The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 723: 723

"Wait, what do you do? Did you break in here

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As expected, Chen Ge had been stopped as soon as he arrived at the gate of the villa.

Several security guards looked serious and shook the electric wand in the handshake, as if they wanted to put Chen Ge down at any time.

"Husband, who are you looking at? Hot spring villa is a high-end place to come in. It's really hateful, and you don't look at your virtue!"

Besides, there are two young people, a man and a woman, who look like lovers. They are looking at Chen Ge ironically.

Chen Ge is also too lazy to pay attention to them. At this time, Li Zhenguo is going to start to meet him, and he is not in a hurry.

So he took a step back and waited quietly.

"It's really true that your cousin is not reliable. You know, it's not easy to get into the hot spring villa and go around the periphery. I don't know how much relationship my father has used. Now it's better for him to pick up girls, and he hasn't come for such a long time!"

The girl disdainfully withdrew her eyes from Chen GE's body and could not help but complain to her husband.

"I didn't hear that your father-in-law can use his relationship to play in hot spring villa. It happened that my cousin mentioned it to me yesterday, and I can't refuse it!"

His husband coaxed the girl aside.

Chen Ge doesn't have the heart to listen to their two showing off their so-called relationship here, so she just stands aside and waits for Li Zhenguo to come out.


Soon, the young man pointed to a place and called.

I saw a white BMW coming.

And as if I was afraid that others would not know it was a BMW, the horn blared.

With a stab, the luxury car stops.

"Cousin, sister-in-law, you have been waiting for a long time!"

From the car, came down a young man with eyes. He looked like a student. He took off his sunglasses and hung it on his chest. He looked very damp.

And then he got out of the car and got out of the car.

One of the men was dyed yellow.

And that woman, long net red face, each very tall, also some shy appearance.

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The four came towards the door.

"How come? Who is this

My cousin said coldly.

"Cousin, this is my new girlfriend, Xiao Xue. This is what I told you about my cousin and sister-in-law. Hehe, my cousin's family is very rich. Today we were just together, my cousin proposed to treat us. We came to the hot spring villa to play!"

The first one was introduced by the young man.

And Chen Ge, he didn't take it seriously.

However, when a few very familiar voice to their ears, or let Chen Ge can not help but slightly Zheng.

Then he turned his head and looked at the crowd.

Yang Xue!

Chen Ge was surprised.

This is not my girlfriend, no, it should be ex girlfriend Yang Xue.

What a coincidence.

I met her here!

The other three boys are Lu Yang, Xu Dong and Huang Mao.

And it seems wrong. I remember that Yang Xue had never been to the hot spring resort before. For the first time, she was brought in by Lu Yang's brother, but at that time, she was beaten in the face.

Why did you come to the hot spring villa instead?

Is it true as Ziyan sister said, his arrival, destroyed some laws?

But now I don't think so much about it. Although I've long been indifferent to Yang Xue, I just broke up, turned my head and stayed with others, and let myself collide with each other, which made Chen Ge feel strange.

And Chen Ge Leng God's Kung Fu, Lu Yang they obviously also noticed the existence of Chen Ge.

At present, a few pairs of eyes together, are a little surprised.

In particular, Yang Xue's face turned red. Now, she would like to find a hole in the ground.

"Chen Chen Ge? "

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Yang Xue is nervous.

"You Don't get me wrong. We were studying, so we decided to come out and have fun

Although broke up, but this kind of situation, still let Yang Xue some embarrassment.

"Oh, that's good. Go and play!"

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect to be so exciting. Brother Yang, just in the car, I said that the boy was like Chen Ge. I didn't expect it was really!"

"I'm a poor man. Now I must be hit hard. To tell you the truth, Yang Xue will be our sister-in-law in the future. Even if you know it, if you dare to pester Yang Xue, you will be killed!"

Huang Mao said maliciously.

And Yang Xue also managed her hair, raised her eyes and looked at Chen Ge slightly, trying to see what expression Chen Ge had.

Although this kind of result is too cruel for Chen Ge, girls, especially some vain girls like Yang Xue, especially want to see the expression of boys' jealousy for themselves.However, Chen GE's face in addition to a bitter smile is a bitter smile.

Now think about it, I think it was naive before.

"What do you mean, Chen Ge?"

But Yang Xue is a little unhappy, especially Chen Ge that kind of indifferent expression, let Yang Xue very dissatisfied.

"It doesn't mean much!"

Chen gedao.

"Hum, you silly B, let me tell you clearly, I have long liked Yang Shao. You are a poor man. Only a fool can look up to you!"

Yang Xue angry way.

"What's more, don't blame me. If you want to blame, you should blame yourself for not striving for success and staying with Yang less. I can have famous brand cosmetics and bags, and now I can come to hot spring villa to play. What about you? You are nothing! " Yang Xue may be blushing with shame, and now he is eager.

"Lu Yang, who is this man? Are you classmates?"

And the girl on the side spoke at the moment.

"Ha ha ha, he is d Si of our school and Yang Xue's ex boyfriend!"

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Lu Yang was obviously excited.

"Hum, what did I think the goods were for? Just now, I wanted to break into the villa and was blown out by the security guard!"

The girl was more disdainful and hostile.

"What? Chen Ge, do you still want to enter the hot spring villa

Yang Xue was surprised.

"Do you know where this is? Do you think you can get in? "

Yang Xue now how to see, feel Chen Ge is a stupid pig, how could he have taken a fancy to him?

"OK, don't talk nonsense with him, waste our time, Lu Yang, Xiao Xue, it's late, let's go in and play together!"

Said the girl.

"Well, snow, let's go in."

Lu Yang also holds Yang Xue's shoulder in a show off manner, and the people walk towards it.

"Sorry, I have just been informed that the villa is closed today. No one is allowed to enter it!"

But this time, he was stopped by the security guard.

"What do you mean? We have tickets! "

The girl did not understand.

"From now on, the ticket is invalid. If you have any objection, please feel free to complain!"

The security guard said coldly.

And the girl at the moment can only be anxious, indeed, they said void, it is void, she dare not have any action.

"Can I ask why?"

The girl finally said reluctantly.

"Today, Chen Shao, the boss of Jinling commercial group, is coming. Therefore, the villa is temporarily open to receive Chen Shao."

Said the security guard.

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"What? Chen Shao, the boss of the group? "

Although the girl did not know who Chen Shao was, she was very clear about the concept of Jinling commercial group.

The whole commercial street, together with the villa, is owned by Jinling group.

What kind of existence does the boss have to be.

Obviously, Lu Yang and Yang Xue both know the power of Jinling business group. At the moment, they all have some saliva.

"Get out of the way. It's the senior management of our group coming out! I think Chen Shao is coming! "

At the moment, the security guard saw that many high-level managers were pouring out of the villa, and their looks were very nervous, which made them get out of the way.

The girl Yang Xue hears the speech and quickly hides to one side.

"Well? Don't you hear me? Get out of here

The security guard looked at Chen Ge standing at the door, standing still, angry at the moment.

"This boy, are you stupid

Lu Yang and Xu Dong despised the way.

"It's speechless, stupid B!" Yang Xue is also holding the shoulder cold voice.

And the security guard sees Chen Ge take his words as fart.

"Looking for death!"

At present, he picked up the stick and threw it at Chen Ge.

However, Chen Ge gently pointed and snapped, the stick flew out, and the security guard rolled directly on the ground.

At the moment, his face was full of horror.

"I am your dear Chen Shao!"

Chen Ge looked at him and said faintly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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