The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 713: 713

Dark and silent.

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This is Chen GE's first feeling after entering the Chen family.

He was afraid that nothing could make him so flustered. He even wanted to stand still. He was afraid that he would see a similar scene in the tomb again.

But he came in slowly.

It turns out that the busy Chen family seems to have disappeared a few days ago.

Chen GE's hair was erect. He left and opened his mind to search for all possible signs.

But it's empty.

Chen GE's speed is very fast, very quickly, has turned the entire Chen family up and down.

The result made Chen Ge both depressed and happy.

Because he found that there was no one in the Chen family. This is not the same thing as the scene of the covenant of holy water.

Where are the people? This is why Chen Ge is depressed.

As for the joy, that is, if the body is not found, you can't say that your family has had an accident.

I still have a little hope, don't you?

Soon, Chen Ping An and Ziyan also felt.

See Chen Ge dejected appearance, need not ask them also know what result.

Especially Chen Ping'an, he looked around the yard, and his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

"They're all missing. I've searched with my spirit. There's nothing near here!"

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Chen Ge clenched her fist tightly and whispered.

"Xiaoge, don't worry about it. In this way, the situation may get better. They are all OK! ~"

LUO Ziyan walked to Chen Ge and gently took Chen GE's hand.

"Well, who is this? Could it be the same person? First, he took the body of Lingxiao elder brother. Now, the whereabouts of Chen family members are unknown! "

Chen Ge frowned and thought.


At this time, Chen Ge and Chen Ping'an are alert at the same time.

Qi Qi looks at a well at home.

This well has some history.

At the moment, Chen Ge and they looked because they heard a sound coming from inside.

Chen Ping'an is very fast. He immediately skims over and reaches out to find out a person in the well.

This is a middle-aged fat man, wet all over, apparently immersed in the well.

No wonder he was hiding in the well and searching with his own mind, he could not find him at all.

Because the well itself is a place where Yin is very heavy.

"Who are you? How did you hide in my well? "

Chen Ge asked with a frown.

This man is a stranger, certainly not the Chen family.

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"Chen Shao, I'm Li Wen. I'm a manager of Huaxia economic zone. Chen Shao, it's great to see you!"

The middle-aged fat man obviously knew Chen Ge. He knelt down and cried to Chen Ge.

"Li Wen, how did you get into my well?" Chen Ge said curiously.

"Chen Shao, because something happened in the Huaxia Economic Zone, I couldn't get in touch with the people of the Chen family in the headquarters, but I couldn't hold it. Some people said that something had happened to the Chen family. Two days ago, I came to report to the Chen family. However, I didn't expect that I could go all the way into the Chen family, and there was no bodyguard at the door See... "

Li Wen gasped heavily.

"What do you see?"

Chen Ge asked in a hurry.

"I saw a lot of bodies on the ground. Most of them were bodyguards of the Chen family. Moreover, I heard a scream coming from behind. I was very flustered at that time. I tried to find a place to hide and fell into the well..."

He gasped heavily.

"Screams? And you see a lot of bodies on the ground? "

Chen Ping An asked.

"Well, not too many. There are seven or eight, but the backyard is still screaming!"

Li Wen is in a state of shock.

"And then you fell into the well and stayed up to now?"

Chen Ge and Chen Ping An look at each other.

Just now, Chen ge used God's eyes to examine this person's mind and found that what he said was not true.

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Chen Gecai believed him.

"Yes, Chen Shao. Soon after I fell into the well, I heard someone rushing towards me. At that time, I thought I was going to die, so I dived into the well and survived!"

Li Wendao.

"Who will be?"

Chen Ge took a deep breath. Now Chen GE's blood is surging and murderous.

"Later, I slowly exposed my head from the well, and I heard the sound of dragging the corpse. There was only this. I didn't dare to come out! Until now, I hear your voice from Chen Shao! "

Li Wen cried.

"Chen Shao, how can this happen? The Chen family is so powerful, who dares to attack the Chen family?"

Li Wen is very sad."Just now you said that someone had already known in advance that something had happened to the Chen family. Who told you that?"

Chen Ping An asked in a cold voice at the moment.

"It's the sub regional managers in Huaxia district. They knew it first!"

"You said you had something important to report to the Chen family, and what was it?"

"I found that there are several regional managers who are secretly transferring the assets of the Chen family. I want to report it, but I can't find anyone. I didn't expect that there was an accident in the Chen family!"

He was on his knees crying.

"It seems that these people know something about it!"

Chen Ping An said.

Chen Ge nodded: "I will immediately arrest them for interrogation."

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"No, don't make a fuss about it until you find out. They secretly transfer assets. I think there must be something wrong. The division manager of the Chen family has always been the son of his father, loyal to the Chen family from generation to generation. They will not rebel, let alone rebel when the Chen family is in danger. Do not be impulsive until the matter is solved!"

Chen Ping An thought for a while.

And Chen Ge nods at the same time, but also curiously looked at the uncle.

"Uncle, I found that you seem to know our Chen family very well?"

Really curious, this feeling, for Chen Ge, is not once or twice.

"Uncle, did you know me very early? Or did you know me when I was very young? "

Chen Ge asked.

Chen Ping'an shook his head and laughed: "Xiaoge, you are half right. I did know you very early, but it was not your childhood. When I knew you, you were already an adult and went to university! Of course, I see it every day in my eyes. "

Chen Ping An has nothing to hide.

Chen Ge was shocked.

"Why Uncle? Have you been watching me in the dark

Chen Ge was surprised.

"No, to be exact, I'm not watching you!"

Chen Ping'an seems to think of something, finish this sentence, the face gradually dignified up.

"Uncle, you know everything about me. Why do you say you are not observing me?" Chen Ge couldn't understand uncle any more.

"Well, that's because I've been watching someone else secretly watching you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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