The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 721: 721

`Because I have come to this world, and now, there seems to be a Chen Ge.

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Ziyan elder sister specially admonishes, two Chen Ge can't meet face to face directly.

Therefore, Chen GE has to find himself, and temporarily put him in a quiet place. In these seven days, he will appear instead of him.

Now, we have to do a simple face change.

At the same time.

On campus.

A bang.

A male student was kicked down by another very tall student!

At the moment, the tall student is still holding a gorgeous girl in his arms:

"mother Chen Ge, you are really disgraced. You came here to pick up garbage and almost hit my girlfriend. It's no shame to be humiliated. I think you have no eyes now!"

The tall boy pointed at Chen Ge and scolded.

Then Chen Ge was knocked down with one foot.

"Husband, do you know, Chen GE has a beautiful girlfriend. I really don't know what that girl thinks. It's really embarrassing for us women to find such a boyfriend!"

Said the girl.

"Ha ha, this poor B, I really don't want to mention him. Seeing his cowardly appearance, I'm not angry. Honey, let's go out and play. Don't pay attention to him!"

The tall boy hugged the girl and left.

And here is the campus. There are so many students coming and going. Many people watched the scene with their own eyes.

Pointing at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge was kicked in the stomach by his foot, stomach spasm, at the moment, covering his stomach, tightly bit his lips.

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It was not the first time that such a scene happened to him.

But the sarcastic eyes of the people around him still made him blush. He got up from the ground, took the snake skin bag that he picked up the bottle, and ran away in confusion.

Chen Ge ran to a deserted corner outside the campus.

He squatted down, tears still couldn't stop flowing down.

He didn't want to, but because he was poor, he had to.

Of course, he didn't think it was a disgraceful behavior from the beginning to the end.

But why did everyone bully him?

Thinking about it, Chen GE's old mobile phone came a text message prompt:

a look, it's a message from his girlfriend Yang Xue.

"I don't want to be alone for a long time, otherwise I don't want to be alone for a long time! Don't contact me at this time! "

Obviously, this is a break-up message from Yang Xue.


He cried with grief.

But he did not notice that a man with a hat and a mask was watching him not far away.

"Originally, I returned to this node, just broke up with Yang Xue!"

Yes, this is Chen Ge who came back.

The reason why he never showed up was to make sure when he was back.

Now it's confirmed.

Chen Ge walked slowly towards him.

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"You What are you going to do

Chen Ge picked up the snake skin bag, a very afraid look.

Chen GE's voice has been changed, so the one standing in front of him is a stranger.

Chen Ge frowned: "I look at your virtue, how do I want to beat you so much?"

Chen Ge was speechless.

This Is the former self!

Now it seems that Chen Ge really wants to smoke his mouth.

Obviously, he is a top student, but he looks like a coward.

When you see it, you get angry.

This feeling is really wonderful.

"Then let me go when you finish beating me!"

Chen Ge said that his favorite Yang Xue broke up with him. Now, he is quiet. Moreover, when others beat him and scold him, what capital can he resist? No, no!

"I am special!"

Chen Ge can't believe it. Now he's no longer talking nonsense. He pokes Chen GE's acupoints directly. He's in a coma!

"Well, you are about to transfer, but I hope that after your transfer, you will not be as cowardly as I am. A man should look like a man!"

Chen Ge carried himself up and said with a wry smile.

He naturally wanted to hide the old song well, then erase his memory and reappear with his identity.

After all this, it's hard to beat Chen Ge.

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Half an hour later, Chen Ge, wearing his own clothes, reappeared. However, he had already thrown the snake skin bag aside.

Walking on the once campus street, Chen GE has countless memories and longings.If all this is really good, if so, I would rather not do much.

Soon, Chen Ge went to the location of the milk tea shop.

Milk tea shop, Chen GE has a deep memory.

At the beginning, my formal acquaintance with Mu Han was this milk tea shop. I still remember clearly that Mu Han was lovely at that time.

Chen GE's face moved.

Think of two people have been separated for so long, revisiting the old place, it is hard to avoid heartache.

"Milk tea, boss!"

The boss is still the boss, Chen Ge said at the moment.

"Well, come on

The boss was familiar with the milk tea and handed it over: "classmate, eight yuan!"


Chen Ge subconsciously took out a note from his pocket and gave it to the boss: "don't change it!"

Chen gedao.

And then I wanted to leave.

"Sleeping trough! Classmate, wait a minute. You don't have to change it. I have a cup of milk tea for eight yuan. You give me a fifty cent. You don't have to change it? "

The boss looks at Chen Ge like a fool.


Chen Ge looks like it's really five jiao.

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He forgot that he was now a poor student Chen Ge.

To tell you the truth, Chen GE has long been very vague about the so-called basic unit of paper money. In the past, money was spent in the unit of 100 million, so now, it is really not used to it!

Damn it, now I don't have any money on me. I estimate that this fifty cents is my final savings, right?

Chen Ge was embarrassed.

Around, many girls and boys who buy milk tea also cover their mouths and smile with Chen Ge.

The expression on their faces seems to say: how can poor B drink milk tea?

"Lie trough, classmate, don't tell me you don't have eight yuan?"

The boss was surprised.

"This I wish I didn't! "

Chen Ge embarrassed way, touched the whole pocket also did not have a cent.

"Then you're making fun of me, don't you? A cup of milk tea is nothing, but you just gave me fifty cents. I don't need to change it. What do you mean? If you don't have money, you can't do it. If you don't have money today, don't try to leave. I'll take it to the school! "

The owner of the milk tea shop is in a hurry.

Chen Ge doesn't know what to do.

It's being cancelled.

Suddenly a sweet voice, in Chen Ge behind the faint ring.

"Boss, don't be hard on him. I'll pay for eight yuan."

The voice is as clear and pleasant as oriole, with a gentle and elegant atmosphere in the timbre.

And it was this sentence that suddenly made Chen GE's whole body shake, and the milk tea in his hand fell to the ground , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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