The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 710: 710

Soon after this picture appeared, it also disappeared.

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And the stone of fate has now converged the light, slowly fell back to Chen GE's hands.

"Sister Ziyan, what does the stone of destiny want to express in the pictures just now? Is it hard to say that the holy water agreement really has a tragedy? "

Chen Ge asked anxiously.

"Well, I think so. Obviously, the road of the covenant of holy water of those people is not smooth, and it follows closely, showing us the tomb of Lingxiao and your family. It should indicate that these two places are not peaceful, and there may have been an accident!"

Luo Ziyan said.


Chen Ge was surprised.

"It should not be too late. Let's go and have a look."

Chen Ge said in a hurry.

"Mm-hmm, the stone of destiny has arrived. You should keep the song. It is very important for you to restore Daoji. It depends on whether you can have the ability to protect yourself in front of a strong enemy as soon as possible."

Luo Ziyan said with concern.

"I understand sister Ziyan, the top priority is to go and see what happened to brother Lingxiao's tomb and our Chen family. I also want to go to the holy water appointment to find my grandfather. I just tried to search for my grandfather, but I didn't find my grandfather's body!"

Chen Ge frowned and said.


Luo Ziyan nodded.

People didn't stay here much, and Chen Ge didn't have time to check some of the artifacts one by one. He was ready to seal the miracle with an array, and then he would have to worry about it later.

Several people came out of the grave.

Now, it's getting dark.

When he came out of the cave, Chen Ge remembered one thing.

"By the way, Mu Mu Nu Ruoxi, outside the cave, it seems that those Xu family members have put a kind of extremely strong poison. When you were in the cave just now, they had already poisoned. They were isolated by my array. Now they are going out. You can't resist this kind of poison!"

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Chen Ge said carefully.

Then the fingers gently on the shoulders of several people.

They've sealed their holes.

Then he took them out.

By the time, Xu Gang had already blocked the entrance of the cave.

Nearly a hundred people, all with guys.

And to see Chen Ge they actually come out alive, Xu Wendong is even more surprised.

"You Why are you still alive? "

Xu Wendong could not help but step back.

On one side, there was a young man in black with a gloomy face.

Obviously, he was also extremely surprised when several people walked out.

He couldn't help but flick his eyelids.

"Good, very good, you can still come out alive after being poisoned by the seven monsters of Tianshan Mountain. It seems that what Mr. Xu said is true. You have some means. In this way, you are entitled to die in my hands!"

The young man in black narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Do you really think you can kill us?"

Ziyan elder sister shook her head helplessly.

"Sister Ziyan, you don't have to talk nonsense with these people. I'm used to it. I'm used to the confidence and expansion of these people!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile: "seven monsters in Tianshan Mountain, I haven't heard your names, but your six brothers are obviously ignorant. They have died in my hands. I think it's very difficult for me to cultivate your whole body. It's not easy to do such unjust things as this, so as not to give up your life in vain and wash your hands. Go back to Tianshan and practice hard. You are still young Light

Chen Ge tried hard to persuade him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Boy, I think you are crazy. Open your eyes and have a good look. Who's going to end up miserable?"

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Xu Shuai said with a ferocious smile.

Everyone, now has opened the gun insurance, coldly aims at Chen Ge.

The young man in black, however, raised his hand slightly at the moment, his eyes still narrowed into a line, as if his eyes would not open.

"So you have admitted that you killed my six brothers?"

The young man in black hides the king's way.

"Yes, I think this is enough to show that I can kill you in seconds. You don't need to hit the stone with an egg. I still have something to do and I don't want to open the killing ring. So, you go!"

Chen Ge is in a mess now, and has no time to pay attention to them.

"Go? Hehe, I'm afraid you haven't heard of the seven monsters. I'm not the same as them

Hidden army mouth with a touch of evil smile, this smear of evil, give people a feeling of cold spine.

In particular, Li Mu Mu and some of their girls were afraid to step back.

Chen Ge is also frowning, because it is not too high just to see this man's cultivation.

I can kill him in seconds.But I don't know why, his strong self-confidence is actually let Chen Ge also raised a bit of fear. Is he a hidden master, and his strength is the highest among the seven monsters?

"In this case, I'll meet you well. If we don't solve you, I'm afraid even if we leave, we'll be troubled constantly."

Chen Ge said coldly.

With that, Chen Ge slightly bent his fingers.

He didn't use his energy, but waited for the man to make a move first and see his way.

But unexpectedly, he also imitates Chen GE's appearance, slightly bends the finger.


Chen Ge is curious.

"I said, I'm not like them!"

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saw that as like as two peas, he suddenly fell into a sudden change.

But the corner of his mouth, so the banter of the smile more rich.

"It's interesting! You're a simple face changing technique

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"It's interesting! You're a simple face changing technique

Yin Jun learned Chen GE's tone of speech, but his joking eyes never changed.

"Is that what you are capable of?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Is that what you are capable of?"

The hidden army also learned to speak.

"You're so annoying!"

Chen Ge frowned.

"You're so annoying!"

The hidden army was full of banter and complacency.

"Well, I'll give you a punch. Do you want to learn from me? It's good to see which of us is more powerful, and whether you can imitate it!"

Chen Ge shook his head. He doesn't want to talk to him anymore.

"Well, I'll give you a punch. Do you want to learn from me? It's good to see which of us is more powerful, and whether you can imitate it!"

The hidden army said again.

At present, Chen Ge no longer talks, but directly punches, this time, Chen ge used his own strength.

But only one point, the fist shadow seems to be flying all over the sky.


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There was a great noise.

The surrounding sand, at the moment, has been cracked by the fist.

They stormed at the hidden army.

Chen Yingjun is also ready to play.

But when he saw the scene in front of him, he was immediately stunned.

"How strong!"

He was shocked.

This momentum can not be stopped at all.

Moreover, as soon as the fist shadow arrives, the whole person releases the Buddha and is locked in general.

Can't move at all!


Innumerable fist shadows flashed on the hidden army in an instant.

He showed his true colors directly, and his whole body was like the explosion of a boiler, which was so bloody.

It flew out like a puddle of meat.

In an instant, what is dead cannot die again.

Before he died, he regretted incomparably and really understood what kind of existence stood in front of him.

But it's too late to regret!

Chen Ge speechless shook his head: "what's different? I see you seven monsters, all the same!"

And Xu Wendong and his son are already stupid! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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