The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 724: 724

"What? Who do you say you are? "

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The security guard said in dismay.

In any case, he could not imagine that the poor young man in front of him would dare to call him Chen Shao.

Of course, just look at the appearance, he will not believe it.

To his surprise.

This young man's eyes.

He didn't pay much attention just now.

At the moment, seeing Chen GE's eyes, he suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression, which was attacking him.

This momentum, let his back cold, coupled with the young man's terrible force.

He had no reason not to believe, or to say, not to believe.

Now, he was stunned.

And Yang Xue, they are also stunned.

"Ha ha ha, Chen Ge, did I hear you correctly? Who do you say you are? "

Yang Xue said with a smile.

Just now, Yang Xue thought Chen Ge was going to be beaten. Unexpectedly, Chen Ge still had such skills.

In contrast, her focus is Chen GE's words, he said he was Chen Shao.

Who is Chen Shao? But the richest man in Jinling is famous.

If he is Chen Shao, is he not Mrs. Chen Shao? No, it's the former lady. How could that be!

In particular, when Chen Ge says that she is Chen Shao, Yang Xue is suddenly flustered. It is clear that he has nothing to do with this person, but why is he afraid.

In the blink of an eye, Li Zhenguo has arrived at the door.

At this moment, my sister must have told him some things, and also gave him a picture of himself.

Zhenguo ran towards himself with all his heart.

"Chen Shao!"

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He made a deep bow and bent straight 90 degrees.

"Chen Shao

And the Group executives behind him also called in unison.

Yes, the young people in front of us are not other people, but Chen Ge, who was raised by his family in poverty!


This time, Yang Xue and Lu Yang are totally stupid.

Lu Yang, in particular, turned green.

In his eyes, the poor force is actually big and small, and even general manager Li has to bow down and bow?

Their breath gradually shortness of breath, hoping to find a seam to drill in.

"Well, Mr. Li, I have something important to discuss with you. Let's go to the office and talk about it."

Chen Ge nodded.

"Yes, Chen Shao!"

Li Zhenguo said.

I'm going in.

"Wait a minute!"

Yang Xue couldn't help but roar.

"Well? What can I do for you, miss

Li Zhenguo looks at her.

"Mr. Li, are you sure you are not mistaken? His name is Chen Ge. He is from our school, not Chen Shao! How could he be Chen Shao? "

Yang Xue stopped Li Zhenguo road.

"Of course, there is no mistake, and Chen Shao is also called Chen Ge!"

Li Zhenguo said calmly.

"No way, it can't be!"

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Yang Xue fell back two steps. It seems that Li Zhenguo's words just now are not words, but a thunder full of destructive atmosphere. In an instant, it scattered all the hopes and hopes of Yang Xue.

I also lost everything in this moment.

"Little song!"

Don't mention how sorry Yang Xue is now.

"Forget it, now that you've got it, don't be entangled. Live a good life. I still have something to do!"

Chen Ge did not pay attention to her, but directly into the hot spring villa.

Only left the stunned people, and remorseful Yang Xue.

"Chen Shao, you are right. Recently, there is indeed a Yunding villa to be auctioned. Do you want to buy it?"

In the office, Li asked.

To tell you the truth, this is Li Zhenguo's first contact with Chen Shao. Unexpectedly, Chen Shao is not the same as he expected.

He thought that Chen Shao had been raised for such a long time, even if he knew his identity, how could he need a period of transitional period.

He would appear in front of everyone with an image of shyness, embarrassment and honesty. What Li Zhenguo didn't expect was that Chen Shao was very courageous and gave people a strong sense of oppression when he came up.

It's so direct that it's almost breathless.

"Well, not only do you want to buy it, but also, I want you to immediately set up an engineering team to cut the mountain under the villa of Yunding mountain. There is a huge stone in it. It's very useful for me. You can finish it in six days. How do you do it? I don't need to say more about it."

Chen Ge said.

"I I understand! "

Li Zhenguo originally wanted to ask why, but when the words came to his mouth, he had to swallow it.

He knows that some questions should be asked by himself, and some questions are not his own."Chen Shao, I'll do it now!"

He replied.

After arranging the work, Chen Ge will wait for the next few days.

Of course, this is a lifetime opportunity to go back to the past.

Therefore, taking advantage of this Kung Fu, I have to make up for all my regrets about Mu Han.

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At that time, I always said that when we get married, we will make you the happiest woman in the world.

However, I did not.

Mu Han had an accident. It can be said that he didn't give her anything.

Mu Han's short-term consideration is not to let Chen Han's happiness go together.

After that, Chen Ge went back to school.

He came to the milk tea shop.

"Milk tea, boss!"

Chen Ge said.

"You, you, you, are you finished? Do you have any money

The boss was terrified.

"Don't change it!"

This time, Chen Ge directly took out the 100 denomination notes to him.

The boss was surprised: "can't it be stolen?"

"You are so good at making milk tea, but there is too much nonsense. Hurry up!"

Chen Ge was speechless.

"Well, come on

The boss didn't say much. Soon, a cup of milk tea was handed to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge took it and walked towards the broadcasting and hosting department.

Su Muhan's classroom.

At the moment, a male teacher is talking about it.

Suddenly, the door of the classroom was pushed open.

All the students looked up at the door.

Seeing Chen Ge with milk tea, everyone was stunned.

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After all, almost the whole school knows that he is a loser without money. How can he come to the Department of broadcasting and hosting?

"Muhan, look, it's him!"

Su Muhan was taking notes, but he came back to his senses after being rammed.

Looking up at the man, her pretty face flashed a blush.

"What do you do? What are you doing in our class

The teacher held the spectacle frame.

Asked the cold voice.

Chen Ge ignored, with one hand in his pocket, went straight to Su Muhan.

"This is the milk tea I owe you. I'll give it back to you!"

Chen Ge puts milk tea in front of Mu Han.


There was a wolf howl all over the room.

Poor boy chasing white swan? Lying trough, a dramatic scene, suddenly appeared in front of us, all of us feel unreal!

"No You don't have to pay it back. Go back quickly! "

Su Muhan also did not expect to be so sudden, at the moment, some at a loss, and there are many boys, have cast a vicious look.

"In fact, I still owe you two things. I don't know when I can return them to you!"

Chen Ge looked at her and said seriously.

"What two things?"

Su Mu Han asked shyly.

"A promise, a heart!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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