The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 725: 725

When Chen Ge finished this sentence, everyone was shocked.

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I don't know if it's romantic or how. It makes a big stir in the whole classroom.

Some even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Su Muhan's face is like a ripe apple.

After Chen Ge finished, he turned around and left.

Su Muhan looks at his back, and has a kind of inexplicable emotion.

She didn't know where her emotion came from.

Of course, as soon as class was over, the incident quickly became popular in the school.

After all, I'm afraid that only in the movie will there be such a scene.

This also increases the confidence of the boys who once secretly fell in love with Su Muhan, but dare not express their love letters to Su Muhan. Almost all the men who send love letters to Su Muhan are about to queue up.

"Hum, Su Muhan, what do you have to do? I really don't understand why so many boys regard you as a goddess. They are blind!"

At the end of class, Su Muhan couldn't stay in the classroom. She was planning to go out with her best friends.

At this time, the same class also looks very beautiful woman, some unconvinced looked at the eye, Su Mu Han whispered softly.

Her name is Xu Meimei. She is also a number one figure in the broadcasting and hosting department.

Of course, the stronger the girl, the more jealous, because she is used to the feeling of being covered by the eyes, when all the eyes are focused on another place, the heart will inevitably be unhappy.

"Xu Meimei, other boys are willing to treat Mu Han as a goddess. Why? How can they like you? How many boys like you?"

Because Xu Meimei has always been very mean to Su Muhan, her relationship with several of her best friends is also very bad.

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"No boy likes me? Ha ha, it's a big joke. I tell you, there are more boys chasing me, and all of them are rich and influential. It's like Su Muhan. The poor people in the school are chasing her. I'm not rare! "

Xu Meimei said.

"I know that Xu Meimei, you are jealous of Mu Han. Now the topic is higher than you. If you are jealous, you can speak it out. What about your face?"

The best friends face each other.

"Topic degree, three days later is the 50th anniversary of the school. I am the host of a group, and Su Muhan is just a substitute host. Hum, who is the flower and who is the green leaf at a glance. Wait and see you!"

It's going to be a fight.

Su Muhan immediately took the sisters away.

She wouldn't waste her breath on such things.

"Wait and see Su Muhan!"

Xu Meimei stares at Su Muhan's back, takes out her mobile phone, finds the number of her Godfather and dials it immediately!

As for Chen Ge, he left the Department of broadcasting and hosting.

First, I bought a suit of clothes from famous brand clothes.

Up to now, he doesn't want to be yelled at by others.

This time back, to be able to meet again with Mu Han is Chen GE's unexpected joy.

The most important thing is to awaken the way of heaven again.

Except when he's free, he takes a look at Muhan. Most of the time, Chen Ge is waiting in the villa of Yunding mountain.

As for his own change, caused a lot of students' shock, these are not important in Chen GE's eyes.

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Because he has already showdown, he is a rich second generation, top class.

This immediately caused a sensation in the school, attracted by countless beautiful girls.

But Chen Ge politely refused.

Besides, of course, there is one more thing.

That is, Chen GE has always been alert, even in the dormitory at night, Chen Ge rest is in a semi alert state.

Sure enough, as the second uncle said.

In addition to him, there is another person who has been watching himself in the dark.

I can feel his existence clearly.

In addition, he was not far away from himself. At the beginning, he was only secretly approaching himself at some time of the day. But now, he has made his identity public, and it is the third day.

Chen Ge found that he was staring at himself more frequently.

Chen Ge is now walking on the road of the campus. His spiritual consciousness is open. Behind him, two people have been following him for a long time.

One of them is a mysterious man, and the other is a second uncle.

"Your own Daoji is not destroyed by this man? Yes, to be close, I have the closest relationship with him! "

But who is he?

Now is the best chance to know him.

But Chen Ge is also worried that he will not be his opponent now.

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I hope that when I wake up to dodge, you will follow me and ask me to see who you are!Chen Ge thinks about it secretly.

Today, it's the school day.

Chen Ge remembers that at the beginning of the school day, Mu Han seemed to be one of the hosts, but at that time, Chen Ge just thought that this girl was very beautiful. How could she think that she would be his girlfriend in the future?

At present, he walked towards the school celebration scene.

At the moment, the school celebration scene is already a sea of people.

The members of the organizers are very busy.

"That Mu Han classmate, there is a thing, I think it is necessary to tell you about it!"

A middle-aged director called Su Muhan aside.

Su Muhan is preparing words at the moment.

"What's the matter, director Yang?"

She asked curiously.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to do it today!"

Said director Yang.

"Ah? What's the matter? "

Su Muhan was surprised.

"You know, these two days, there have been a lot of discussions about you. Isn't there a boy who confessed to you? The school means that if you are still allowed to play, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact, so you can understand it!"

"But I..."

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Su Muhan was in a state of depression.

"But what, I've been confessed by such people, and I still have a face here, really! Do you want us to be ashamed of you? "

At the moment, Xu Meimei came over and said coldly.

There was a twinkle of pride in her eyes. This was arranged by Xu Meimei. Her godfather is a well-known presence in the business community. In this area, she is a big man.

Naturally, it was not a problem for her to ask him to do such a thing.

Besides, he came to see himself today.

With support, Xu Meimei is naturally the core role today.

"Xu Meimei, I know it's you who are playing tricks. You are such a villain!"

Su Mu Han can't help but get angry.

"Don't blame me. I have a good godfather, but you don't have anything!"

When Xu Meimei sees Su muchan's disappointment, her heart is full of pride.

"My godfather is here to cheer me up. I won't tell you more. Goodbye, you can go down and be an audience."

Xu Meimei said and walked out directly.

Although Su Muhan was angry, he could not change anything.

I had to throw it away and come out of the back.

However, when seeing the scene, Xu Meimei and Su Muhan are a little surprised , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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