The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 707: 707

Her voice fell.

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That is to see, far away from the deep tunnel corridor, there is a shadow slowly coming.

When he appears in front of everyone.

As soon as Liba's eyes brightened, he couldn't help exclaiming, "Chen Shao, it's really you!"

Chen Ping An also smiles.

At the same time, after seeing Chen Ge carefully, his pupil shrinks slightly.

"Xiaoge, what's your cultivation?"

Chen Ping An was shocked.

Because only a few days have not been seen, the change of the song has reached a very terrible level.

Even now in front of the songs, I have a strong sense of depression.

Is it true that, as Miss Ziyan said, Xiaoge himself does not belong to ordinary people?

"Uncle, sister Ziyan, I've been searching all the way to chase you here!"

Chen Ge nodded and said with a smile.

At the same time, I look up to the floating world.

I was shocked.

"Along the way, I found a lot of artifact and so on. I didn't expect that there was a lot of space in this new world like space. Sister Ziyan, how did you find such a good place?"

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Chen Ge asked.

"It's Ziyan elder sister who first discovered it and brought us here. She said," this place is related to you! "

Li Mu Mu is also there, looking at Chen Ge at the moment.

Now, Ziyan sister borrowed Su Ruoxi's body. After a short recovery, she has already left Su Ruoxi's body and has become a relatively independent individual existence.

"It's about me?"

Chen Ge heard this, quite a bit curious.

Just in time, that night with Ziyan sister because too hasty to leave, so did not ask clearly, such as the nine turn God is what is going on.

"Well, Xiaoge, you have many secrets. In fact, Lingxiao is only a part of you! Not that you're part of the sky! "

Ziyan nodded her head.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Ge asked.

"This has something to do with a big secret I discovered with Lingxiao tens of thousands of years ago. This secret has never been mentioned to anyone. That is the most fundamental reason why I came to the earth with Lingxiao."

Ziyan said.

"This secret is not related to me, is it?"

Chen GE's subconscious question.

Unexpectedly, Luo Ziyan heavily nodded: "well said, this secret with you, has a very direct relationship, to be exact, I and Lingxiao, is to look for you, but at that time, we ignored the problem of time, halfway, more encountered turbulence, so that the fate of this."

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"Lingxiao, in order to save me, he sacrificed himself and kept a trace of my soul!"

Luo Ziyan said with a bit of sadness.

"Why look for me? Besides, how could you know that I existed tens of thousands of years ago, when I was not yet born! "

Chen Ge was a little surprised.

"I don't know how to explain it to you, but I can tell you that from the beginning to the end, you have not really disappeared, but in some time, your appearance is not the same."

Luo Ziyan said.

"I went to gujia to save my two brothers. In it, I met with some things. Listening to them, it was like the nine turn spirit. Now, I have awakened the potential of the first turn! Therefore, in only three days, my strength has been greatly improved, to a state I can't even imagine! "

Chen Ge said.

Chen Ping'an was listening to him and said, "no wonder, in just a few days, you are not the same as you used to be!"

He was very pleased.

"Well, yes, some things, no matter how they hide, it seems that eventually, you will find out slowly. Everything is like fate. Lingxiao told me that no one can escape this fate. Although Lingxiao has become the strongest one and once dominated the whole realm, he said that he can not escape such fate!"

Luo Ziyan said: "nine turn yuan Shen, it is a force, enough to destroy the limit of the power!"

Uncle and bully were all stunned: "the limit of destruction?"

"Well, yes, the limit, there is no end, no end point, it can be infinitely powerful, no force can touch the limit, but, nine turn God, rumor can destroy the limit!"

Everyone was deeply shocked at the moment.

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Chen Ge was also shocked.

"So the king of Jiuluo wanted to catch me, because he wanted to get jiuzhuanyuan God from me?"

Chen Ge understood it thoroughly.

"Yes, in fact, the king of Jiuluo is just a miniature, and there are many people who want to get this magic power!"

Luo Ziyan explained.

"But I have never met any strange people or strange things since I was a child!"Chen Ge recalled for a while and said.

"That's because these people are not clear and afraid of this power in you. They are afraid that you activate this power. At that time, many people will die in your hands, and you will carry out crazy slaughter. That will be a disaster!"

Luo Ziyan said.

"So, brother Lingxiao was not my previous life?"

Chen Ge asked tentatively.

"Neither is it. Because of your appearance, Lingxiao is doomed to die. But you and he are independent beings. The same thing is that Lingxiao is the owner of the eight turn God, but you are different. You are the owner of the top and the nine turn God!"

Ziyan explained.

"Ziyan girl, so to say, is the nine turn yuan God to create the song?"

Chen Ping'an is thoughtful.

On the contrary, it's just the completion of the song

Chen Ping An was shocked: "so, Xiaoge has a very strong power?"

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"Yes, a powerful force that scares millions of people!"

Luo Ziyan said.

"But how did the nine turn God appear?"

Chen Ge asked in surprise: "I have awakened to the first turn, but the feeling is not as strong as you said! It's just that you rarely meet your opponent! "

Chen Ge gave a bitter smile.

"In fact, there are many statements about the appearance of jiuzhuan Yuanshen. They say that it is the transformation of an immortal golden body. However, this view has been rejected by Lingxiao, because after some investigation, there is no record of this aspect!"

Luo Ziyan shook her head and said:

"but we have also got an important clue, that is to find the stone of destiny and open it. At that time, many puzzles will be solved slowly!"

Luo Ziyan said.

"We come to earth first. Besides waiting for you to appear, that is to find the stone of destiny and seek some answers. Unfortunately, a lot of things have not been completed! "

"As for what you said, you have awakened the talent of the first turn, but at present, you don't feel the terrible power of the first turn. It's just the violent growth of cultivation. I'm afraid it's related to your encounter! Because last time we first met, I found that your Daoji was destroyed. Before we could awaken Daoji, it had been destroyed

Luo Ziyan said.

"Destroyed? How could that be possible? He didn't contact any mysterious masters. Who destroyed his Daoji

Chen Ge was surprised. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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