The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 708: 708

Listen to sister Ziyan's explanation.

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Daoji is the great foundation of a practitioner, just like the source of water, the basic of the basic.

The destruction of Daoji means that you may reach a certain height through the efforts of the day after tomorrow, but you can't touch the top existence.

As for the so-called Daoji awakening, frankly speaking, he followed the words of the ghost operator to awaken the way of heaven, so as to obtain the Qi of Zhengyang.

Ziyan elder sister said that at that time, she began to awaken the way of heaven, that is, Daoji, which was awakened and had been destroyed.

This is why, although the first turn of talent to bring their own great gain, but still far from reaching the Ziyan sister expected.

"What about that? Do you mean that I have already touched the ceiling of cultivation, and I can't be refined any more? "

Chen Ge asked curiously.

"Naturally, there are ways, that is, dragon blood jade pendant and the stone of destiny. They can help you restore your Taoist foundation!"

Ziyan looks at Chen Ge and smiles.

"I have dragon blood jade pendant. It's really magical. As for the stone of destiny, where should I find it?"

Chen Ge exclaimed.

"Originally looking for the stone of destiny, I thought it would waste us a lot of time, but now it is different. The most magical things between the two worlds, I think we have gathered together!"

Ziyan said.

"So, sister Ziyan has a stone of destiny?"

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing.

"Of course I don't, but this place where we are, has the stone of destiny!"


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Everyone was surprised.

"No wonder, just now Ziyan girl, you said, this is it. It turns out that you have already discovered that this is where the stone of destiny is located!"

Chen Ping An exclaimed.

"Yes, I think it may be Lingxiao who secretly protects it, so that we can find the location of this place smoothly."

Ziyan face is also with a touch of comfort.

"That is to say, the mystery that has plagued us for a long time is about to be solved?"

Chen Geling's Shinto.

"It should be about the same. We have to wait until we successfully use the stone of destiny."

Ziyan pointed to the floating platform in the air, "Xiaoge, let's enter the high platform, try to open it together!"

The voice just falls, Luo Ziyan Qianying has already fallen on it.

Chen Ge followed and arrived.

After stepping on the platform, Chen Ge found that the empty platform was covered with obscure lines.

The Buddha is a huge floating compass.

"This is the Dharma pattern that calls for the stone of destiny. It needs very strong power to drive it. Neither you nor I can achieve it. However, we can control the power of dragon blood jade pendant and drive it with it."

Luo Ziyan explained the method to Chen Ge.

Before Chen Ge, he had already noticed the extraordinary of dragon blood jade pendant. Now it seems that its usage is more mysterious and mysterious. It seems that it has not developed many powerful functions!

At the moment, focus on the response.

They work together.

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Soon, Chen Ge found that the dragon blood jade pendant glittered with gold, illuminating the whole Dharma pattern.

However, the original obscure Dharma patterns immediately became extremely bright.

They emit blue light, and the blue light begins to condense towards the center.

Not long after, a cyclone spread out, and a blue crystal stone the size of an adult fist appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this the stone of destiny?"

Chen Ping'an was also shocked.

Chen Ge feels its breath from a close distance and is also deeply shocked.

The stone of destiny converges.

Chen Ge slightly raised his hand, the stone is slowly falling in Chen GE's palm, slightly transmitted to a hot breath.

"It's extraordinary when you look at it. If you hold it in your hand, you can clearly feel the powerful energy contained in it! Sister Ziyan, I once had a sun map in my family, which has the function of prophecy. This stone of destiny also has the function of prophecy? "

Chen Ge exclaimed.

"Well, however, its function is not limited to prophecy. Now you use the dragon blood jade pendant as a medium to try to communicate with it and ask the questions you want to know most. I also want to confirm whether the stone of destiny is so magical in the legend."

Luo Ziyan said.


Chen Ge did as he said.

At present, only to see his eyes closed, a ray of light shot into the stone of destiny through the dragon blood jade pendant.

Then Chen Ge opened his eyes.

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Like Luo Ziyan, she is quietly waiting for the change of the stone of destiny.

There was silence for a moment.

The stone of destiny in the hand rises from the sky.

And the blue light on my body is very bright.This burst of light, let Chen Ge and Luo Ziyan, are involuntarily back a step.

Then, it is to see the blue light in front of the public formed a huge curtain of light.

This feeling, a bit like a screen, and a bit like a mirage.

What it presents is a vast ocean.

Chen Ge was completely surprised. He watched quietly.

The sea is empty above, and in the night, it gives people a deep fear.

I don't know how long, the calm sea, a large passenger ship in the night slowly driving by.

You can see very clearly that there are two women in class a of the passenger ship. They are talking and watching the night of the sea.

This scene, very insipid.

But at the moment, Chen GE's chest is ups and downs, eyes are hanging with tears.

Because this passenger ship, nothing else, is the one that happened to Muhan.

The two women in class A are Mu Han.

This is the night of Muhan's accident!!!

Chen Ge was shocked.

Mu Han was captured by the sun League, but how it was captured and how the sun League existed in the world is unknown at all.

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At the moment, he watched intently.

And in the picture, it soon changed.

Right in front of the passenger ship, the waves rolled and a huge whirlpool appeared.

This whirlpool is like a mouthful.

Pull the passenger ship in.

It can be seen that Mu Han was very helpless at the beginning, while her classmates were hysterical. She took her classmate's hand and tried to persuade her to calm down.


A thousand layers of waves, a huge, bronze spaceship roared out of the sea.

This huge ship, Chen Ge is already very familiar with, it is the giant ship of the sun alliance.

They devoured the passenger ship and disappeared to the bottom of the sea!

Chen Ge can't hide his excitement. At this moment, he would like to rush into the picture and save people. No matter whether he can save them or not, Chen Ge doesn't care.

And Chen GE's emotional fluctuations, but also let the screen began to gradually distorted.

"Calm down, little song, these have happened for a long time!"

Luo Ziyan gently grasps Chen GE's palm, is lets Chen Ge gradually stable.

And the picture continues.

Only this time, the picture has changed.

It turned to a desert island , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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