The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 714: 714

"The other one who has been watching me?"

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Chen Ge felt a little numb on her scalp this time.

It turns out that my college life is not peaceful, but has been secretly supervised by people. What's more, he is still under the supervision of his uncle.

In fact, from the very beginning when I saw Uncle.

Chen GE has found that uncle knows himself very well, and that night's rescue is absolutely not accidental.

Later, he found that he was very clear about his temper.

Sometimes Chen Ge also wants to ask questions about this aspect.

But obviously, uncle didn't want to talk about this issue more. Later, a lot of things happened slowly, and Chen Ge didn't have time to ask again.

Until now, uncle mentioned it again.

Chen Ge understood that it was such a thing.

"Well, I don't know how long that person has been watching you secretly. I found out that he appeared more frequently when you left Ping'an County as a freshman. After your identity was exposed, his observation of you was all the time."

"I'm afraid he's bad for you, and I've always wanted to find out what he's trying to do with you like this! Therefore, in order to facilitate, I disguised myself in this way, lurking into your canteen, kitchen work, ha ha

Chen Ping An gave a bitter smile.

"Lurking into the back kitchen of our canteen? But I've never seen you! "

Chen Ge really can't remember, but also feel incredible, at that time, his own canteen, there was such a magical uncle.

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"Of course, at that time, how could your energy be put on me, and I used to be in the back kitchen, even if I went out, it was still in the dark!"

Chen Ping An said.

"Uncle, what's the reason why you went to school to see me? And what are you like? " Chen Ge feels that uncle is telling himself a truth that has been lurking for a long time.

"Well, originally, according to my plan, I didn't want to recognize you too early when I didn't have a thorough understanding of the person behind the scenes. However, I suspect that this person may have done these things! I believe, he should also be aware of my existence! Before, for so many years, I have been used to this face of mine. Even my daughter, I did not tell her all the truth, because I was afraid that if I told the truth, I would leak the news to the person behind the scenes. But now I don't think it's necessary! "

Chen Ping'an condenses Shinto.

Then I watched curiously, staring at my own songs.

Chen Ping'an put his hand beside his ear root, and then slowly tore off the human skin mask on his face.

A very handsome face appeared.

Yes, although the uncle is middle-aged, this face can only be expressed in terms of beauty.

Of course, this is not the key, the key is, this face, let Chen Ge eyes wide open, the whole body is can not help but shake!

"Two Second uncle? "

Chen Song as like as two peas in the picture, he is so mad that his eyes are just the same.

Chen Ge is unbelievable.

"Little song, now you know who I am."

Chen Ping An said.

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"Second uncle, it's really you, but aren't you already?"

Chen Ge is short of breath.

"I will explain this matter to you slowly in the future. Now the top priority is to find out the whereabouts of the elder brother and sister-in-law and the appointment with holy water! He took away all the people in our family at one time. I'm not sure of his purpose. But I feel that at present, big brother and your second aunt will not be in danger for the time being. It seems that he has a purpose, which is definitely not a killer in pain! "

Chen Ping An calmly analyzed.

Chen Ge looked at the second uncle excitedly and nodded heavily.

"Second uncle, have you ever played with the man who followed me over the years, or have you got any clues about him?"

Chen Ge asked.

Chen Ping'an's eyes obviously dodged for a while, and then coughed softly: "this, at present, I don't know who he is, but now, he has appeared, I think, he will appear again. What's more, we still have an important clue, that is, how these regional managers know the Chen family's accident, which is very important!"

Chen Ping An Tao.

"Well, anyway, if this person behind the scenes really did it, I'll get it out!"

But at the moment, Li Wen is shivering all over the body, weak mixed in the ground.

"He's been soaking in the well for a long time, and he's seriously injured. Second uncle, I'll go and treat him first."

With that, Chen Ge picked up the comatose Li Wen and walked to a room in the villa.

The second uncle was worried about looking around.

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"Are you from the realm? Brought to the boundary by the sun alliance? Right? "

Luo Ziyan asks Chen Ping'an at the moment."Nothing can be concealed from Ziyan girl, no, it's your eyes!"

Chen Ping'an bows to Luo Ziyan.

"Well, there are also Liba. Your accomplishments are very similar. By the way, why didn't you tell the whole truth about Xiaoge just now?"

Luo Ziyan asked curiously.

"Are you asking the person who has been following the song behind the scenes? It's not that I don't want to. The first reason is that I'm just highly suspicious, not sure. Second, Xiaoge has experienced too many hardships and psychological torture. If I just doubt, I will tell him the identity of this person. I'm afraid that he will be hard to accept and will suffer a blow! "

Chen Ping'an shook his head sorrowfully.

"In fact, the truth is hard for you to accept."

"Well! I just hope everything is going for the best

"I see, but Xiaoge's ordeal is also his destiny, because he was born, he was destined to be extraordinary and not to live an ordinary life."

Luo Ziyan said.

"Well, what do you think we should do in the future?"

Chen Ping An asked.

"His Daoji was destroyed, which meant that although his cultivation was very terrible, he was still unable to confront them! Next, I'm really worried! "

This is what Chen Ping An has been worried about.

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In fact, as for the elder brother and the rose, according to Chen Ping'an's judgment, they are absolutely not in danger of life at present.

Because the people behind the scenes are probably trying to blackmail Xiaosong.

So the next little song will face a lot of trouble. According to the current cultivation of Xiaoge, these real masters can't cope with it.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Chen Ge came out.

"I'm discussing with your second uncle about the destruction of your Daoji!"

Ziyan looked at Chen Ge and said.

"I know my Daoji has been destroyed, but now I just want to investigate the affairs of my family and the covenant of holy water. I also need to rush to find my grandfather as soon as possible. As for the repair of Daoji, I really have no energy!"

Chen Ge was distressed.

"However, you can't repair your Daoji. Even if you find out the truth, you will only face the danger further. You have no resistance. Only by repairing the Daoji, can you deal with all this!"

Luo Ziyan advised.

Chen Ping'an nodded and said, "Ziyan is right. I think so. The top priority is to repair your Daoji. To tell you the truth, the hope of Ziyan and me is in you..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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