front of us are not people at all!

However, they were as if they had been filled with lead and could not move at all.

Puff, puff

After a few successive noises, all six people did not move.

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They stare at each other and slowly see their heads fall to the ground.


The driver was scared to the side.

This man is so strong!

"You Don't come here

The driver was shaking.

"I told you just now, don't look for trouble. It's more important to live well than anything else. But I wonder why you never listen to my advice. You can have a good life, but you just come to die?"

Chen Ge shakes his head and smiles bitterly.


The driver knelt down directly: "big man, spare my life. It's a villain who doesn't know Mount Tai."

The driver kowtowed quickly.

Chen Ge raised his feet, slowly stepped on the back of his head, and then wiped his shoes stained with dust.


With that, Chen GE's feet pressed slightly.


This person's head, directly sparse broken!

The dead cannot die again.

This scene, let the Thunder Tiger eyelid crazy jump.

I almost peed my pants again.

"Drive, go on the road!"

Chen Ge entered the car and closed his eyes.

The location of the miracle is near.

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"Miss Ziyan, is this the end of the miracle? If it wasn't for seeing it with my own eyes, I can't believe that there are such magical places in the world! "

They are in a huge cave.

I was deeply shocked by the scenes in front of me.

Because here, it's like a magical underground world.

There are floating trees and countless floating treasures. There is a huge abyss in the middle. I don't know where the abyss leads underground.

And the center of the abyss.

There is a huge platform suspended.

Everything, it's amazing.

Chen Ping An asked himself that he had seen a lot, but it was the first time in his life to see such a place.

You can see that Luo Ziyan is also a little surprised, but she is better.

"Here it is!"

Luo Ziyan nods heavily.


Chen Ping An is curious.

"Is there anything else a little song needs here?" Chen Ping An asked curiously.

Luo Ziyan nodded, but did not say anything more.

"Sister Tianxian, when will Chen Shao arrive? I knew I was waiting in the hotel and came with him!"

Said rebar.

"Soon, he will come by himself!" Luo Ziyan smiles gently.

Then, people heard the deep hole outside, the sound of the Xu family's children's tragic howling.

"Coming!" Yan Luo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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