The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 711: 711

The people in front of us are hardly human beings.

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Great, great.

The Xu family's father and son spat wildly. They thought that the hidden king had any unique ability to help kill people, but now, with just one blow, it became a puddle of meat.


This is killing the Xu family.


Xu Wendong is the world in the world. He naturally knows what his father and son will face next.

He knelt down in a hurry.

"Big man! Forgive me

Xu Wendong is humble.

"Handsome, quick! Get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness

Xu Wendong took his son Xu Shuai to his knees.

This group of people can hardly be provoked.


Chen GE has a faint smile.

"Thank you Thank you for your life

Xu Wendong's nose and tears all came down.

"Don't get me wrong. I didn't say I would spare you, because I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you didn't catch it. I once swore that the person who wanted to kill me would have to pay for his whole family's life, and if he came out to be righteous, he would kill your whole family."

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Chen Ge said coldly.


Xu Wendong, sweating like rain, was sitting on the ground powerless in an instant. If I had known, I would never dare to provoke this God of plague!

Next, it's easy for people to clean up.

At the beginning, I found the hiding place of Lingxiao elder brother. Because many things were not understood, Chen Ge at that time used the array to seal the whole ancient tomb.

By now, many mysteries at that time have been solved.

And he has taken a big step towards the secret of the solar League.

What's more, with the stone of destiny in hand, according to sister Ziyan, if it wasn't because of the destruction of her own Daoji, the stone of destiny could show more information.

But there are also some things that Chen Ge needs to do immediately.

That's the ancient tomb.

The stone of destiny has hinted four times and three times about the things in the ancient tomb, as well as its own Chen family. It must want to express something.

Worried about the accident, the party will not delay a moment toward the ancient tomb.

"At first, I was chased by Mo Canglong in this desert valley. Fortunately, he brought me close to the underground palace, otherwise I would not find the location of brother Lingxiao. Later, I sealed this place!"

Not long ago, Chen Ge and they have arrived at the ancient tomb.

They said to uncle.

However, when approached, Chen GE's eyelids could not help but jump slightly.

Because he saw in front of him, which was originally sealed with a big stone, he did not know when it was broken.

There was a bit of a mess at the scene.

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"Not good!"

Chen GE's heart leaped, and now he ran straight into the cave.

Uncle and Luo Ziyan look at each other.

Especially Luo Ziyan, her mood at the moment is extremely complicated.

At present, with a slight leap, he has come to the side of Chen Ge in the cave.

And Chen Ge was stunned, the whole hole, now has become a bit messy, and once the 10000 year old python, has become a long snake corpse.

Its head was punctured and killed in one blow.

But the inner coffin has disappeared.

"He was taken away from the sky!"

Luo Ziyan Rao is such an identity, but now also has eyes wet red.

She waited for this moment for tens of thousands of years, just for their reunion.

However, who is so cruel, experienced so many twists and turns, even the last look at the sky can not see.

Yes, last look.

According to Ziyan's elder sister, Lingxiao war god, his soul, in fact, as early as 20 years ago, when he was born, his soul had been completely dissipated.

Only one body was left.

But now, even the body is gone.

"I sealed it with the array in the dragon blood jade pendant, and the location here is very hidden. Who is it?"

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Chen Ge clenched her fist tightly.

"I saw it outside. Your array was not broken, but was untied. It was easy to untie this array. Moreover, it seems that he is very familiar with the terrain here. After coming in, he killed the python!"

Chen Ping'an came in with a gloomy face at the moment, and said to Chen Ge, who was a little distressed.

After all, he felt guilty. His own life was equivalent to that saved by Lingxiao elder brother indirectly, while Ziyan's sister helped him so much all the way, but he promised their reunion, but he failed to do so.

On the contrary, I lost my brother Lingxiao's body!

Luo Ziyan shed a drop of crystal clear tears.

Chen Ge in the side, remorse of silence.And this drop of tears, finally fell at the foot of the python body.


There was a clear noise in the tears.

Followed by, a strange scene appeared, this Python body, actually began to condense bursts of blue light.

Finally, the blue light condenses and becomes a light cluster.

Look up and see some of Chen's Purple Songs.


The blue light began to make some strange noises.

And then it uttered language.

"You're back!"

The voice sounds extremely awkward and unclear, but what it says can still be heard.

"Are you a python?"

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Chen Ge looks at it in surprise.

When I saw the spirit of Gu Niang, I thought it was very similar to the old home.

"It's me. It's a pity that I'm dead. I can only see you again in this way. I'm holding on to my soul. Until just now, I've got a little spiritual power, so I can barely gather together!"

Said the python slowly.

"Here, what happened? Don't worry. I'll find you a suitable adaptation right away. Since you can concentrate your mind, I can use Xuantian Gong to help you regenerate! "

To tell you the truth, the python is also very poor. When it was still a small snake, it was caught and made a tomb animal. It was held for tens of thousands of years.

Now, it has finally completed its mission. Chen GE has already planned to contract a virgin forest for it to live in and spend the rest of his life freely.

Although it is an animal, in Chen GE's eyes, Chen Ge regarded it as an old man when he helped him in the tomb that day.

"It's no use. I've been waiting for your arrival. It's been more than 20 days. I've consumed all my soul elements. Now, I only have a little thought left. I'll tell you something. After that, I'll dissipate and completely dissipate in the world. Alas!"

The python sighed slightly.

Can feel, it yearns for the outside world, longings, as well as its mood at the moment lonely.

"No, I will help you, I have many ways!"

Chen Ge said in a hurry.

"I was killed by an old man with a mask. He is very powerful. If you encounter him, you must be careful, because he knows you very well. Moreover, he is ruthless. The body of the God of war is taken away by him. He tries to get something from the God of war."

Python voice weak said.

"The old man in the mask?"

Chen Ge and Luo Ziyan can't help but look at each other , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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