The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 709: 709

On the island, growing a variety of strange flowers, surrounded by mountains, deep.

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When Chen Ge saw the island, he immediately knew where it was.

This is nameless island.

It is the place where the covenant of holy water is held.

I'm afraid they've been in it for a long time.

Chen GE's usage of this stone of destiny is also clear.

First of all, it will communicate with your heart. What you think in your heart, or what you worry about and doubt, will be automatically reflected here one by one.

Muhan's affair, the matter of the grandfather's holy water's appointment, are all beginning to show now.

On the nameless Island, an upside down statue of the white elder sister is particularly dazzling, which makes Chen Ge confirm that this is the nameless Island, the place of the legendary holy water covenant.

But Chen Ge waited for a long time, did not see a figure.

Can't they, grandfather, haven't they arrived at this place?

Chen Ge was surprised.

Now it is pointing to the stone statue of the fallen sister in white.

"Sister Ziyan, what does this stone statue have to do with you? Or why did you appear on the island of the covenant of holy water? "

Chen Ge asked through this file.

"This island is a sealed place. It is not far away from the sea palace, and I am also pressed under the sea palace by this thing!"

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Luo Ziyan looks at this place indifferent way.

"What about the covenant of holy water? Rumor has it that this is an activity that has been held for a long time. All the people invited are those who have reached the level of master in their inner strength, rather than the secret law family like the ancient family. In fact, I always have a doubt that even if the sun alliance has any conspiracy, they should choose the same kind of secret method family as the ancient family. There are too many experts! "

Chen Ge asked.

"Xiaoge, in fact, the secret method family does not belong to the orthodoxy, because they use external force to modify their accomplishments, instead of relying on cultivation alone like the inner strength master! In comparison, the master Neijin is more utilized! "

Luo Ziyan patiently explained:

"the covenant of holy water is actually because of a holy pool on the island, which is one of the entrances of the boundary area!"

Luo Ziyan said.

"The entrance to the boundary? It turns out that the so-called holy water can get eternal life, but actually it has entered another space? "

Chen Ge nodded clearly.

"Is that not to say that those who enter the covenant of holy water may not be dead, but are taken into another space?"

Chen Ge suddenly realized.

"Well, every once in a while, new blood will be introduced into the boundary to maintain its existence and development! Rebar, he is one of the new blood introduced

Luo Ziyan looks at the force.

"How does that boundary exist?"

Chen Ge is more curious.

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"I told you that the boundary is not an extra space. Similarly, it belongs to the earth, and the people in the boundary are also human beings. If we have to tell the difference between the two, then it is that the boundary is the world inside the earth, and here is the world outside the earth!"

"tens of millions of years ago, there have been many havoc in the world. The havoc of one field has ended one after another. One of them is the era of real civilization. After a few havoc, the real treasure and essence have disappeared. That era was the end of the ancient civilization, when the generation came to live. We have found another way to discover the subterranean continent, that is, the boundary area! "

"For a very long time to come, they will be isolated from the world. It is said that after this time, there will be no human beings in the earth. Instead, they will be occupied by a group of exotic animals left behind during the period of Xiuzhen civilization. However, those foreign animals will not be able to resist the natural calamity."

"Of course, after countless years, when human beings appear again, they also have some communication with the realm. For example, the realm will support some people who practice the truth. Although they have no Daoji in their bodies, they can also reach a certain level of cultivation by virtue of external forces."

Ziyan sister said very detailed.

Chen Ge nodded: "the secret method family, can't come like this?"

Luo Ziyan nodded and laughed: "well, jiuluomen is actually a chess piece set up by the king of Jiuluo a long time ago, in order to wait for your appearance."

Chen Ge fell into a moment of thinking.


At this time, on the other side, Li Mu Mu and Su Ruoxi, who had been watching the picture quietly, suddenly let out a scream.

"Little song, look at it!"

And uncle is also a strange look tight, indicating Chen Ge to see the show out of the nameless island.

Because at the moment, there are traces of people on nameless island.

Of course, that's not the main reason they scream.

The real reason is that the people on the nameless island are not living people, but a corpse, a dead body!They set out to search for the masters everywhere.

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Nearly a hundred people died in a mass.

The scene was extremely tragic.

Chen GE's eyelids beat violently.


He was shocked because his grandfather was in the group.

Chen Ge looked carefully, among them, he also saw the body of Mo Canglong. It seems that he was beaten through the chest by a hand. Strangely, his mirror appeared beside him.

This artifact, Chen GE has been left in the care of his grandfather, how can it return to Mo Canglong's hand.

What's more, to Chen GE's surprise, Mo Canglong's magic weapon has been smashed at the moment.

"All dead!"

Uncle lightly leaped, already flew over, can see, his look at the moment is also extremely unnatural.

And wait for Chen Ge to search for the end, now the picture again changed.

And this time, in the underground palace.

That's where the God brother was buried.

Chen GE has been here and is relatively familiar with it.

The stone of destiny, is it implying yourself?

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Only to see here, at the moment has been very quiet, quiet and also showing a quiet strange.

What does it want to tell itself?

This place has been sealed off by itself.

But this scene, did not appear for a long time, is another picture appeared.

"Chen family!"

Don't wait for Chen Ge to talk, uncle said with a jump of eyelids.

"Well? Uncle, do you know where our house is? "

"Well!" Uncle didn't say anything and nodded.

But his eyes, a little coagulation, as if thinking in general.

Chen Ge looks at the Chen family. At the moment, Chen family gives Chen Ge the same feeling as the ancient tomb just now. It is also quiet and strange!

Similarly, there is no picture of the Chen family in Noda.

Soon, this picture also dissipated, replaced by the incomparably deep and vast space and stars. In the deepest place, Chen Ge saw that the super huge solar alliance spacecraft appeared again.

He just drifted aimlessly in the universe, just like a ghost in the universe , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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