The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 720: 720

In fact, Chen GE has long noticed that the second uncle seems to have been saying something.

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However, Chen Ge really does not understand what the second uncle's words mean.

If my grandfather is not dead, of course, this is a good thing. How could the second uncle ask?

Moreover, now grandfather's holy water order has appeared, Chen Ge speculates that it is possible that grandfather has had an accident.

Perhaps, the affair of the covenant of holy water has a direct relationship with the mysterious man behind the scenes.

From the order of the stone of destiny.

Could it be that mysterious man who first went to the covenant of holy water and then killed all the people there.

Then, he went to the desert underground palace and killed the python, thus taking away the body of brother Lingxiao.

Then, before we arrived, we captured the Chen family.

No grandfather's body was found, that is, the grandfather is very likely not dead, but together by the mysterious man captured.

Of course, his ultimate goal must be himself.

Can easily smash some artifact, so it seems that only this mysterious master who can easily kill Python can do it.

On the way to here, Chen GE has been thinking about this possibility.

"It's OK, Xiaoge. You'd better rebuild Daoji first. As for other things, don't think about it. Next, it's up to you!"

Chen Ping An pats Chen Ge on the shoulder.

Chen Ge didn't think much about it. After all, so many things have happened. Now Chen Ge is anxious to restore his Daoji as soon as possible, so as to inherit the power of the first awakening more perfectly. At that time, he will not be so passive.

So Chen Ge went to help Ziyan sister.

The stone of destiny, according to sister Ziyan, is a spirit weapon condensed from the energy of heaven and earth. For a long time, it has gradually become a stone of energy transformation.

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It is endowed with huge energy and array patterns.

It can predict the future.

If you want to use it to travel through time and space, you need to break its shape again.

Then its energy will be completely released, with the help of the powerful control ability of dragon blood jade pendant, to achieve the purpose of shuttling through time and space.

It's just a pity that after this shuttle, the stone of destiny will announce the end.

With the help of Chen Ge, the speed of refining the stone of destiny will naturally be accelerated.

In the blink of an eye, midnight is coming.

The refining of the stone of destiny has also been successful.

"Xiaoge, I will protect the Dharma for you later, and let you enter the array of the petrified fates. You must keep in mind the requirements I told you before!"

Luo Ziyan said.

"I will, sister Ziyan! By the way, can my accomplishments be used? "

Chen Ge asked in particular.

"There is no requirement. As long as you don't change some known results, you can do anything. For example, you may have some hostile people before. You can use your cultivation as a lesson. If he doesn't die from the beginning to the end, you can't kill him!"

Luo Ziyan said.

"I understand that!"

Chen Ge nods heavily.

"What's more, you have to wait for seven days. After seven days, you should wake up to the way of heaven. In addition, don't let anyone approach you casually, because you don't know who your Daoji was and when it was destroyed, so you should be very careful!"

Luo Ziyan told her again.

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After Chen Ge nodded, he walked into the array.

Luo Ziyan uses the power of dragon blood jade pendant.

We can see that the blue spots melted open are all covered in Chen GE's body.

Wrap Chen Ge completely.

Then, Chen GE's body began to rotate.

A general force of tearing, constantly came.

"Hold your breath and be patient!"

Ziyan elder sister reminds a way.

Chen Ge acted according to his words. Everywhere in his body, he was moistened and guided by the stone of destiny.

It seems that this principle is to disperse you as a whole, and finally, the stone of destiny will combine you.

Nature has to bear considerable pain.


Suddenly, the night changed into day, and it was outside, the dark sky, across the pale blue lightning, as if to tear the sky.

Then there was another boom.

Lightning directly into the room, began to haunt by the light blue spot wrapped Chen Ge.

The furniture in the room is constantly being destroyed.

Luo Ziyan's face was a little more indifferent.

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Chen Ping'an, however, has been tense back is full of sweat.

"Ziyan, is everything ok? I can't even read it anymore! "

Rao is Chen Ping'an. He is worried about death at the moment.

After all, this scene is really a bit too sinister."No, if it's other practitioners, something may happen, but Xiaosong is not an ordinary person!"

Luo Ziyan said.


Suddenly, electromagnetic explosion.

Then, the blue spot scattered, and Chen GE has disappeared.

Chen Ge felt that he was always in a blur of chaos. He felt that he still had some consciousness, but he felt that he could not control the consciousness at all.

He has been wandering, endless darkness like black waves, wrapped himself in the abyss, falling deeper and deeper.

Until, a strong light stabbed on Chen GE's eyelids, let Chen Ge finally be able to control this wipe consciousness.

He opened his eyelids slowly. The sun was dazzling.

Chen Ge raised his hand in front of his eyes, slowly adapted, looking around.

This is in a small forest.

But not far away, it is their own university campus, Jinling University.

Now I have extraordinary ear and eyesight. I can also see yingyingyanyan's college students walking by the road from afar.

As for this small forest, it is a bit desolate.


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Isn't this the grove where I used to park Lamborghini?

It's really deserted here.

Now, there is nothing in the small trees, and I'm back!

Yes, it is!

And most likely, it is back before the awakening of identity.

Chen Ge thought, a turn to stand up, feel the strength of the whole body, his own cultivation, at present, is naturally stagnated before awakening the way of heaven, cultivation is not high, but according to the current process, self-protection, is completely no problem.

Chen Ge at this time looked down and saw seven blue light spots on his arm.

This is exactly seven days before the stone of destiny. After waiting for seven days, you can wake up to the way of heaven. The light spot completely disappears and you will be forced to go back.

Be sure to pay attention to the time, Chen Ge reminds himself.


At this time, Chen GE's mind flashed that wipe let his soul haunt.

Mu Han is still there at this time. I can't imagine that he can finally see her, but he doesn't want to. It's in such a situation.

If only it was a complete crossing.

Chen Ge thought.

He was about to speed up his pace and wanted to enter the campus, but he remembered:

"by the way, it seems that he has not done one thing yet!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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